Unit 11 Flashcards
Voluntary legally enforceable promise between two competent parties to perform some legal act in exchange for consideration.
Express contract
Created by words. Oral or written.
the agreement of the parties is demonstrated by their acts and conduct.
Bilateral contract
Contract has two promises being exchanged.
Unilateral contract
contract is based on only one party promising to perform.
Executory contract
one or both parties still have an act to perform.
Executed contract
all parties have completely fulfilled their obligations.
Mutual assent
There must be complete agreement between the parties about the purpose and terms of the contract.
Proposing any deviation from the terms of the offer constitutes a rejection of the original offer and becomes a new offer.
Parole evidence rule
A written contract takes precedence over oral agreements or promises.
Time is of the essence
The contract must be performed within a specific time frame. A party who fails to perform on time is liable for breach of contract.
substitution of a new contract in place of the original one. The new agreement may be between the same parties or a new party may be substituted for either.
Breach of contract
Violation of any of the terms or conditions without legal reason.
Suit for specific performance
the buyer asks the court to force the seller to go through with the sale and convey the property as previously agreed. The buyer may choose to suer damages in which cassette seller is asked to pay for any costs and hardships suffered by the buyer as a result of the sellers breach.
Liquidated damages
clause in real estate purchase contract specifies the amount of money to which the seller is is entitled if the buyer breaches the contract.
Statute of limitations
State limits the time within which parties can bring legal suit to enforce their rights. In PA it is 4 years from the date the contract is breached.
Partial performance
reason for contract termination. acts have not been done or money that is owed is not given.
Substantial performance
reason for contract termination. One party did not complete all the details exactly as the contract requires.
Impossibility of performance
Act required by the contract cannot legally be accomplished.
One party may cancel or terminate the contract as though it had never been made. Any money exchanged needs to be returned. Sometime used as a remedy to a breach or with mutual agreement to terminate.
Contract forms
preprinted forms that licenses use. They can fill in blanks as long as they do not charge a fee for it. It is illegal for licenses to practice law (criminal offense- 1 year in jail/ 2,500 fine) Changes and additions are usually initialed in the margin or on the wider by both parties when the contract is signed.
Plain Language Contract Act
promotes the use of plain language protect consumers from making contracts they do not understand.
- Contracts that borrow money
- buy, lease, or rent personal or real property
- engage in services for cash or on credit for personal, family, or household purposes
Uniform Electronic Transaction Act (UETA)
Sets forth basic rules for entering n enforcable contract using electronic means and has been enacted in most states. It removes barriers in electronic commerce that would otherwise prevent enforceability of contracts. UETA validates and effectuates electronic records and signatures in a procedural manner.
- Contract cannot be denied its legal effect just because it is in an electronic form
- a record or signature cannot be denied its legal effect just because it is in an electronic format.
- if a state law requires a signature one a contract an electronic signature is sufficient
- If state law requires a written record an electronic record is sufficient.
Electronic signatures in global and national commerce act ( E-sign)
E- sign makes contracts and records legally enforceable regardless of the medium in which they are created.
PA Electronic Transaction Act
Facilitate e commerce and protect the rights of consumers in electronic transactions.