Unit 3 - 7: Neurodevelopment Disorders Flashcards
Mental impairments that result from problems during development of brain or nervous system
ADHD prevalence
Autism spectrum prevalence
Intellectual disability prevalence
Learning Disability prevalence
Common comorbidities of NDDs (5)
- ASD and ADHD (20-30%)
- ASD and learning/ language disabilities
- Depression and anxiety
- Epilepsy
- Asthma
Inattentive, hyperactive, impulsive, emotional dysregulation
Types of ADHD (3)
- Predominantly inattentive
- Predominantly hyperactive/ impulsive
- Combined presentation
ADHD diagnosis (6)
- 6 or more symptoms from either or both lists
- More than 6 months
- Present early on
- Symptoms present in 2 settings
- Reduce quality of life
- Symptoms not explained by something else like a mental illness/ mood disorder
ADHD causes (2)
Blend of genetic, epigenetic, and environmental causes
1. Genetic (74% of cases) - runs in family
2. Environmental - exposure to harmful things
Neuropathophysiology of ADHD (3)
- Defects in dopamine and norepinephrine projection
- Changes in functional connectivity among brain regions
- Changes volume of certain brain area
Defects in dopamine and norepinephrine projection
Production is down regulated (to prefrontal cortex and striatum)
Changes in functional connectivity among brain regions (3)
- Prefrontal striatal cerebellar
- Prefrontal striatal thalamic
- Default mode network
Changes volume of certain brain area
- Decrease in left prefrontal and posterior parietal cortex
- Decrease in subcritical areas (amygdala and hippocampus)
- Decrease in inter hemisphere white matter
- Increased connections between subcortical and cortical areas
ADHD Treatment (5)
- Behavioral intervention
- Therapy
- Stimulant medication methylphenidate (Ritalin) blocks reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine
- Stimulant medication amphetamine salts (Adderall) push more of these transmitters into the synaptic cleft
- Non-stimulants atomoxetine (Strattera), and guanfacine (Tenex) modulate the norepinephrine system/receptors
ASD prevalence
1 in 132 peopl (52 million worldwide), more common in migrant populations (stress) and mental health institutions (comorbilities)
ASD risk factors (6)
- Advanced parental age
- Brith trauma (hypoxia)
- Maternal obesity/ diabetes
- Short interval between pregnancies
- Mid fetal (mid to late pregnancy) development of glutamatergic neurons in the cortex and striatum
- Changes in gene expression in upper cortical layers
Brain changes in ASD (5)
- Abnormal growth of cortical areas
- White matter
- Brain connectivity
- Hyper active superior temporal gyrus (language)
- More slow waves in EEGs
ASD treatment
No treatment to target it exactly
1. Stimulants (like ADHD)
2. Drugs for agitation and irritation
3. Mood disorder drugs (anxiety, OCD, depression)
4. CBT