Unit 3 Flashcards
SAFER assessment tool
Nationally standardized test being used by most of animal shelters nationwide; shows if it’s going to be a good family candidate or if the dog has aggressive tendencies
MacNamara Animal Capability Assessment Model
–reactivity, flexibility, behavioral cues
–recovery, affiliation, behavioral repertoire, engagement, explicit communication
–verbal response, gestural response, novelty response, equipment acceptance, cue interpretation, attentional response
–species/breed type, appearance, size, vocalizations
5 Freedoms of Animals
- Freedom from pain and suffering
- Freedom from thirst
- Freedom from hunger
- Freedom from harm from environments/to have reasonable accommodations
- Freedom to engage in those behaviors that are natural to the animal
What is IAHAIO?
Global umbrella organization over all AAA, AAT, service animals…
IAHAIO: International Association of Human-Animal Interaction Organizations
Why is IAHAIO necessary?
New field (inform people about HAI) Promote animal welfare **Establish standards** Define AAA, AAT... To keep people healthy (prevent spread of zoonotic diseases)
If people don’t have standards of the field, you can easily throw the field down the tube (ex: one kid gets bitten, one person gets rabies…insurance companies go nuts and HAI field takes the heat)
Discuss the Rules of Well-Being of Animals set by IAHAIO
According to IAHAIO, dressing animals in costumes (ex: for Halloween) isn’t appropriate
However, dressing animals appropriate for weather (sweaters, booties) is appropriate
Are emotional support animals covered by the ADA? Why or why not?
NO because they don’t perform tasks
Define disability
The term ‘disability’ means, with respect to an individual
(A) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such individual;
(B) a record of such an impairment; or
(C) being regarded as having such impairment
What is the definition of a service animal?
Service animals are animals that are individually trained to perform tasks for people with disabilities such as guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling wheelchairs, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, or performing other special tasks. Service animals are working animals, not pets.
Must businesses that serve the public allow people with disabilities to enter with their service animal?
Are businesses allowed to ask if the animal is a service animal? Are businesses allowed to ask what tasks the animal has been trained to performed?
Are businesses allowed to require special ID cards for the animal or ask about the person’s disability?
Which are the 2 conditions that allow businesses to ask a person to remove his/her service animal?
- The animal is out of control and the animal’s owner does not take effective action to control it (for example, a dog that barks repeatedly during a movie)
- The animal poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others
Are businesses allowed to charge extra fees, isolate them from other patrons, or treat those with disabilities using service animals less favorably than other patrons?
What is the exception to charging fees regarding service animals?
If a business such as a hotel usually charges guests for damages that they cause, a customer with a disability may be charged for damage caused by his/her service animal
Must businesses that sell or prepare food allow service animals in public areas, even if state or local health codes prohibit animals on the premises?
Is a business required to provide food or care for a service animal or provide a special location for it to relieve itself?
Are allergies and fear of animals valid reasons for denying access or refusing service to people with service animals?
Are violators of the ADA sometimes required to pay money damages and penalties?
Who do you contact if someone with a service animal has been mistreated or turned away?
The Justice Department
- -you can file a claim if denied the ability to keep your service animal with you/charged extra to keep your service animal in the same place as you
- -must document what happened
Name one way animals can facilitate psychotherapy.
Ease conversation
In what way can companion animals in therapy often help children?
Talk openly
Dr. Fine: what is the job of animals as “co-therapists”?
Helping him reach clients
What is the difference between animal assisted psychotherapy and AAA?
A licensed professional therapist
What are factors believed to be the reason that animals are beneficial in psychotherapy?
Animals facilitate interpersonal warmth and decrease stress so that learning can occur
What is Boris Levinson’s belief about humans?
They need contact with animals
When humans and pets interact, Dr. Odendaal found these benefits?
Decrease in cortisol
Increase in oxytocin
Increase in endorphins
Can a pet buffer stressful life events?
In what way do dogs primarily communicate?
Visual signals
Define ethology
Study of animal behavior
How does the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) define disability?
A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of an individual
According to the ADA, how do service animals differ from pets?
Service animals are kept for providing assistance, not just enjoyment
Hearing dogs were associated with what benefits?
Reductions in tension, anxiety, and depression
When did formal training for guide dogs begin?
After World War I
What is a priority health prevention measure for those in contact with animals and their equipment?
Hand washing
Burrows: Service dogs for children with autism may be at risk for what?
Risk for lack of rest, inadequate recovery time and unintentional maltreatment
Who is obligated to clean up if a service animal eliminates in a hospital?
The owner
What care should you give animals working in therapy who appear to be stressed or tired?
A rest or a break
Who do you consult when a therapy animal may have an infection?
The owner’s veterinarian
What animal is the most versatile species of animal for use in therapy?
Which species is most likely to benefit from AAT?
Name one challenge for the AAT handler
Selecting the right animal
Name the 3 influential people who pioneered the human-animal bond.
Konrad Lorenz (famous ethologist) Boris Levinson (father of AAT) Leo Bustad (founder of Delta Society)
What’s the human-animal bond (according to Dr. Fine)?
a metaphor for the numerous roles that animals play in our lives
When was the first time that the term “human-animal bond” appeared? Where?
March 23-25, 1979 in Dundee, Scotland
According to the AVMA, what are the 5 factors contributing to the strength of relationships?
- Interpretation (or misinterpretation) of certain behaviors as human-like;
- The animal’s dependence on its owner;
- Its companion rather than utilitarian role;
- A sense of security afforded by its presence;
- The companion animal’s residence in the home, which allows the owner and companion animal to share daily routines.
What are the 7 benefits of pet ownership?
- Pleasure
- Affection
- Health Benefits
- Nonjudgemental acceptance
- Love
- Connection to the outside world
- Reason to live
How many US households have at least one pet?
What are children more likely to have rather than siblings or fathers?
How many pet owners say dog’s health is important to them as their own?
More than 75%
What percentage of people are better at remembering the names of neighbor’s pets than human neighbors?
What percentage refers to themselves as “mommy or daddy” to the pet?
What are physiological benefits to pet ownership?
- Enhance cardiovascular health and lower blood pressure
- Improve fitness by providing a stimulus for exercise
- Petting an animal is associated with increase of neurotransmitters (e.g.: increase in beta endorphins and dopamine production and oxytocin)
- Decrease in cortisol (stress hormone)
What are the 3 different positions of the theoretical foundations of the bond and AAI?
- Animals as sources of social support
- Animals as objects of attachment
- Biophilia model
What are the 4 elements of the human-animal bond?
- Familial Love (Storge)
- -natural affection and compassion - Social Support
- -support and companionship
- -decreased heart rate
- -decreased cortisol - Attachment
- -extension of attachment theory to animals
- -increased oxytocin - Biophilia
- -love of living
- -instinctive bond
Biophilia Hypothesis
An “innate tendency to focus on life and lifelike processes.”
Literally means “love of live or living systems”
Animals Acting as Social Lubricant
Can act as link in conversation between therapist and client
Presence of the animal can give a sense of comfort, which then promotes rapport in the relationship
Can ease the stress of the initial phase of therapy, establish rapport
Animals can become an extension of the therapist, by greeting the clients, which eases tension and acts as an icebreaker
What is the process of AAT?
- Client: background and needs
- Therapeutic style
- Benefits
Why HAI is so important: Motivation
There is a growing body of evidence indicating that the opportunity to interact with therapy animals can motivate clients to comply with the therapeutic process, to engage with their therapist, and to retain that motivation overtime
Why HAI is so important: Engagement
A recent exploratory study examining the impact of including dogs in adolescent anger management therapy found that sought participants felt that the dog motivated them to stay engaged in the therapeutic process.
What is the future challenge of HAI and AAI?
Demonstrating evidence based treatments
Why do Evidence Based Treatments (EBTs) matter?
- Professional accountability and efficacy
- EBTs are benchmark for most fields
- Enhances the opportunity for replication
- Because we need to document that the therapy works and why
The field must be ready for the future (Dr. Fine)
- Credentialing and certification
- Future direction and roles in HAI/AAI (ex: jury dogs, roles of animals in disasters)
- Development of specialized protocols and specialized training
- Animal welfare
What is AAI?
Animal-Assisted Interventions