Unit 3 Flashcards
se širokým límcem adj /ˌwaɪdˈkɒlə(r)d/ a wide-collared coat, shirt, or dress has a collar that is larger than usual They wore long, knee-length velvet jackets, straight, flowery waistcoats and wide-collared shirts.
(obchodní) značka ** n C /brænd/ a product or group of products that has its own name and is made by one particular company. The word for a machine or vehicle made by one particular company is a make I tried using a new brand of soap.
z druhé ruky * adj /ˌsekəndˈhænd/ owned or used by someone else before you I often buy second-hand books.
protějšek ** n C /ˈkaʊntə(r)ˌpɑː(r)t/ someone or something that has the same job or purpose as another person or thing, but in a different country, time, situation, or organization The prime minister is meeting his German counterpart.
dříve, kdysi ** adv /ˈfɔː(r)mə(r)li/ in the past Ho Chi Minh City, formerly called Saigon
surovec; šikanovat * n C /ˈbʊli/ someone who frightens or hurts someone who is smaller or weaker than they are Dave is the office bully.
žensky vypadající phr /ˈfemənɪnˌlʊkɪŋ/ with an appearance that is traditionally considered to be typical of women You could wear something a bit more feminine-looking, maybe.
odmítnutí, nepřijetí ** n C/U /rɪˈdʒekʃ(ə)n/ a refusal to accept, approve, or support something It was an outright rejection of authority.
the look
pohled, vzhled phr /ðə ˈlʊk/ the expression that you have on your face or in your eyes I just don’t like the looks we get when we’re in a posh restaurant.
rozumný; racionální *** adj /ˈriːz(ə)nəb(ə)l/ used about people’s decisions, actions etc We have taken all reasonable precautions to avoid an accident.
drsný; hrubý *** adj /rʌf/ difficult and with a lot of problems I had a rough day at the office.
inspirovat ** v /ɪnˈspaɪə(r)/ to give someone the idea for a piece of work The sea inspired many of the artist’s later paintings.
dychtit, toužit v /kreɪv/ to want something very much and in a way that is very hard to control He’d craved the attention of the older kids.
look your best
vypadat co nejlépe phr /ˌlʊk jə(r) ˈbest/ to appear as good or attractive as possible You could try to look your best for once.
ozdobený cvoky adj /ˈstʌdɪd/ decorated with metal studs He’s wearing a studded belt.
susceptible to
náchylný k (to) adj /səˈseptəb(ə)l tuː/ easily influenced or affected by something Police officers here are very susceptible to corruption.
dobýt; zvítězit; zdolat * v /ˈkɒŋkə(r)/ to gain control of a situation or emotion by making a great physical or mental effort He finally conquered his fear of heights.
mající krátký život adj /ˌʃɔː(r)tˈlɪvd/ lasting for a short period of time Her popularity was great, but short-lived.
(domorodý) kmen; klan ** n C /traɪb/ a large group of related families who live in the same area and share a common language, religion, and customs In primitive human societies, it was normal for the young to look up to the most successful members of the tribe and to use them as role models.
požadavek *** n C /rɪˈkwaɪə(r)mənt/ something that is needed in order for something else to happen Check the engine’s fuel requirements.
safety pin
zavírací špendlík n C /ˈseɪfti pɪn/ a curved pin with a cover that the sharp point goes into when it is fastened The jacket was fastened with a safety pin.
katalog ** n C /ˈkætəlɒɡ/ a book containing information organized in a specific way, and often containing pictures Here, I got this catalogue from Next.
voda po holení n C/U /ˈɑːftə(r)ˌʃeɪv/ a liquid with a strong pleasant smell that a man puts on his face after shaving He splashed aftershave on his face.
anorexie n U /ˌænəˈreksiə/ a serious illness that makes you want to stop eating and that mainly affects young women. Its full medical name is anorexia nervosa. She was diagnosed with anorexia.
místo; skvrna; pupínek *** n C /spɒt/ a very small red lump on someone’s face Teenagers often get spots.
nadšený; rozrušený adj /ˌsaɪkt ˈʌp/ extremely surprised, excited, or nervous The team were pretty psyhed before the match.
náročný ** adj /dɪˈmɑːndɪŋ/ a demanding person needs a lot of attention and is not easily pleased or satisfied Young children can be very demanding.
uctívat (boha); zbožňovat * n U / v /ˈwɜː(r)ʃɪp/ to love and admire someone or something very much They worshipped political and social success.
utrápený, znepokojený; obtěžovaný adj /ˈbɒðə(r)d/ someone who can’t be bothered will not do something because it is too much effort Most fashions are so short-lived that I can’t be bothered to follow them.
zvonový; do zvonu adj /fleə(r)d/ wider at one end She wears flared denim jeans and loose tops with flowery or psychedelic patterns.
vesta n C /ˈweɪs(t)ˌkəʊt/ a piece of clothing without sleeves that is usually worn over a shirt The suit comes with a matching waistcoat.
pobuřující, provokativní adj /prəˈvɒkətɪv/ intended to start arguments between people or to make people angry or upset That was a deliberately provocative remark.
zcvoklý; úplný cvok (SLANG) adj /nʌts/ crazy He’d be nuts to take the job.
vyflusaný (unavený) (SLANG) Adj /biːt/ very tired I’m going to bed now – I’m beat.
lněná tkanina; plátno * n U /ˈlɪnɪn/ light cloth made from a plant called flax Dollar bills are a mixture of 75% cotton and 25% linen, and if you burn a bill, you’ll see that it burns in a different way from paper.
bohyně n C /ˈɡɒdes/ one of the female spirits or beings with special powers that people in some religions believe in and worship Eris was the Greek goddess of strife.
ohon (účes) nC /ˈpəʊniˌteɪl/ long hair that is tied at the back of the head and hangs down I usually wear my hair in a ponytail.
posmívat se, pošklebovat se v /snɪə(r)/ to speak in an unpleasant way that shows you do not respect someone or something and you think you are better than them He’s always sneering at the way people dress.
zámožný; bohatý adj /ˌwelˈɒf/ rich, or having enough money to live well They worked long hours and became very well-off.
psychiatrický * adj /ˌsaɪkiˈætrɪk/ connected with the treatment of mental illness She’s been checked into a psychiatric unit.
perla, perleť * n C/U /pɜː(r)l/ a small round jewel that is white and shiny and that grows inside the shell of an oyster She’s wearing a pearl necklace.
rip off
okrást, vyloupit phr /rɪp ˈɑf/ to cheat someone, especially by charging them too much money for something Travel company rips off Scotish tourists.
bulvár(ní plátek) n C /ˈtæblɔɪd/ a newspaper with fairly small pages mostly containing stories about famous people and not much serious news. More serious newspapers are called broadsheets, which have bigger pages, or compacts. The tabloids are full of gossip about the case.
(atraktivní) vzhled (o osobě) n pl /ˌlʊks/ the attractive appearance of someone, especially their face She’s got everything – looks, intelligence, and money.
look through
projít si, prohlédnout si phr /ˌlʊk ˈθruː/ to read something quickly, especially to find the information you need I looked through a magazine while I was waiting.
pleť * n C /kəmˈplekʃ(ə)n/ the appearance of the skin on someone’s face, and whether it is pale, dark, smooth etc She has an oily complexion.
have a look
podívat se phr /ˌhæv ə ˈlʊk/ to direct your eyes toward someone or something so that you can see them Do you have a look at the price of clothes before trying them on?
obec, komuna n C /ˈkɒmjuːn/ a group of people who live together and share work, food, income, and possessions He grew up on a hippie commune.
konstatní, nepřetržitý *** adj /ˈkɒnstənt/ continuous or regular over a long period of time His health has been a constant source of concern for us.
požitek; potěšení; zábava *** v /triːt/ to behave towards someone in a particular way She felt she had been unfairly treated, and complained to her boss.
iniciativa *** n C / U /ɪˈnɪʃətɪv/ the ability to decide in an independent way what to do and when to do it The biggest drag is you have to be so passive, you can’t show any initiative, you have to do exactly what the photographer and the client want you to.
mělký ** adj /ˈʃæləʊ/ not interested in serious ideas, strong feelings, or other important things Frank’s a pretty shallow person.
syndrom * n C /ˈsɪnˌdrəʊm/ a medical condition that has a particular set of effects on your body or mind This syndrome causes people normally thought of as being extremely attractive to look in the mirror and see faults in their faces and figures that no one else can see.
nejistý; nestálý adj /ˌɪnsɪˈkjʊə(r)/ not confident about yourself She’s always been very insecure about the way she looks.
otrhaný; špinavý adj /ˈskrʌfi/ untidy or dirty She’s wearing a scruffy old T-shirt.
vousy; plnovous * n C /bɪə(r)d/ hair that grows on a man’s chin and cheeks his thick white beard
projev, manifestace * n C /ˌmænɪfeˈsteɪʃ(ə)n/ evidence that something exists or is present The demonstrations were a manifestation of the people’s discontent.
senzační; ohromující * adj /ˈstʌnɪŋ/ extremely attractive She’s a stunning blonde.
skvrna, vada, kaz n /ˈblemɪʃ/ a mark or spot that spoils the appearance of something Make-up can do wonders to hide spots and other blemishes.
litr (tisícovka) (SLANG) n C /ɡrænd/ a thousand pounds, or a thousand dollars Donald made over 75 grand last year.
obarvit; nabarvit v /daɪ/ to change the colour of something such as clothing or your hair using dye Do you think she dyes her hair?
hluboko zakořeněný adj /ˌdiːpˈruːtɪd/ a deep-rooted feeling, belief, idea etc is strong and you have had it for so long that it is difficult to change I have a deep-rooted fear of spiders.
rozlišit; odlišit *** v /dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ/ to be a feature that makes someone or something clearly different from other similar people or things There is very little to distinguish it from the hundreds of other websites devoted to this subject.
nahradit; vynahradit ** v /ˈkɒmpənseɪt/ to change or remove the bad result of something This payment more than compensates for what we’ve lost.
proud; potok ** n C /striːm/ a continuous flow of people or things There was a steady stream of visitors to the museum.
big mouth
klevetník, klevetnice n C /ˈbɪɡ ˌmaʊθ/ someone who talks a lot and is unable to keep anything secret One time this photographer, a real big mouth, wanted me to bite a necklace.
žánr * n C /ˈʒɒnrə/ a particular style used in cinema, writing, or art, which can be recognized by certain features The novel did not really exist as a genre before the 17th century.
rozčarovaný; zklamaný adj /ˌdɪsɪˈluːʒ(ə)nd/ disappointed because you have discovered that someone or something is not as good as you had believed Disillusioned teachers are leaving the profession in large numbers.
řítit se; chvátat ** v /rʌʃ/ to hurry to do something Hayley rushed to answer the phone.
shrnout; stručně popsat v /ɪnˈkæpsjʊleɪt/ to express something in a short clear form that gives the most important facts or ideas This letter encapsulates our concerns.
abnormální * adj /æbˈnɔː(r)m(ə)l/ not usual or typical, especially in a way that is worrying or that shows there may be something wrong or harmful That’s highly abnormal behaviour.
chyba *** n C /fɔːlt/ a feature of something that makes it less good The book’s main fault is that it is too long.
keep your cool
zachovat si klidnou hlavu /ˌkiːp jə(r) ˈkuːl/ to remain calm in a difficult situation She kept her cool and won the argument.
by the look of it
jak to tak vypadá phr /ˌbaɪ ðə ˈlʊk əv ɪt/ judging by the appearance of something Although by the look of it, it could have been about ten years ago.
opotřebovaný; obnošený adj /ˌwɔː(r)nˈaʊt/ too old or damaged to use any longer Cheap, high street clothes can look scruffy and worn-out after only a couple washes.
nedostatek, chyba ** n C /ˈdiːfekt/ a fault in someone or something There are a few minor design defects.
prošustrovat (SLANG) n C /bləʊ/ to spend a lot of money quickly on things that you do not need I used to blow all the money.
Gót n C /ɡɒθ/ someone who follows a type of fashion that was first popular in the 1980s, in which people have black clothes, black hair, very white make-up and dark lipstick Goths first came on the scene in the early 1980s as punk fashions became more and more uniform.
vlivný ** adj /ˌɪnfluˈenʃ(ə)l/ able to influence the way other people think or behave He is one of the most influential figures in the government.
nesouhlas n U /ˌdɪsəˈpruːv(ə)l/ a feeling of not approving of someone or something Dr Jensen shook her head in disapproval.
volný; neutažený ** adj /luːs/ loose clothes are large and do not fit your body tightly She’s wearing a loose cotton shirt.
kosmetický adj /kɒzˈmetɪk/ relating to the improvement of someone’s appearance Several nuts produce oils suitable for cosmetic use.
rtěnka n C /ˈlɪpˌstɪk/ a coloured substance in the form of a small stick that women put on their lips Do you ever wear lipstick?
pupínek, uher n C /ˈpɪmp(ə)l/ a small red lump on your skin, especially on your face Eating too much chocolate will give you pimples.
světlo reflektoru; střed pozornosti n /ˈspɒtˌlaɪt/ a situation in which you get a lot of public attention She’s enjoying life out of the spotlight.
molo (pro manekýnky) nC /ˈkætˌwɔːk/ the raised area at a fashion show that the models walk along I started with some photo shoots, and then I did a few catwalk jobs.
vylíčení; popis n C /pɔː(r)ˈtreɪəl/ the way that something or someone is portrayed He is best known for his chilling portrayal of a serial killer.
nepochopitelný, nesrozumitelný adj /ɪnˌkɒmprɪˈhensəb(ə)l/ impossible to understand I find it incomprehensible that nothing has yet been done about this.
blbý (SLANG) adj /dʌm/ stupid You gave him your phone number? That was a dumb thing to do.
odcizený adj /ɪˈstreɪndʒd/ an estranged husband, wife, father or mother is no longer living with their family They want to make their estranged father proud of them.
blbec (SLANG) n C /ˈeə(r)ˌhed/ a silly or stupid person You’re such an airhead.
legenda ** n C /ˈledʒ(ə)nd/ someone who very many people know about and admire the Hollywood legend, Elizabeth Taylor
nóbl; extra adj /pɒʃ/ something that is posh looks expensive and attractive We had dinner at a posh restaurant.
bitva *** n C /ˈbæt(ə)l/ a situation in which someone is trying very hard to deal with a difficult situation It was a daily battle to get my son to go to school.
horské pásmo; pohoří ** n C /reɪndʒ/ a group of products of the same type that a particular company makes or that a particular store sells Explore the range of WholeBodySense products and order online.
a drag
otrava (SLANG) n s /ə ˈdræɡ/ something or someone that is boring or causes small annoying problems Doing housework is such a drag.
firemní *** adj /ˈkɔː(r)p(ə)rət/ relating to large companies, or to a particular large company He’s a member of a powerful group that represents corporate America.
rouno; flís n C /fliːs/ a short jacket or pullover made of soft artificial material He was wearing a black fleece.
hidden agenda
skrytý cíl /ˌhɪd(ə)n əˈdʒendə/ a secret reason for doing something, because you will get an advantage from it Does globalization have a hidden agenda?
cvok; knoflík * n C /stʌd/ a small piece of jewellery on a short metal post that is worn through a part of your body She has a nose stud.
vinit; hanět *** v /bleɪm/ to say or think that someone or something is responsible for an accident, problem, or bad situation Another celebrity sufferer blames her dysmorphia on the pressures of life as a teenage movie star.
džínovina n U /ˈdenɪm/ thick cotton cloth that is usually blue and is used especially to make jeans They wore denim jeans and jackets.