Unit 2 Flashcards
obtěžování; nepříjemnost * n C /ˈnjuːs(ə)ns/ something that is annoying and is a continuing problem These flies are a bit of a nuisance.
jasně červený * adj /ˈskɑː(r)lət/ bright red in colour She’s wearing a scarlet evening dress.
směřovat; čelit *** v /feɪs/ to accept that a bad situation exists and try to deal with it Let’s face it, they are a serious nuisance.
baron, magnát n C /ˈbærən/ a man who is a member of the nobility. In the UK, a baron has lower status than most other members of the nobility. He was the second Baron Rothschild.
hedvábí; hedvábný ** n U /sɪlk/ thin smooth cloth made from the fibres produced by an insect called a silkworm He’s wearing an elegant shirt made of pure Chinese silk.
ubrousek n C /ˈnæpkɪn/ a piece of cloth or paper used for protecting your clothes and wiping your mouth and hands while you are eating Would you like a cloth napkin?
vodítko *** n C /liːd/ a long thin piece of material attached to a dog’s collar so that it can be controlled in a public place She had the job of doing basic training with the pups, getting them used to walking on a lead.
guinea pig
morče n C /ˈɡɪni ˌpɪɡ/ a small animal with fur, short ears, and no tail. It is often kept as a pet We know that a hungry fox will break into hutches and eat pet rabbits and guinea pigs.
nevděčnost n U /ɪnˈɡrætɪˌtjuːd/ behaviour or attitudes that show you are not grateful, especially when other people think you should be grateful He accused the United States of ingratitude.
místo výskytu (zvířete, rostliny) * n C /ˈhæbɪtæt/ the type of place that a particular animal usually lives in or a particular plant usually grows in, for example a desert, forest, or lake It’s a rare bird that is in danger of losing its natural habitat.
hrabě n C /ɜː(r)l/ a man with a very high social position in the UK He’s the Earl of Essex.
dravý, prudký adj /fəˈrəʊʃəs/ violent and able to cause serious damage or injury Crocodiles are ferocious, cold-blooded killers.
krůta; krocan * n C/U /ˈtɜː(r)ki/ a large bird similar to a chicken that has no feathers on its head and is often eaten at Christmas and Thanksgiving. The sound that turkeys make is called gobbling. Wild turkeys are native to North America.
lose (your) temper
vypěnit phr /luːz ˈtempə(r)/ to suddenly become angry I’m sorry I lost my temper with you.
zkažený; ničemný; surový * adj /ˈvɪʃəs/ extremely violent You have to be careful ’cos they can get quite vicious if they’re frightened or scared or something.
vačice n C /əˈpɒsəm/ an animal found in North America and Australia with thick fur and a long tail. The mother carries her babies inside a pouch on her body. The opossum is the only marsupial in North America.
zvědavý; zvídavý adj /ɪnˈkwɪzətɪv/ keen to learn about a lot of different things He’s an intelligent and inquisitive young man.
hit it off
dokonale si rozumět phr /ˌhɪt ɪt ˈɒf/ if two people hit it off when they meet for the first time, they like each other I didn’t really hit it off with his sister.
půvabný; příjemný *** adj /ˈlʌvli/ kind, pleasant, and easy to like He’s a lovely little boy.
chladnokrevný adj /ˌkəʊld ˈblʌdɪd/ deliberately cruel and showing no emotion He committed a cold-blooded murderer.
zbytečný, bezvýznamný adj /ˈpɔɪntləs/ lacking any purpose or use It would be pointless to try and stop him.
hůl ** n C /stɪk/ a long, thin piece of wood that has been broken or cut from a tree He used to like riding on giant tortoises which he persuaded to advance by hanging a lettuce from a stick which he held in front of the tortoises’ nose.
get rid of
zbavit se phr /ɡet ˈrɪd əv/ to take action that stops something annoying, unpleasant, or not wanted from affecting you We are not suggesting that we get rid of foxes altogether.
blow (your) top
vybouchnout (vzteky) phr /bləʊ ˈtɒp/ to suddenly become very angry The boss will blow his top when he hears about this.
zbytky jídla n pl /ˈleftˌəʊvə(r)z/ the food that remains at the end of a meal after you have finished eating Keep the leftovers for tomorrow.
starosta ** n C /meə(r)/ the most important elected official in a town or city The election of the mayor was usually a popular occasion.
vyhnat, vyhostit * v /ˈbænɪʃ/ to make someone go somewhere else Wine was poured and the children were banished to their rooms.
poddajný, poslušný adj /ˈdəʊsaɪl/ well-behaved, quiet, and easy to control Ann was a shy docile child.
get on with it
pohnout (s prací) phr /ˌɡet ˈɒn wɪð ɪt/ to give your time to something and make progress with it My job’s over and the two of them can just get on with it.
kotě * n C /ˈkɪt(ə)n/ a young cat Our cats had a litter of six kittens.
oddávat se * v /ɪnˈdʌldʒ/ to allow someone to do what they want or enjoy It’s part of her agent’s job to indulge her whims.
kat; vykonavatel n C /ˌeksɪˈkjuːʃ(ə)nə(r)/ someone whose job is to execute criminals She’s the state’s official executioner.
překážka; potíž; problém ** n C /ˈɒbstək(ə)l/ a difficulty or problem that prevents you from achieving something Disabled people succeed in overcoming many obstacles in everyday life.
opustit; vzdát se (čeho) ** v /əˈbændən/ to leave someone when you should stay with them and take care of them The Battersea Dogs’ Home looks after pets which have been abandoned.
porážka (dobytka); masakr; zmasakrovat v /ˈslɔːtə(r)/ the killing of animals, usually for their meat The cattle were being sent for slaughter.
formálně, slavnostně adv /ˈsɒləmli/ in a serious way He used to wear a different pair of shoes for each day of the year and every night they were solemnly placed beside those he had worn the previous day.
lano ** n C /rəʊp/ a type of very thick string that can be used for tying or pulling things One of the men tied a rope to a tree.
měňavý adj /ˌɪrɪˈdes(ə)nt/ showing changing colours in different types of light They looked like the iridescent wings of a dragonfly.
vůz; vagón (železniční) * n C /ˈkærɪdʒ/ a vehicle with wheels that is pulled by horses, especially one used in the past before cars were invented She arrived in a horse-drawn carriage.
butt in
skočit do řeči phr /ˌbʌt ˈɪn/ to join a conversation or activity without being asked to Stop butting in to our conversation.
mezera *** n C /ɡæp/ a space or opening in the middle of something or between things Fill in any gaps around windows and doors.
reinkarnace, převtělování n U /ˌriːɪnkɑː(r)ˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ the belief that after you die you can be born again as a different person, animal, or thing Adolphus Cooke was a firm believer in reincarnation.
duševně chorý; duševně nenormální; potřeštěný adj /ɪnˈseɪn/ very stupid or crazy, especially in a way that is likely to cause serious problems, harm, or injury She’s totally insane.
(suchozemská) želva n C /ˈtɔː(r)təs/ an animal that walks slowly and can pull its head and legs into the shell on its back Tortoises can live to be very old.
kuřátko; ptáčátko n C /tʃɪk/ a baby bird We say a newly-hatched chick.
lézt; plazit se * v /krɔːl/ to move along the ground on your hands and knees or with your body close to the ground She crawled across the floor, her eyes stinging from the smoke.
pohřbít ** v /ˈberi/ to put something in the ground and cover it with earth There’s supposed to be treasure buried around here.
podrážděnost * n U /ˌɪrɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ something that annoys you, especially over a period of time On top of that, there are minor irritations, like the problems with rubbish bins,
petice ** n C /pəˈtɪʃ(ə)n/ a document signed by many people that asks someone in authority to do something More than 300 villagers have signed a petition against the building project.
štěně, mládě n C /pʌp/ a very young dog I volunteered to take on a pup and it all just grew from there.
kotec, králikárna, truhla n C /hʌtʃ/ a structure for keeping small animals in, especially rabbits We keep the rabbits in a hutch in the back garden.
těžba dřeva n U /ˈlɒɡɪŋ/ the work of cutting down trees for wood There is a lot of logging going on in this part of the forest.
mírně, trochu * adv /ˈmaɪldli/ to put it mildly is used for saying that the words you have chosen are not as extreme as they could have been To put it mildly, Francis Henry Egerton, eighth Earl of Bridgewater liked dogs.
out of hand
vymykající se kontrole phr /aʊt əv ˈhænd/ not well controlled Their numbers have got out of hand.
get involved
být zainteresovaný; zapojit se phr /ˌɡet ɪnˈvɒlvd/ if you get involved in something, you begin to take part in it More people need to get involved in local charities.
být v rozporu; střetnou se ** v /klæʃ/ a fight or battle between two groups of people Urban fox lovers arrested in town hall clash!
svatý/ svatá; světec n C /seɪnt/ someone who the Christian church officially honours after their death because they have lived an especially holy life. Saint is often written as St before a person’s name It was a holy place, the shrine of a saint.
pozemek; půda *** n C /ɪˈsteɪt/ a very large area of land that belongs to one person, usually with a very big house on it He was convinced that his late father Robert had returned as a turkey on the family estate at Cookesborough.
nebezpečí, riziko, hazard ** n C /ˈhæzə(r)d/ something that could be dangerous or could cause damage or accidents One of the most widespread natural hazards is flooding.
blázen; šílenec n C /ˈluːnətɪk/ someone who behaves in an extreme or dangerous way She’s a complete lunatic.
kopat; rýt ** v /dɪɡ/ to make a hole in earth or sand using your hands, a machine, or a tool, especially a spade The children like to dig in the sand.
škůdce * n C /pest/ an insect or small animal that damages plants or supplies of food They say foxes are pests and carry diseases.
účet; účtenka; bankovka (AmE) *** n C /bɪl/ a bird’s beak The duck’s bill was exceptionally long.
rozpárat; roztrhnout ** v /rɪp/ to make a hole in something using force Cats will rip open rubbish bags more often than foxes and dogs are always digging holes everywhere.
plot ** n C /fens/ a flat upright structure made of wood or wire that surrounds an area of land We put up fences to keep the foxes out.
get in touch with
kontaktovat někoho phr /ˌɡet ɪn ˈtʌtʃ ˌwɪð/ to speak or write to someone, especially after you have not spoken to them for a long time I must get in touch with the bank and arrange an overdraft.
predátor ** n C /ˈpredətə(r)/ an animal that kills and eats other animals The birds have to be protected from foxes and other predators.
orel * n C /ˈiːɡ(ə)l/ a large bird that kills other birds and animals for food We saw a golden eagle at the zoo.
red setter
irský setr n C /ˌred ˈsetə(r)/ a breed of dog with reddish fur Adolphus Cooke owned a large red setter named Gusty who used to run away and mix with common dogs.
vakcína, očkovací látka n C/U /ˈvæksiːn/ a substance put into the body, usually by injection, in order to provide protection against a disease Scientists are developing a vaccine for the disease.
pověst; reputace *** n C /ˌrepjʊˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ a general opinion that someone or something has a particular quality The UK has a reputation for being a nation of dog lovers.
poslušný * adj /əˈbiːdiənt/ doing what a person, law, or rule says that you must do The children stood in a little group disciplined, and obedient.
hravý adj /ˈpleɪf(ə)l/ lively and full of fun They’re such playful kittens.
round the bend
praštěný; šílený phr /raʊnd ðə bend/ to become crazy The noise is driving me round the bend.
vyhynutí; vymření * n U /ɪkˈstɪŋkʃ(ə)n/ the situation when an animal, plant, or language no longer exists Many species are in danger of extinction.
face facts
smířit se s pravdou phr /ˌfeɪs ˈfækts/ used for saying that someone has to accept the truth, although it is unpleasant When are these people going to face facts?
štěně * n C /ˈpʌpi/ a very young dog That’s such a cute puppy.
nehygienický adj /ˌʌnhaɪˈdʒiːnɪk/ not clean, and likely to cause disease They’re forced to live in unhygienic conditions.
clear up
objasnit phr /ˌklɪə(r) ˈʌp/ to solve a problem or a mystery Obviously the misunderstanding will have to be cleared up.
hrozba; nebezpečí v/n C /ˈmenəs/ someone or something that is dangerous and likely to cause harm Urban foxes are not only a nuisance they’re a real menace!
dřevorubec n C /ˈlɒɡə(r)/ someone whose job is to cut down trees Illegal loggers cut down the trees.
paradoxně; ironii osudu adv /aɪˈrɒnɪkli/ used for saying that a situation has developed in an unexpected and sometimes humorous way I used to be a postwoman – ironically – as some dogs really hate postmen!
senzační; ohromující * adj /ˈstʌnɪŋ/ very impressive or beautiful The male bird has a stunning tail that can grow to 60 cm in length.
vděčný, vyplácející se adj /rɪˈwɔː(r)dɪŋ/ giving you satisfaction, pleasure, or profit Do you find your work rewarding?
liška ** n C /fɒks/ a wild animal similar to a small dog, with red-brown fur, a pointed face, and a thick tail Fox hunting was banned in 2004.
bránit se * v /ˈkaʊntə(r)/ to reply to a criticism or statement that you disagree with How can we counter these rumours?
(udělat) pukrle v /ˈkɜː(r)tsi/ if a woman curtsies, she shows her respect for someone by bending her knees with one leg behind the other as a formal greeting She curtsied to the Duke.
soudní řízení; přelíčení *** n C /ˈtraɪəl/ the process of examining a case in a court of law and deciding whether someone is guilty or innocent. When a case comes to trial, it is brought to a court and the person who has been accused of a crime stands trial (=appears in court) They’re on trial for armed robbery.
miss the point
nepochopit, o co jde phr /ˌmɪs ðə ˈpɔɪnt/ to fail to understand something She missed the point entirely and thought I was blaming her.
vypořádat se (s problémem) ** v /ˈtæk(ə)l/ to make an organized and determined attempt to deal with a problem, often a social problem such as crime or unemployment Successive governments have failed to tackle the question of homelessness.
přítulný adj /ˈkʌd(ə)li/ a cuddly person or animal is attractive and makes you want to cuddle them, especially because they look soft or round What a cuddly baby animal!
add up
sčítat; sečíst phr /ˌæd ˈʌp/ if a set of facts does not add up, you do not believe it is correct because it does not match other information that you already have There’s something about this case that just doesn’t add up.
absurdní; nesmyslný * adj /əbˈsɜː(r)d/ completely stupid, unreasonable, or impossible to believe She makes the most absurd claims about her past achievements.
slonovina; slonová kost * n U /ˈaɪvəri/ the yellowish-white bone that an elephant’s tusks are made of He carried a knife with an ivory handle.
hladce, plynule, bez problémů adv /ˈsmuːðli/ without difficulty, problems, or delays I’m always amazed at how quickly and smoothly they get around.
trest ** n C /ˈpʌnɪʃmənt/ a way in which someone is punished He had to clean up the mess as a punishment.
kivi n C /ˈkiːwiː/ the bird that is the symbol of New Zealand. It has a long thin beak and cannot fly. The kiwi will run to escape danger.
rozlícený, bledý vzteky adj /ˈlɪvɪd/ extremely angry She will be absolutely livid when she finds out you lied to her.
agresivní; útočný ** adj /əˈɡresɪv/ someone who is aggressive is very determined to win or be successful Today’s executives are hungry, competitive, and aggressive.
výstřední; excentrický adj /ɪkˈsentrɪk/ someone who is eccentric often behaves in slightly strange or unusual ways She’s regarded as being rather eccentric.