Unit 3 Flashcards
Ulcerative Colitis or Chron’s Disease?
Bloody stool
Ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative Colitis or Chron’s Disease?
Ulcerative Colitis or Chron’s Disease?
Weight loss
Ulcerative Colitis or Chron’s Disease?
Ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative Colitis or Chron’s Disease?
Exacerbations and remissions
Ulcerative Colitis or Chron’s Disease?
non bloody diarrhea
Chron’s Disease
Ulcerative Colitis or Chron’s Disease?
Starts at the rectum and moves towards the cecum
Ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative Colitis or Chron’s Disease?
Surgical removal of all the large intestine may be needed
Ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative Colitis or Chron’s Disease?
Cobblestone appearance with skip lesions
Chron’s Disease
Ulcerative Colitis or Chron’s Disease?
Can cause extra-intestinal symptoms
True or false
Many believe that inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has an autoimmune etiology.
There is a belief that IBD has an autoimmune cause. If you look at the drug therapy for IBD, many of the drugs (biologics) that are used now are targeting the immune system trying to calm it down.
Which of the following are complications of Chron’s disease that were discussed in lecture?
Strictures, bowel perforations, fistula formation, abscess formation
A patient tells the RN that they have IBS (irritable bowel disease). What does the RN understand this to mean?
The patient has no identifiable pathology but has a compilation of GI symptoms that affect quality of life.
IBS is a series of GI symptoms that have been present for at least 6 months. No pathology can be found on diagnostic tests. Affects about 20% of Americans.
Patients who have appendicitis have a particular pattern of pain. What location is the pain typically found last and the patient can point one finger to identify?
The pain usually starts midline (epigastric, periumbilical or pelvic) and eventually moves to the right lower quadrant of the abdomen.
True or False
If a patient with appendicitis tells you that his pain is gone, that is a good sign and he probably will not need surgery.
When the pain disappears in an appendicitis patient, it usually means that the appendix ruptured. A patient with a ruptured appendix needs surgery with the peritoneal cavity washed out and antibiotics for a couple of days.
Which of the following statements is true about diverticular disease?
Diverticulitis is a serious inflammation of a diverticuli and may require hospitalization.
True or False
A patient is diagnosed with colon cancer in the descending colon, which is the most common site for colon cancer?
The most common site is the rectum (30%) and the sigmoid colon (25%). Between the two, over 50% of all colon cancer is found in those two locations.
What benefit is there for testing stool for DNA over testing just for occult blood?
DNA stool testing can pick up on precancerous DNA changes and possibly cancer in other parts of the GI tract.
Stool DNA testing can pick up on precancerous DNA mutations which is superior to looking for hidden blood which is a symptom of colon cancer. The procedure is similar to occult blood testing as both take a sample of stool for testing. Both can be done at home and then sent into the lab.
A client with diverticulitis has developed a fistula as a complication. Which of the following statements is true.
A fistula is a connection between two areas of the body and can be difficult to heal.
Fistulas are a complication that results in a connection between two parts of the body (ex: bowel and bladder). They form when there is an infection and I see it as the body’s way of trying to find a way to get the infection out of the body. Fistulas can be difficult to repair and heal.
Define choledocholithiasis
Stones in the common duct
Choledocho- = common bile duct (chole + docho)
-lithiasis = stone (litho)
Define cholecystitis
Inflammation of the gallbladder
Chole- = gallbladder
-cystitis = inflammation (itis)
Define cholangitis
Inflammation of the common bile duct
Chol- = gallbladder
-langitis = inflammation (itis)
Define cholelithiasis
Chole- = gallbladder
-lithiasis = stones (lith)
Gallstone pancreatitis occurs because there is a stone located in the:
pancreatic duct
The number one cause of acute pancreatitis is gallstones. The gallstone gets lodged into the pancreatic duct blocking the drainage of pancreatic enzymes from the pancreas.
Which of the following individuals has the highest risk of developing gallstones?
A 50-year-old Caucasian female who is overweight.
The risk factors for cholelithiasis are the 5 F’s (female, fair, fat, fertile, forty plus), middle-aged, fat, sedentary, diabetes, estrogen (HRT or OCP), pregnancy or rapid weight loss (yo-yo dieting).
Which of the following statements is true about pancreatitis?
Can result in the release of pancreatitc enzymes into the peritoneal cavity or into the general circulation.
Acute pancreatitis has a high mortality rate (10-30 %) so it should be taken seriously. Patients can quickly become very ill if the pancreatic enzymes spread into the peritoneal cavity or into the general circulation
Which of the following statements is true about pancreatic cancer?
It is the head of the pancreas that is most often involved.
The head of the pancreas is involved in 60% of cases. Because of it’s proximity to the CBD, patients often don’t present until they are jaundiced. It is often too late by that time and it has metastasized by then. The incidence of pancreatic cancer has tripled. 5% survival rate at 5 years.
True or False
Patients with cholecystitis always have gallstones.
Cholecystitis can be caused by gallstone or by “acalculous” where no stones are found. Acalculous cholecystits can be caused by trauma, DM, fasting, dehydration, opioid use, or hormone replacement therapy.
What -itis’ have a “chronic state”?
chronic cholecystitis: GB becomes fibrotic and contracted.
Chronic pancreatitis: usually from chronic alcoholism. Very painful situation and often malnourished.
Chronic gastritis: bringing this forward from the other section.
Which of the following can be associated with cholecystitis?
Biliary colic, abdominal ultrasound or CT scan for diagnosis, and right upper quadrant pain after eating that radiates to the shoulder.
What hepatitis?
Only exists with Hep B
Hep D
What hepatitis?
fecal-oral transmission
Hep A
What hepatitis?
leading cause of liver transplants
Hep C
What hepatitis?
most common blood/body fluid transmission
Hep B
What types of viral hepatitis causes a carrier state?
Hep B, C, D, and G
Hepatitis B, C, D, and G have a carrier state. Hep G doesn’t seem to cause long-term damage, but has a carrier state.
True or False
If a patient is very symptomatic from hepatitis, then he or she is more likely to develop chronic hepatitis
Pts with no symptoms and little immune response tend to be the ones who develop into a chronic hepatitis.
A patient has jaundice, therefore is most likely in which phase of the 3 phases of hepatitis?
Icteric phase
Which of the following patients is most likely to develop NASH?
A 40-year-old male who is obese.
NASH is nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and is related to excess energy intake that leads to fatty deposits on the liver. Caused by overeating.
What is the cause of jaundice in this patient?
Patient has increased unconjugated (indirect) and conjugated (direct) bilirubin. Urine dark and stool clay colored.
Intrahepatic jaundice
Intrahepatic jaundice causes difficulty with conjugating bilirubin as well as excreting conjugated bilirubin from the liver. Both are high. When conjugated bili is involved, then both urine and stool change colors. This would be common with cirrhosis or some other intrahepatic injury.
A patient with liver cirrhosis is asking the nurse why his stool floats. What is the best response by the nurse?
High amounts of fat in the stool
Fat in the stool makes the stool float. Bile is needed to absorb fat in the GI tract. Bile is not being made or excreted properly in cirrhosis.
Describe the cause of the symptom below:
The patient cannot breathe well when he lies down, he is taking diuretics (water pill) and has had a number of paracentesis treatments.
He can’t breathe because of the ascites in his abdomen is limiting the expansion of his lungs.
What is an interesting finding in individuals who have hepatitis?
aversion to cigarette smoking
El is 27 years old and has endometriosis. What can be correlated with their occurrence of endometriosis.
Their mother and older sister both have endometriosis, They have not been able to become pregnant after trying for 5 years to conceive, and Their periods have been heavy with intense cramping.
The pain may be chronic (ongoing) but will follow a cyclical pattern that corresponds with the menstrual bleeding.
True or False
One theory is that endometriosis is caused by dormant embryonic cellular components are evolving into endometrial tissue outside of the uterus.
What are the classic triad symptoms of endometriosis?
Dsypareunia, Dysmenorrhea, and Infertility
A patient is asking the nurse about her symptoms of endometriosis. She asks for further clarification. What is the best response by the nurse?
“When the endometrial tissue bleeds outside of the uterus, it causes inflammation and scarring which leads to a lot of the pain and chronic complications.”
The age group that is most commonly diagnosed with endometriosis is:
25-35 years old
The cervix is normally lined with _______, whereas the vagina is lined with _______. The area where the two types of tissues come together is called the ________ zone.
Simple columnar epithelium, squamous epithelium, transformation
It is the transformation zone, where cells are most likely to become cancerous, so this area is inspected closely for changes.
True or False
Cervical cancer is a sexually transmitted disease.
This may be debated, but what I want you to walk away knowing is that 80% of all cervical cancer is caused by the human papilloma virus, which is transmitted sexually.
Which two types of HPV are associated with cervical cancer?
HPV type 16 and 18
HPV type 16 & 18 cause 80% of all cervical cancer cases. HPV 6 & 11 are associated with genital warts.
HPV has been associated with other cancers in addition to cervical cancer. what other types of cancers have been associated with HPV.
Penile, rectal, oral, and vaginal
HPV has been associated with head & neck, vaginal, vulvular, penile and rectal cancers.
Which of the following pathology descriptions is describing a situation that is closest to a cervical cancer diagnosis?
mild dysplasia (LSIL) low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
How does the body normally respond to HPV? This understanding helps explain why Pap smears should be started after age 21.
The body normally eradicates the virus on its own.
The screening guidelines changed to first pap at the age of 21 or 3 years after first intercourse due to many positive responses. The body normally clears HPV on its own. Delaying screening gives the body the chance to do this.
What are some risk factors of prostate cancer?
African American background, increasing age (over 65), diet high in meat and fat, and family history
Also hormonal influence and chronic inflammation
True or False
The symptoms of prostate cancer can look like the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Prostate cancer is usually asymptomatic in the early stages and then as it advances the symptoms are similar to BPH. Advanced disease can have symptoms from the metastasis.
What is a characteristic of prostate cancer?
The most common type of prostate cancer is adenocarcinoma.
Prostate CA is adenocarcinoma 95% of the time.
Which is a characteristic of testicular cancer?
Men are taught to do monthly testicular exams as a screening method.
TSE is encouraged to young men (15-35), as they are most at risk. The mass is painless and does not trans-illuminate (like a fluid fill cyst would).
True or False
Women with triple negative breast cancer are lucky since there is receptor targeted therapy that is quite effective.
Triple negative means Estrogen receptor, progesterone and HER2 receptor negative. This type of cancer is usually receptive to chemo, but not therapy targeted at receptors. It tends to be a more aggressive cancer with a high relapse rate.
What are some symptoms of breast cancer?
Discharge from the nipple, inversion of nipples, change in size of one breast
symptoms include: hard, uneven, painless mass; change in shape, size or feel or breast or nipple, orange peel appearance, and nipple drainage.
What STD?
Most characteristic symptom is a thick creamy yellow discharge, most commonly occurring in men.
What STD?
The most common sexually transmitted infection.
What STD?
Very painful or itching sensation occurs prior to the presence of lesions.
Herpes simplex virus
What STD?
painless chancre lesion
Candidiasis infections are caused by:
imbalance in the normal vaginal flora
True or False
Herpes simplex virus infections can’t be spread unless there are lesions present.
Asymptomatic shedding of the virus still occurs even when lesions are not present. Additionally, people are always contagious when lesions are present.
What stage of syphilis is this?
Gummas are present in neurological system
What stage of syphilis is this?
painless chancre is present at site of exposure