Unit 3 Flashcards
Urinary Elimination is also known as
The inability to empty the bladder can result in
damage to bladder or rupture
- Temporary measure to empty the bladder: indwelling
(Foley) catheter
Oral medication typically given after 3 days of no bowel movement
Wax cone inserted into rectum after 4 days of no bowel movement
Injection of fluid into rectum after 5 days of no bowel movement
Devices Used for bowel and urinary Elimination
-Bedpans-traditional and fracture
- Commodes-can be placed at bedside for resident
- Urinals-only ones for males are commonplace
- Commode hats-placed under seat of toilet or commode; can be used to measure output or specimen collection
Incontinence • Resident care:
-Toilet client or change incontinence garment every 2 hours
- Cleanse the perineal area with adult wipes
- Apply barrier cream to intact skin
- Monitor skin integrity closely
- Allow client to sit on toilet and attempt to void if they are able
- Remain with client during toileting if they are at risk of falls
- Promptly remove soiled incontinence garments from room
Incontinence • Resident care:
-Toilet client or change incontinence garment every 2 hours
- Cleanse the perineal area with adult wipes
- Apply barrier cream to intact skin
- Monitor skin integrity closely
- Allow client to sit on toilet and attempt to void if they are able
- Remain with client during toileting if they are at risk of falls
- Promptly remove soiled incontinence garments from room
Peri-Care for Incontinent Residents
• When performing peri-care:
- Act and speak in a professional manner
- Discourage rude jokes or remarks made by resident
- Wash from clean to dirty areas
- Avoid overexposure of resident
- Check skin for breakdown
Peri-care for a female resident:
-Open labia with nondominant hand
- Using adult wipes, start at top of labia and wipe downward toward anus
- Start at urethra and work toward outer aspect
- Wipe front to back at least three times
- Wipe until area is clean
- Use clean part of wipe with each pass
Peri-care for a male resident:
If resident is uncircumcised, pull foreskin back to clean head of penis
- Wipe, starting at tip of penis and moving downward to base
- Continue until penis is cleansed, using new part of wipe each pass
- Gently pull foreskin back in place
- If unable to retract foreskin, immediately inform nurse
To complete peri-care:
- Have resident roll onto his or her side
- Wipe buttocks with adult wipe
- Then wipe anal area from front to back
- Use clean part of wipe with each pass until area is clean
After performing peri-care:
- Place dirty wipes onto incontinence pad or directly into trash
- Apply barrier cream as directed
- Place clean incontinence pad under resident
- Remember to document
What is a Urostomy?
An artificial opening in the abdominal wall through which urine drains to the outside of the body.
When is a Urostomy required?
When the bladder no longer functions due to damage or disease
Where is urine collected in a person with a Urostomy?
In a bag outside of the body.
Where is urine collected in a person with a Urostomy?
In a bag outside of the body
When should the urostomy bag be emptied?
When it is 1/3 to 1/2 full and at the end of a shift.
What should be done after emptying the urostomy bag?
Measure and record the urinary output.
What is an ostomy?
A segment of bowel drawn to the outside of the body in the abdominal area.
What is the purpose of a stoma in an ostomy?
Stool is diverted through the stoma and empties into a collection bag.
What does PRN mean?
As needed
What is a colostomy?
An ostomy made from the large intestine.
What is an ileostomy?
An ostomy made from the small intestine