Unit 3 Flashcards
what is preliminary screening
this begins after a sufficient amount of applications have been received. the goal is to eliminate all applications that do not meet basic requirements. criteria should be tied to job analysis to ensure legal safety
what are some screening methods
application forms and resumes
what is selection testing
the process of administering tests to candidates to assess knowledge, skills, abilities, and other attributes. tests should not violate human rights legislation and should be reliable and valid
what is reliability
the extent to which a test produces stable or consistent results
what is test-retest reliability
this means test produce the same or similar results across testing ocasions
what is inter-rater reliability
how well tests produce the same or similar results across test takers
what is validity
validity is the extent to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure
what are the four types of validity
construct validity, criterion related validity, content validity, face validity
what is a construct
a construct is an attribute that can not be measured directly but can be assessed using different indicators. eg, intelligence
what is construct validity
the degree to which a test accurately measures the construct it is meant to measure
what is convergent validity
the degree to which scores from two tests that measure the same construct are related
what is divergent validity
the degree to which two tests that measure unrelated constructs are unrelated
what is criterion related validity
the degree to which scores on a test are related to a specific outcome. eg. work behaviours, overall job performance
what is concurrent validity
the extent to which scores are related to a present behaviour
what is predictive validity
the extent to which scores are related to a future behaviour