Unit 2 Flashcards
What are jobs
jobs are collections of related tasks, duties, and responsibilities that are grouped together to achieve work within an organization
what are positions
positions are a specific instance of a job held by a single person
what is job analysis
the systematic process to collect information about a job within an organization. it is typically carried out on a continuous basis
why is job analysis important
it informs recruitment, selection, training, performance management, and compensation
what are the steps in job analysis
review background info, choose sources of job info, gather job info, develop key documents
what are some strategies for reviewing background info
consult the national occupational database for basic info, modify this info to be organization specific. consult organizational charts
What are the three types of organizational structure
Bureaucratic, flat, matrix
what are some strategies for gathering job info
direct observation, interview, questionnaire
what is a job description
tells stakeholders what a job entails including information such as day to day tasks, work environment, work hours, etc.
what are job specifications
tells stakeholders what is required to do a job successfully. includes skills, experience, education, etc.
what is competency modelling
it is an alternative to job analysis. it is a process for determining the competencies(observable behavioural characteristics) that facilitate high job performance. eg teamwork
what are the three competency categories
core, cross functional, functional
what are core competencies
characteristics that apply to all members of an organization
what are cross functional competencies
characteristics that apply to members of a given job group. these are jobs that share skill sets. education, or a common purpose
what are functional competencies
characteristics that apply to a specific job