Unit 3 Flashcards
Phases of Masters & Johnson’s Sexual Response Cycle
1) Excitement Phase
2) Plateau Phase
3) Orgasm Phase
4) Resolution Phase
Excitement Phase of M&J Sexual Response Cycle
Phase one
-Vaso congestion
-Lubrication of Vagina
-Nipple Erection
-Erection of Penis
INC blood flow
-Nitric oxide present in sexual enhancers
INC muscle tension
Ability to achieve an erection can be effected by
-Alcohol consumption
Plateau Phase of M&J Sexual Response Cycle
-Clitoris engorges & rises to under its hood
-Upper 2/3 of vagina expands
-Tightening of vaginal introitus
-INC blood flow (BF) to tip/glans of penis
-Cowper’s gland secrets pre-cum (contains sperm!)
Tightening of introitus info
-Is homologous to the muscles supporting an erection
Formation of Orgasmic Platform
Upper 2/3 of vagina expanding & tightening of introitus
Orgasm Phase of M&J Sexual Response Cycle
-Altered state of consciousness
*INC happiness & endorphin release
-Contraction of uterus (upsuck semen)
-Vaginal contractions
-Emissions Phase
-Expulsion Phase
Emissions Phase
Spilling of semen from urethra
-Ejaculatory inevitability - Its gonna happen
Expulsion Phase
Contraction of M prostate and urethra to expulse semen
-First happens frequently then a delay lengthens between each one
-Intensity INC
Resolution Phase of M&J Sexual Response Cycle
-M cannot be aroused for a refractory period
*Coolidge Effect
-F can go back into excitement phase
Coolidge Effect
Exposure to same partner INC refractory period
-DEC w/ new sexual partner
Criticisms of Masters & Johnson’s Model
-Doesn’t incorporate desire
-Doesn’t incorporate pleasure
-Required an orgasm history
Kaplan & Colleagues Model (1979)
Desire, excitement, and orgasm
-Excitement & orgasm phase = strength
-Controlled by ANS
-Vasodilation is a PNS response
-Myotonia is an SNS response
Criticisms of both Kaplan & Co. AND M&J Models
-Cultural & mood impacts not considered
-Dual control model - We live on a continuum
-Excitation and inhibition
*Inhibition may cause relationship issues
*Excitation is not adaptive and can cause riskiness and potential unwanted pregnancy or STI
-Orgasm isn’t focused on
-Daily diary reports
*Confusion of anger VS arousal
Self pleasure or arousal
-Masturbation, fantasies, erotica, ect
Common Male Fantasies
-Sex w/ stranger
-Sex w/ other races
*Do they not care?
*28% F would while ~60% M would
-Sex w/ someone not their partner
Common Female Fantasies
-Rope bunny (bondage)
*Doesn’t necessarily mean they want to be tied up
-Sex in unusual location
*Doesn’t feel like cheating while experiencing a new partner
Why do we have fantasies?
-Help figure out our sexuality
-Helps escape from dull sex life - INC arousal
-Makes feel confident
-According to sex therapists, they’re normal
How can fantasies be bad?
-Unrealistic expectations
-May emotionally hurt partner
-Self-fulfilling / obsessions
Why masturbate?
-Feels good
-Explore body
-Relieve stress
-Maybe have STI, keep others safe
-Guarantee orgasm
-POS reinforcement - feels good, do it again
-NEG reinforcement
How do people masturbate?
-Anal or nipple stimulation
-Almost any physical stimulation
-Clitoral stim most popular for F
-Stroke shaft of penis w/ varying degrees of pressure & speed
Who masturbates?
-M & F (more M than F)
-Single people or those not engaging w/ partner
-Educated people
*Tend to be single, stressed, have better views, and are more comfy w/ masturbating
-Those higher in SES
-Religion & cultural effects
-Those younger
Scents effect satisfaction and arousal
Penile-vaginal intercourse
-Different positions
Coitus Sex Positions
-Less facial interaction, penis goes in deeper, and can cause F to queef
-Can help w/ premature ejaculation
Side by side - Spooning sort of
-Good for those pregnant, plus sized, and fatigued
Mouth genital stimulation
Fallacio - blow job, don’t scrape
Cunnilingus - Vaginal mouth stim, more likely to cause an orgasm than coitus
-CAN transmit STI
Simultaneous mouth-genital stimulation
Anal intercourse
Sodomy - Penis or fingering anus
-Only use water base lube
-Relaxation is important for person receiving
-No evidence to cause O (orgasm)
-Can heighten and intensify O in M
-Arousal of nerve endings for F
Eating ass, mouth stimulation of anus
-Ecoli risk
F genital Stimulation by rubbing against someone’s thigh/leg
-M: Interfemoral intercourse
Ejaculation and Orgasm info
Usually happen at the same time, but ejaculation can occur w/out orgasm.
-Average duration is 3-13 minutes
-M can prematurely ejaculate (Possibly causing psych distress)
-M can have delayed ejaculation (possibly causing distress to self or partner)
Ejaculation and Orgasm info PT 2
-Society demands F have orgasm, usually leading to O deceit
-F not O may = psych distress of partner
-Some think they can’t/ don’t know they can
-“Femm frustration”
-“no fun” society - F don’t deserve/need/should have O
-Harder to tell
-O shouldn’t be goal of sex
-Most F are good with just one O
Clitoral VS Vaginal Orgasm
They’re the same!
-Reports of feeling different
*Role in act leading to O?
-Freud’s View
*Clitoral O = childish
Why do we have orgasms?
-Reproduction - Upsuck semen
-Pleasurable and reinforcing
-Bonding w/ partner
-Reduce anxiety
-Some people think it will cause baby to be a boy
F are most likely to orgasm:
With a partner who is…
With ____ Stimulation
F are most likely to orgasm when engaging in sex with another F. They’re most likely to orgasm from clitoral stimulation, likely from a vibrator.
-M threatened by vibrator
Why do F engage in O deceit?
-Just want to be done
-If they have a hard time achieving alone, they’re likely to have a harder time w/ a partner
-Enhance masculinity in M
-Keep partner
-Hostile sexism - F that are anti femm, feel that F shouldn’t O
Criticisms of M having a higher sex drive
-F drive usually INC w/ age
*INC T VS E is better when it comes to enhancers
-Correlation ≠ causation
*INC drive or INC T levels?
-Socialization of M needing to be super horny
-F may be more sensitive (need less) to T
Sexual Interest Network (SIN) Parts
-Nucleus Accumbens
-Anterior Cingulate Cortex
-Excitory & Inhibitory Hormones
Nucleus Accumbens function in SIN
DA receptors (a LOT of dopamine present)
-Attention to things we like (insensitive salience)
Hypothalamus function in SIN
Motivation and hormone release
Amygdala function in SIN
Emotions center
Anterior (toward front) cingulate cortex function in SIN
Attention and environmental cues
-Those with ADHD have issues w/ this area’s function
Hormones at play in the SIN
-Natural opioids and cannabinoids - feels good
Pheromones VS Hormones
Hormones are released INSIDE the body while pheromones are released OUTSIDE of the body.
Vomeronasal Organ
Detect mates and pheromones
-Very developed in animals, not so much in humans
-Addition of SYNTH pheromones to a F’s perfume = more action
*It still works, just not as good as an animal’s
F who live close together (in distance) may synch their menstrual cycle