FINAL Flashcards
STIs come from and are…
STIs come from sexual contact and are the most common infectious disease in the US
INC in non-HIV STIs…
50% worldwide!
Younger people and M who have sex w/ men are most likely
-DEC condom use from porn or media influence
-Potential INC in reporting
*Those low in SES cannot *DEC $ for clinics
-Bad stigma and moral conflict
No comfort discussing sex, DEC learning about safe sex, INC in STIs spread
Fundamental Attribution Error (FAE) and STI contraction
We blame others (internal), but if it was us, it would be out of our control (external)
Self Blaming Bias and STI contraction
Good things happen to you, you caused it (internal), good things happen to others, it was something else (external)
STI numbers
-50% of new STIs are from those ages 14-24
*Chlamydia and HPV are most common
-~1/4 of sexually active teen F have some STI
*F more vulnerable due to INC surface area
-+50% of those sexually active will acquire an STI by age 25
Condom use VS patner limitation
Careful, proper condom use is better than limiting the number of partners
-Safe sex is best sex
LT committed relations and STIs
-Can still pass STIs
-“Love” = DEC protection use
-Cannot be 100% sure your partner is monogamous
-LT relationships may not last
-50% of college students report lying to their current partner about # of PREV
Chlamydia rates (2018)
-Race role
*Those black have INC likelihood of contracting
-Sex (M or F) role
*F INC chance of contraction
*F INC likelihood of getting tested?
Gonorrhea and Syphilis
-M INC chance of diagnose
-Same race role as chlamydia
*Poverty role
*Tuskegee experiment w/ black people being told they were being treated
*STR in conspiracy belief in black people, DEC chance of seeking treatment or using condoms
*DEC COVID testing as well
-Signs start 1-3w after contraction
-Bacteria hangs out in mucus membranes
-F are a-symptomatic
*Can cause Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), infertility, & tubal pregnancy (INC in scar tissue doesn’t allow fetus to go where it needs to)
-M show 1/2 of symptoms
*Untreated can cause burning w/ urination, scar tissue on vas deferens, and infertility
-F are a-symp early
*Untreated can cause PID (40%), infertility, and tubule pregnancy
-Mucus membrane
-M show symptoms within 2-5d
*Painful, itching, burning w/ urination
*Untreated = Sterility in 10%
*Can lead to hospitalization
*Later stages cause fever and severe abdominal pain (in M & F)
*INC resistance to medication
-Mucus membrane
-Contact through blood
-3 stages:
*canker on genitals (~3w)
*Skin rash over body
*Latency stage (~1yr) dormant bacteria (Can attack INC organs via heart blood vessels, killing neurons in the brain w/ schizo-like sympt)
-F = canker on cervix
-M = canker on penis shaft
-Canker can explode, exposing germs
*INC HIV vulnerability *Infectious, lots of germs
-Can be deadly
HIV viral infection Transmission
3 ways to transmit
-Unprotected sex w/ HIV + person (exposure to their fluids)
-Mother to infant (Antivirals or C-section can prevent), breast feeding can transmit
-Contact w/ infected blood
HIV viral infection I
-Causes AIDs, compromising the immune system
-Opportunistic infection
-Mode of transmission
*Performing a BJ on someone +, can cause risk w/ precum and ejaculate
-Unprotected M-M anal sex INC chance
*Rectum lining is VERY thing
*20% INC since 2005 M-M sex w/out condom (porn influence and “fuck it” stigma)
HIV viral infection II
-F usually contract via P-V intercourse
*INC risk w/ vaginal wall
-Viral load highest 2-3w after contraction
-Pneumonia - ~1yr after diagnosis, 1 MILLION are untreated
-Non-progressors don’t have symptoms ~8yrs later
-Condoms (hetero) >80% effective
-$ issue, medicines are expensive