Unit 3 Flashcards
The beliefs, values, practices, behaviors, and technologies shared by a society and passed down from generation to generation.
Cultural Trait
a single attribute of a culture.
Visible objects and technologies that a culture creates.
Structures and organizations that influence social behavior.
Popular Culture
Widespread behaviors, beliefs, and practices of ordinary people in society that a given point in time tend to change quickly.
Traditional Culture
Composed of long established behaviors, beliefs, and practices passed down from generation to generation.
Cultural Norms
Shared standards and patterns that guide the behavior of a group of people, play an important role in upholding traditions and keep traditional culture from changing.
The tendency of ethnic groups to evaluate other groups according to preconceived ideas originating from their own culture.
Cultural Relativism
Evaluation of a culture solely by its unique standards.
Cultural Landscape
A natural landscape that has been modified by humans reflecting their cultural beliefs and values.
How humans make sense of themselves and how they wish to be viewed by others.
Sequent Occupance
The notion that successive societies leave behind their cultural imprint.
The state of belonging to a group of people who share common cultural characteristics.
Ethnic Neighborhoods
Cultural landscapes within communities of people outside their areas of origin.
Traditional Architecture
Established building styles of different cultures, religions, and places.
Postmodern Architecture
Emerged in the 1960’s as a reaction to modern designs which emphasized form, structure and materials.
A system of spiritual beliefs that helps firm cultural perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, and values.
A journey to a holy place for spiritual reasons.
Carrier of human thoughts and cultural identities.
Help define what is unique about a place
Gendered Spaces
When a society has strict roles for men and women, certain spaces may be designed and deliberately incorporated into the landscape to accommodate gender roles.
Gender Identity
How individuals perceive themselves and what they call themselves.
Safe Space
Spaces of acceptance for people such as members of the LGBTQIA+ community who are sometimes marginalized by society.
The renovations and improvements conforming to middle class preferences
Third Space
Refers to a communal space
Sense of place
A geographic location with meaning by connecting memories and feelings to it.
Community driven process in which people collaborate to create a place where they can live, work, play, and learn.
Variation of a standard language specific to a general area.
A person who is loyal to a belief, religion, or organization.
A separate church organization that unites a number of local congregations.
A relatively Small group that has separated from an established denomination.
Centripetal Force
A forces that unites a group of people
Centrifugal Force
A force that divides a group of people
Expansion Diffusion
the spread of a cultural trait outward from where it originated
Contagious Diffusion
the process by which an idea or cultural trait spreads rapidly among people of all social classes and levels of power
Hierarchical Diffusion
the spread of an idea or trait from a person or place of power or authority to other people or places
Stimulus Diffusion
the process by which a cultural trait or idea spreads to another culture or region but is modified to adapt to the new culture
Lingua Franca
common language used among speakers of different languages
the blending of two or more languages that may not include the features of either original language
Cultural Convergence
the process by which cultures become more similar through interaction
Cultural Divergence
the process by which cultures become less similar due to conflicting beliefs or other barriers
the process by which people within one culture adopt some of the traits of another while still retaining their own distinct culture
a category of acculturation in which the interaction of two cultures results in one culture adopting almost all of the customs, traditions, language, and other cultural traits of the other
process of innovation combining different cultural features into something new
a situation in which different cultures live together without assimilating
Collectivist Cultures
a culture in which people are expected to conform to collective responsibility within the family and to be obedient to and respectful of elder family members
Cultural Appropriation
the act of adopting elements of another culture
Language Family
a group of languages that share a common ancestral language from a particular hearth, or region of origin
a language that is unrelated to any other known language
Language Branch
a collection of languages within a language family that share a common origin and separated from other branches in the same family several thousand years ago
Language Groups
languages within a language branch that share a common ancestor in the relatively recent past and have vocabularies with a high degree of overlap
Universalizing Religion
a religion that tries to appeal to all humans and is open to membership by everyone
Ethnic Religions
a religion that is closely tied with a particular ethnic group living in a particular place
focused on worldly rather than spiritual concerns
peoples defined in international or national legislation as having a set of specific rights based on their historical ties to a particular territory
Ethnic Enclave
a neighborhood, district, or suburb which retains some cultural distinction from a larger, surrounding area
Ethnic Island
a small rural area settled by a single, distinctive ethnic group that placed its imprint on the landscape
A system of communication through the use of speech
the process by which one nation exercises near complete control over another country which they have settled and taken over
Forceful extension of a nation’s authority by conquest or by establishing economic and political domination of other nations that aren’t it’s colonies.
Ethnic Cleansing
Process in which more powerful ethnic group forcibly removes a less powerful one in order to create an ethnically homogeneous region
the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race
Muslim Pilgrimage. If physically and financially able, a Muslim makes a pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca). They usually make the trip around Ramadan.
A tall tower that is part of a mosque with a balcony from which a muezzin calls Muslims to prayer.
Dome of the Rock
Mosque constructed adjacent to western wall. Believe the rock it is built around where mohammed arrived from mecca and then ascended to heaven
Western Wall Temple Mount
located in Jerusalem, it is the holiest of Jewish sites and supported the Second Temple, also known as the “Wailing Wall
Sacred Sites
the place where religious figures and congregations meet to perform religious ceremonies.
Religion located in Japan and related to Buddhism.
The system of ethics, education, and statesmanship taught by Confucius and his disciples, stressing love for humanity, ancestor worship, reverence for parents, and harmony in thought and conduct
a boundary line between two distinct linguistic regions
a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
A group of human beings distinguished by physical traits, blood types, genetic code patterns or genetically inherited characteristics
Belief that objects, such as plants and stones, or natural events, like thunderstorms and earthquakes, have a discrete spirit and conscious life
Polytheistic Religion
belief in multiple gods, usually that are responsible for different areas of the universe and of human experience
Monotheistic Religion
the belief that there is only one god or divine being
the idea that after this life you will come back in another life either as a plant, animal, or a human life
Caste System
a set of rigid social categories that determined not only a person’s occupation and economic potential, but also his or her position in society.
Pidgin Language
A form of speech that adopts a simplified grammar and limited vocabulary of a lingua franca, used for communications among speakers of two different languages.
Non-Material Culture
Anything on the landscape that comprises culture that cannot be physically touched