Unit 2.5 Flashcards
Categorical statements
- All S is P: Universal
- No S is P: Universal
- Some S are P: Particular
- Some S are not P: Particular
Square of Opposition
A, E, I, O
A Statements
Universal Affirmative
All C are G
E Statements
Universal Negative
No C are G
I Statements
Particular Affirmative
Some C are B
O Statements
Particular Negative
Some C are not B
X in the middle of the square.
If A is true than O is false. If E is true than I is false and vice versa.
Line at the top between A and E.
They can’t be true, but both can be false
Sub Contrariety
Line at the bottom between I and O
They both can’t be false but they can both be true.
Line down from A or E to I or O respectively.
If A is true than I must be true. Same for E and O.
Super Implication
Line up from I or O to A or E respectively.
If I is false than A must be false too. Same for O and E.
What is a categorical statement?
It is a statement that affirm or deny something about a given subject