Unit 2.3: Motives and personality Flashcards
What are motives, how do they differ and what do they generate in humans?
internal states activating and directing behaviour toward specific goals
-> differ in type, quantity and intensity
-> generate states of need/tension which the person seeks to reduce
Why do motives belong in the intrapsychic domain?
motives as needs/urges
can be unconscious
trust in projective techniques
What are basic assumptions of motives?
people differ in type and strength of motives
differences immeasurable
differences cause/ are associated with life outcomes
differences among people in relative number of motives stable over time
try to provide answers to the reason people act the way they do
What do some of Murray’s primary contributions revolve around?
- need
- press
- apperception
in Thematic apperception test (TAT)
What is “need” according to Murray?
potentiality or readiness to respond in a certain way under given circumstances
-> organises perception guiding us to what we want
-> refers to states of tension
What did Murray propose?
List of basic needs
-> different hierarchy for each person
-> dynamic interaction among needs
What is each need associated with?
Specific desires or intentions
Concrete set of emotions
specific action tendencies
What does press refer to and which types of press did Murray mention?
aspects of environment relevant to the need
Alpha press: real environment
Beta press: Perceived environment
What is apperception?
act of interpreting environment and perceiving the meaning of what is happening
What does the TAT do?
asks individuals to interpret whats happening in different (ambiguous) situations
-> assesses state and trait levels of needs
Is the TAT valid?
low correlations with questionnaires measuring same needs
What does the need for achievement (nACH) describe?
Which characteristics do individuals with high nAch scores have?
Desire to do better, be successful and feel competent
-> individuals with high levels are more motivated by challenges of moderate difficulty
-> enjoy tasks where they control the outcome
prefer tasks with available feedback
What is the need for power (nPow)?
What are characteristics of high nPow scores?
Desire to have impact on others
-> control, influence, impress and being recognised
-> faster recognition of preople’s expressions
-> have more arguments with others
-> worse frustration management
What is the need for intimacy (nInt)?
What are characteristics of high nInt’s?
Desire to have strong and satisfying relationships with others
-> preference for warm, close and communicative interaction
-> difference with extraversion: quality of relationships
-> related to good overall adjustment
What does the motive to self-actualise emphasise?
awareness of needs, choices and personal responsibility with the goal of creating meaningful, fulfilling life
What does self-actualisation focus on?
human need to grow and achieve full potential
What is Maslow’s model based on and how are needs ordered according to him?
On theory
hierarchical order
-> need to satisfy lower needs to address highest ones
-> needs lower in hierarchy more powerful when not satisfied
Physiological needs
important for immediate survival
important for long-term survival of species
having place to live, being free from dangers, etc.
Because of social nature
-> being accepted by others
-> belonging to a group
Esteem from others and self-esteem
-> want to be seen as strong, competent and capable
need to develop one’s own potential
What did Carl rogers focus on and what did he develop?
promoting self-actualisation
theory of personality
psychotherapy method
How does personality develop according to Rogers?
according to the way in which individuals manage to get closer to vital objectives
What are aspects of Rogers theory of personality?
develops throughout life cycle
unconditional positive regard (new perspective on early experiences)
role of anxiety as indicator for something being wrong
Client-centred therapy
Achieving fully functioning person
anxiety as consequence of an experience not fitting self-concept
Client never given interpretation or direction
-> generation of conditions for client to change himself
-> requirement: sincere, unconditional acceptance and empathy