UNIT: 2.1 Flashcards
Religious Pluralism (2.1)
differing, and often competing, sects of Christianity
Sovereignty (2.1)
supreme power or authority
Indulgences (2.2)
buying of forgiveness for sin
Reformation (2.2)
when people started to want changes in the Catholic Church
Martin Luther (2.2)
German monk who wanted to reform Catholic because they needed to take information from the Bible as the source
95 Theses (2.2)
Luther’s documents to reform Catholic Church
Diet of Worms (2.2)
a meeting in the city of Worms that tried to make Luther recant and go back to being Catholic
Charles V (2.2)
newly chosen Holy Roman emperor in Luther’s time
Primacy of Scripture (2.2)
when Luther argued that church authority should come from the Bible, not from the pope.
Salvation by Faith Alone (2.2)
salvation from God comes from faith, not good deeds, even if it is good to help the poor
the priesthood of all believers ideology (2.2)
when Luther insisted that all Christians had access to God without priests, bishops, or the pope
John Calvin (2.2)
French-born theologist who agreed with Luther’s criticism of Catholic, but also believed in Predestination and the Elect
Predestination (2.2)
idea that God already knew if one would go to heaven or not
The Elect (2.2)
the people who would be saved
Geneva (2.2)
banking center that centralized in Calvinism
German Peasants’ War (2.2)
peasants that revolted against daily struggles with violence, thinking that Luther would be on their side
believed Luther and Calvin, but differed from both Protestant and Calvinism by believing in only adults could be baptized, simple life is best, and avoided government