Unit 2: Topic 4: African Americans in the North and South Flashcards
How many black citizens lived in poverty compared to white citizens?
- 56% black
- 18% whitess
Which organisation fought for integration of racist trade unions?
The National Urban League
How many branches did CORE have at the end of Eisenhower’s Presidency?
53 branches
Which road was a key dividing line between black and white people in the North?
The 8 mile road
Which sports organisations contained more black players?
- The National Hockey League
- The National Basketball Association
Who was the first African American to win the Nobel Peace Prize and when?
- 1950
- Ralph Bunche
How many black members were in the House of Representatives during Eisenhower’s Presidency?
Name the 4 black members in the House of Representatives during Eisenhower’s presidency.
- Adam Clayton Powell
- William L Dawson
- Charles Diggs
- Robert Nix
Which contraversial television programme documented the Nation of Islam and who starred in it?
- The Hate That Hate Produced
- Louis X
When was the Hate that Hate Produced released?
How many Americans owned a TV by 1960 enabling civil rights to be broadcast?
When was Plessy v. Fergusson ruling seperate but equal?
When was the Borwn vs Board case?
How many people were involved in the Brown v. Board court case?
Linda Brown and 5 others
When was Plessey v. Fergusson?
Which lawyer argued on behalf of the NAACP in Brown v. Board?
Thurgood Marshall
Which test showed seperate was unequal and who led it?
- The Dolls Test
- Kenneth Clark
What did the Dolls Test involve?
- 16 African American children showed a white and a black doll
- 10 said they preferred the white doll
Which Chief Justice gave the Brown Ruling?
Earl Warren
Which Chief Justice replaced who in the Brown v. Board case?
- Earl Warren
- Replaced Chief Justice Fred Vinson
When was the Brown ruling?
May 1954
What did the Brown ruling say?
‘separate is inherantly unequal’
Which ammendment did the Brown ruling quote?
The 14th Ammendment
How many schools were segregated in Washington and within the border states within a year?
How many schools within the Deep South were integrated by 1957?
Less than 12%
When was the Brown II ruling and what did it dictate?
- 1955
- With all deliberate speed
How many members joined White Citizens councils and when?
- 1956
- 250,000
When was the Souterhn Manifesto?
How many Dixiecrat congressmen signed the Southern Manifesto?
- 101
- 1/5 Congress
- All Southern states except 2 senators
What did the Southern Manifesto vow to do?
Oppose Brown v. Board by ‘all lawful means’
When was Autherine Lucy accepted into the University of Alabama?
When did the NAACP fight and win the Lucy v. Adams case?
When was Autherine Lucy expelled from the university of Alabama?
When was Emmett Till murdered?
Who murdered Emmett Till?
Rob Bryant and JW Millam
How much did Till’s murderers sell their story for>
When was the Little Rock crisis?
Who entered Little Rock Central High School?
The Little Rock 9
Where is Little Rock?
How many federal troops did Eisenhower send to Little Rock?
Who was the governor of Arkansas?
Orval Faubus
Who introduced the massive resistance campaign to close schools to stop integration?
Senator Harry Byrd
Who was the student who was famously harrassed alone outside Little Rock?
Elizabeth Eckford
When did Faubus close Little Rock schools?
What did the year with little education in the South due to school closure become known as?
‘The Lost Year’
When was Cooper v. Aaron?
What did Cooper v. Aaron dictate?
States had to enforce the Supreme courts deision even if they disagreed.
Which ruling was defied by Little Rock?
Cooper v. Aaron
When did Faubus close all the schools in Little Rock and what did the year become known as?
- 1958-59
- The Lost Year
How many times was Faubus re-elected as governor of Aransas?
4 times
What did Gallup polls say about Orval Faubus?
He was one of the most admired men in America.
How many troops did Eisenhower send to Arkansas?
1,000 US Troops
How much revenue from the bus companies came from the black people of Alabama?
Which was the first bus boycott that inspired the Montgomery Bus Boycott and when was it?
- 1953
- Baton Rouge Bus Boycott
When was the Montgomery bus Boycott?
How much was Parks fined for sitting in the ‘wrong seat’ of the bus?
Who helped to organise the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
- The Montgomery Improvement Association
- Martin Luther King
What did the MIA organise to help people with transport during the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
Car Pools
How many threatening letters did Martin Luther King recieve a day?
When was Martin Luther Kings house bombed?
How long did the Montgomery Bus Boycott last?
Over a year
How many people took part in the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
How much revenue did the Montgomery bus Companies loose per day as a result of the Boycott?
Which supreme court ruling made segregation illegal on intrastate transport?
Browder v. Gayle
When was the Browder v. Gayle court ruling?
Which Civil Rights group did Martin Luther King form?
When was the SCLC formed?
How many KKK members drove through the black region of Montgomery while the black citizens waved at them after the Browder ruling?
40 car loads
When was the Browder v. Gayle ruling?
Who took part in the Browder v. Gayle court case?
5 women who had been discriminated against on buses- not Parks but Aurelia S. Browder
What was the Browder v. Gayle ruling?
The Supreme court declared Brown v. Board applied to intrastate buses and that segregation on intrastate buses was unconstitutional by the 14th Ammendment
What did the Browder ruling ensure?
Montgomery buses were integrated.
When were the Greensboro sit ins?
Who initiated the Greensboro sit ins?
4 black students
Where did the Greensboro sit ins occur?
When did the Greensboro sit ins begin to spread nationally and how many protestors were tehre?
- 5-6th February
- 1,000 protestors
How widespread were the Greensboro sit ins?
- 100 Southern cities
- 50,000 students
How many people were arrested for the Greensboro sit ins?
When did Woolworths agree to integrate their lunch counter?
6 months later
By how much were Woolworth’s profits decreased during the sit ins?
How many cities agreed to desegregate public places and when?
- 150 cities
- 1961
Which organisation was formed after the Greensboro sit ins?
The Student Non-Violent Coodinating Comittee (SNCC)
What prison sentence was King given for joining a sit in?
Hard labour
How many people were arrested in the sit ins by police who ignored white attackers?
From when did the Democrat’s Party Platform support civil rights?
1948- Truman
Which political party had the only 4 black representatives in the House of Representatives?
The Democrats
How many Southern States had Eisenhower won the support of?
5 Southern States
How many African Americans did the Republicans have in their staff?
Which Republican Party Platforms mentioned Civil rights?
- 1952
- 1956
Which Republican Party Platform didn’t mention states rights?
When we
When were the two civil Rights Bills?
1957 and 1960
How many Southern African Americans weren’t registered to vote?
How many black Mississipians were registered to vote?
When did Nixon visit Ghana and meet Martin Luther King?
Which organisation watered down the 1957 civil rights bill?
Congressional Comittees.
Who was put in charge of the Democratic Congressional comittee?
Mississippi Senator James Eastalnd
How long did Strom Thurmond filibuster for?
24 hours
What did the 1957 Civil Rights Bill establish?
- A 6 member Civil Rights Comission
- An Assistant Attorney General on Civil rights
- Blocking registration to vote a crime- fine of up to $1,000 or 6 months imprisonment
How long had it been since Civil Rights legislation had been passed before the civil rights bill?
82 years
What did the 1960 Civil Rights Bill state?
Penalties for obstructing people from voting
How many black voters wre acted on by the 1960 electoral roll?
What was the 1960 civil rights bill watered down by?
Congressional Committees