Unit 2 - Study Guide Flashcards
What is an anglophone?
Someone who speaks english
What is Anschluss?
Germany and Austria uniting. This was forbidden after WWI
What is the situation surrounding Canada’s Arctic Sovereignty?
Many countries want to use Canada’s Northwest passage to transport goods. The American government does not recognize that Canada owns it
What does Canada gain from the Northwest Passage?
Oil, diamonds and Uranium
What is appeasement?
The policy of avoiding further arguments or war by accepting the conditions or demands of the agressor
What is autonomy?
The right to self govern
Who are the Bloc Quebecois?
A political party in Quebec founded on the idea of a sovereign Quebec
What is Collectivization?
A policy under Joseph Stalin after WWI in Ukraine where people were forced to give up their farmland
What was the problem with conscription in Canada?
There were not enough troops and so the war measures act was enacted. French Canadians protested because of loyalties
What is decolonization?
When nations grant independence to their colonies
What is the Domino theory?
A theory that suggested if one country came under communist rule, the surrounding countries would
What is ethnic cleansing?
Mass expulsion or killing members of an unwanted ethnic or religious group in society
What is foreign policy?
A course of action that a sovereign nation takes in its conduct with other nation states
What is genocide?
The deliberate killing of a large group of people
What is the Gulag?
The government agency in charge of forced labor camps
Domination by a country over another country’s economic, political, cultural institutions w/ out seizing government control
What was the league of nations?
An organization created after WW1 to solve the problems between countries. Included France, Italy, USA, England
What is Lebensraum?
The idea that all German people should be united and that Germany deserved more land
What is nuclear deterrence?
A theory that nuclear weapons are intended to deter other nations w/ nuclear weapons with the promise of retaliation
What is Bandwagon?
Convincing people to join a particular side because others are joining it as well
What is card stacking?
Only presenting info that is positive to an idea or proposal and omitting information contrary to it. AKA selective omission
What is Glittering Generalities?
Words that have different positive meaning for individual subjects, but are linked to highly valued concepts
What is name calling?
Using derogatory words or language when describing an enemy in order to stimulate prejudice
What is plain folks?
A technique by which someone tries to convince the public that his views reflect those of the common person
What is testimonial?
Quotations or endorsements that attempt to connect a famous or respected person with a product or item
What is Transfer?
An attempt to link 2 items in a person’s mind often by linking one of those items to a person’s dislikes
What is the situation surrounding Sarajevo?
They declared themselves independent?
What is scapegoating?
The quality of being patriotic
What are successor states?
When large nations like break up, the states that result are called successor states
What is ultranationalism?
An extreme form of nationalism
What was each country in the big 4 in it for?
France/Clemenceau & Britain/Lloyd George - Make Germany pay
Italy/Orlando - Lands
Wilson/USA - Peace w/out victory