Unit 1 Study Guide: Part 1 Flashcards
Who are the ADQ?
A political group created in 2007 that wanted Quebec autonomy and not sovereignty
What is the American Dream?
The idea that immigrants have the freedom to achieve their goals through hard work instead of their socioeconomic class
What is the Ancien Regime?
French society being divided into three estates and a King
What was the First Estate in the Ancien Regime?
Roman Catholic Clergy
Male dominated
Exempt form taxes
Had political power
What was the Second Estate in the Ancien Regime?
The Nobility
Exempt from taxes
Had political power
enjoyed privileges
What was the Third Estate under the Ancien Regime?
Serfs, Peasants, Artisans, Workers
Could not own land
Paid heavy taxes
Had little to no political power
What is Assimilation?
When a minority group or culture comes to resemble a dominant group
What is Bill 101?
The Charter of French Languages Which made French the official languages of Quebec government and everyday life
Who are the Bourgeoisie?
Middle class who accumulated economic wealth through trade and commerce
What is Civic Nationalism?
Nationalism towards a specific government through voting
What is collective consciousness?
When members of a group share similar values, beliefs, and feelings based on shared experiences
What are contending loyalties?
Loyalties to certain groups based on nationalistic identity
What is Cultural Nationalism?
Feelings of connections between those of a certain culture
What is Cultural Pluralism?
A form of society where members of different groups are encouraged to maintain cultural traditions where differences are protected
Who are Doukhobors?
Religious groups from Russia who were given special privileges to emigrate to Canada and populate the prairies. In exchange they were given religious freedom and exemption from joining the military
What is the Estates General?
When representatives from each estate met and discussed problems and voted on them. Each estate was given one vote
What is Ethnic Nationalism?
Shared ethnic ties that create a sense of connections among people because of shared experiences
What is Evangeline?
A poem important in Acadian History that references Acadian experiences after many Acadians were deported from Canada and sent to the United States
What factors led to the French Revolution?
People questioned the power of the king because they were inspired by philosophies that challenged the old regime. They were also inspired by the revolution in the USA
What were the levels within the Feudal System?
Peasants, Knights, Nobles, King
What does Francophone mean?
Peoples whose first language is French
Who were the Hutterites?
People who immigrated from Germany, to populate the prairies
What is Lycee?
Secondary education in france created by Napoleon
What is the melting pot?
A term that refers to the assimilation of new immigrants into the dominant culture of their new country
Who are mennonites?
Dutch people who immigrated to the prairies to populate Canada and were exempt from military service
What does Masters in our own house mean?
A phrase used by the liberal government in Quebec to become elected and initiate the revolution
Military service act?
An act created by Laurier that forced people to join the military
Napoleonic code?
Civil laws created by Napoleon
What is a nation?
A group of people who feel connections to one another
What is a nation-state?
A territory with internationally recognized boundaries and politically organized sovereign people
What is Pysanky?
Creating and decorating easter eggs which is an expression of Ukrainian heritage
Who are the Parti Quebecois?
A political party that grew in response to the demand for change
Who are the Bloc Quebecois?
A political party founded on the idea of a sovereign Quebec
What is religious nationalism?
A feeling of connections between people who share the same religion
What does repatriate mean?
To send someone back to their own country
What is the royal commission on bilingualism and biculturalism?
A commission made to report on the ways to respond to the growing separatist movement in Quebec
What is self-determination?
A nation’s right to freely determine its political status and pursue its economic, social and cultural development
What is sovereignty?
A nation’s right to self government and control over its own jurisdiction that is recognized by other nations