unit 2 sociological theories of criminality - interactionism Flashcards
what is interactionism?
sees our interactions with eachother as based on meanings or labels. crime and criminals are social constructions
what is labelling theory?
no act is deviant criminal in itself - it only becomes so when others label it as such
what is differential enforcement?
social control agencies use typifications to label some groups as criminal more than others
what is primary and secondary deviance?
lemert argues that labelling is a cause of crime. he explains this by distinguishing between primary and secondary deviance
what is self fulfilling prophecy?
when an offender is labelled, society’s reaction pushes them into further deviance. they have lived up to their label
what is the deviance amplification spiral?
an attempt to control deviance through a crackdown leads to it increasing rather than decreasing. this leads to greater attempts to control and even more deviance
what is interactionism and crime statistics?
interactionists reject the use of statistics complied by the police because they believe they only measure what the police do (who they arrest) rather than what criminal ls do (how much crime there actually is)
young: the hippies
a study in which police attention and labellinh led hippies to retreat into closed groups where drug use took over
cohen: the mods and rockers
what is it?
cohen uses the mods and rockers study to explain the amplification spiral
media exaggeration
media exaggerates caused growing public concern
what is moral entrepreneurs?
called for a crackdown leading to more arrests, and more concern
negative labelling
negative labelling of mods and rockers as golk devils
what are three strengths?
shows that the law is not a fixed set of rules but socially constructed, shifts focus onto how police create crime by applying labels - may explain why some groups are overrepresented in crime statistics, shows how attempts to control can create more deviance
what are five limitations?
deterministic - assumes we have no choice but to live up to labels, gives offenders a victim status, fails to explain primary deviance, doesn’t say where power to apply a label comes from, fails to explain why labels are applied to some groups but not others