unit 2: Shakespeare and his words Flashcards
a type of biscuit
fearless, resolute and determined
damage, slander
monotonous, boring
your flesh and blood
your relatives
to eat out of house and home
lit: to eat everything someone has n the house; fig: to ruin someone by eating so much
good riddance
to be happy that someone is gone
the green-eyed monster
to break the ice
attempt to become friends, find a good way to initiate conversation with someone you don’t know
dead as a doornail
obviously dead, not active at all
to get your money’s worth
get good value for the amount you paid
to be given short shrift
to give (too) little attention to something or somebody
to lay it on with a trowel
exaggerate or overstate something
to hoist with your own petard
be harmed by something that was intended by you to harm someone else
vanish into…
thin air