Unit 2 PPTS Flashcards
mr haines makes me want to kill myself
17th century population growth led to..
colonies growing distinct from europe
What caused the colonial population growth?
immigration & high birthrate
What caused the high birthrate?
fertile land and abundant food supply
European immigrants
escaping religious prosecution & war, economic opportunity, and land
Where did the majority of european immigrants settle?
Middle colonies, western frontier of VA, Carolinas
English numbers decreased because of…
stability in England
largest group of non-english
Which culture(s) dominated colonial society?
Hereditary aristocracy?
No, claasses based on economic status
How was class based?
Economic status, thus socially mobile
save for African-Americanss
Center of life?
Landowners, political power, wealth, right to property
legal but rare
Raised and educated children (8 on average) cooking, cleaning, making clothes, few rights
Where did 90% of colonists live?
Legislatures in the colonies?
Lower house
elected, voted on taxation
Governors/Upper house
depends on colony
- royal; crown
- proprietary; appointed
- CT, RI; elected
New Englant govt.
town meetings, public vote
Southern govt.
sheriff, country admins
limited democracy
who could vote?
land owning white males
religion played apart until the 1690s
New England-Farming
rocky soil, long winter; small farms
New England-Industry
logging, shipbuilding, fishing, trading, rum-distilling
Rich soil; farms up to 200acres, cereal crops, indentured servants & laborers
Cereal Crops
wheat, corn, exported.
Small manufacturing, iron-making, Trading: PHil., NY
varied: small farms w/o slaves, large plantations w/ slaves for tobacco, rice, indigo
Carolinas; timer, naval stores
Goods direct to europe
How did the English control the colonial economy?
restricting money
gold & silver coin
colonies limited to what?
hard currency to trade with europe
attempt to print paper money
led to inflation
what did parliament veto?
things that could hurt English merchants
Major cities
Boston, NY, Phil., Charleston
Roadside taverns
social centers for news & political discussions
multiple religions
(dominance of protestant religions in the colonies)
“Established” Religions
supported by taxes; ALL taxes, regardless of faith
Religious Revival
sparked by Pietism
focus on INDIVIDUAL & god
New Lights
baptists, methodistsq
old lights
minsiters yes
great awakening did what to colonists?
unified them
Great awakening and authority?
led to decreased belief in authority; drive expansion of democracy
highest ed.
human reason can solve human [porblems
sorry for spelling ahahahah kill me
Squanto, youth
captured by english, told to slavery in spain, escaped to england & joined the newfoundland company. became interpreter
squanto vilage
wiped out by disease
squanto interpreting led to an alliance with the pilgrems; promise to aid eachother if attacked and not attack eachother
“a special instrument of god”
decriptor of squanto
first thanksgiving
celebration of squanto teaching the pilgrims to grow crops
squanto alienation
“sought his own ends and played his own game”
powhatans and colonists
ph. gave clns. food until they realized the clns. wanted to stay
confederacy chief attakced
colonial settlements-led to war for 14yrs–act of resistance