Unit 2 Lesson 2 Flashcards
Kingdom Protista
A group of eukaryotic organisms that cannot be classified as fungi, plants, or animals
They have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles
Can be single celled or multicellular
Autotrophs or heterotrophs
Sexual or asexual reproduction
What structures do Protists have to help them move?
Cilia - hairlike structures that beat back and forth
Flagella - whiplike structures that propel the
cell forward
Pseudopod - false foot. Protists that move by stretching their bodies form pseudopods
Asexual Reproduction in Protists
Binary Fission - divides into 2 cells
Fragmentation - a piece breaks off the organism and forms a new organism
Sexual reproduction in Protists
2 cells called gametes join together
Reproductive cells that are resistant to stressful environmental conditions
Diploid adults ——-Haploid spores ——-Haploid adults —-Haploid gametes ——diploid zygote
Alternation of generations
The cycle between sexual and asexual reproduction in protists
Kinds of Protists
Animal-like Protists - cannot make their own food. Can move around
Plant-like Protists - are producers. Make most of the world’s oxygen. (ALGAE)
Fungus-like Protists - cannot move. Absorb nutrients from the environment
Spore-producing organisms that absorb nutrients from the environment
They are consumers. They cannot move. They are made of eukaryotic cells
Chains of threadlike fungal filaments
How do fungi reproduce
Asexual and sexual reproduction
Types of fungi
Zygote fungi
Sac fungi
Club fungi
Partnership between fungus and the roots of plants
Formed from Partnership between fungus and a green algae
They are sensitive to pollution