Unit 2 - Incarnation Flashcards
What does the doctrine of incarnation teach?
That God took on the full limitations of the human condition when he became Jesus
What evidence can we use to prove that Jesus was fully human?
He went through the whole cycle of human life, he was conceived, born, grew up, learned worked, hungered, feasted, felt pain and sorrow, suffered and died
How do we know that God loved the human race so much?
He was prepared to share in humanity to the fullest extent
How does the incarnation affect a Christian?
It helps them to fully value God’s love because we know he can empathise with what it’s like to be human
Which angel announced God’s plan to send his son to the world?
Angel Gabriel
Why is the birth of Jesus important for all Jewish people?
God is fulfilling the promise he made to Abraham and his descendants and he will reign over the House of Israel forever
What does Jesus mean in Hebrew?
Why is the annunciation so important?
It shows that God could not become human without human consent and human involvement
What quote shows that Jesus is a gift?
“The Holy Spirit will descend upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you”
Jesus is a demonstration of which quality of God?
His grace and omnibenevolence
Which Gospel focusses on the role of Joseph in Jesus birth?
Matthew’s Gospel
Which Gospel focusses on Mary in the story of the Annunciation?
Luke’s Gospel
How does Matthew’s Gospel introduce Joseph?
“Joseph husband of Mary, of whom Jesus was born”
How does this quote show that Jesus was born of a virgin?
“Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom Jesus was born”
This does not connect Joseph to Jesus but rather Joseph to Mary showing that he was not involved in the conception of Jesus but rather that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit
Why is it important that God chose Jesus’ name?
In Jewish culture it is the Father’s privilege to chose the name for his son but in this case God has chosen it
What two qualities of Jesus does the virgin birth emphasise?
That Jesus was fully God and fully Human
What facts stay the same in Matthew’s account and Luke’s account?
- Mary is a virgin
- God worked through humans to carry out his plan
- Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit
- An angel announced Jesus’ birth
Why might Matthew’s and Luke’s accounts differ?
Matthew was writing for Jewish Christians who valued the role of women very little where as Luke was writing for non-Jewish Christians so he could explore Mary’s role further
How does John’s Gospel start?
“In the beginning there was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God”
Which other Biblical Book does John’s Account echo?
Genesis 1
What is the importance of the quote: “In the beginning there was the Word”?
This emphasises how the Word wasn’t created through Jesus but is rather an eternal being
Why does John say: “The Word was God”?
A word comes from within a person and is an expression of their inner thoughts and qualities, therefore, God’s Word is himself
What is the significance of the phrase: “The Word was with God”?
This emphasises that whilst the Word and God are united there is a clear distinction between them
What is the importance of the Word?
Everything that exists depends on the Word as it gives life, light and guidance to everything
Which verse of John’s gospel demonstrates the incarnation?
Verse 14: “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us”
What does the Word express to humanity?
The Word is an expression of God’s love and gift of grace for humanity to help humans to learn how to respond fully to the love of God
How do we know that Jesus is human?
He was tempted, he pitied the widow, he wept for his friend, he suffered and died in agony
How is the Son of Man used in the Old Testemant?
- It is used to refer to the speaker, similarly to how ‘One’ can be used in England
- It is used to refer to a human who is taken up to the heavenly court and given power of all the world .e.g. Daniel
When does Jesus refer to himself as the ‘Son of Man’?
Jesus uses it when he talks about the pain and suffering that he will have to endure, thus showing how he is fully human
Why did Jesus accept his suffering?
He trusted in God
When did Jesus fully acknowledge that he was the Son of God?
During his trial before the Sanhedrin he was asked directly whether he was the Son of God to which he replied “I am”, this shows that he has a share in God’s power
What does the resurrection show us?
The resurrection proves that Jesus was always divine and fully God but that during his life on Earth he was limited by human form
Why are symbols useful?
They can be used to express complex ideas simply
What are the three most common symbols in Christianity?
The Chi-Ro, Alpha and Omega and the Ichtus
Why was the Ichtus used by Christians?
In a time when Christians were persecuted it was an easy symbol to draw and erase and it could only be understood by other Christians
What is the significance of the word Ichthus?
Ichthus means fish but it was also used as an acronym:
I - 'Iesous' meaning Jesus Ch - 'Christos' meaning Christ Th - 'Theou' meaning God U - '(H)uios' meaning Son S - 'Soter' meaning Saviour
Or Jesus, Christ, God, Son, Saviour. Only a Christian would make this declaration of faith about Jesus
What is the significance of the Alpha and Omega?
The Alpha and Omega represents the eternal Christ or the eternal God and that they are the beginning and end of everything
Where is the Alpha and Omega shown in the Bible?
Book of Revelation - “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end”
What is the Chi-Ro?
It is a symbol showing the first two letters of Jesus’ name in Greek
What does the Chi-Ro symbolise?
It is a reminder of the death of Jesus and it is an affirmation of Jesus as the Messiah
Why do some religions not portray God?
- It is impossible to express an infinite being in a finite form
- It goes against the second commandment
- Other people can see representations of God as Gods themselves
- Statues and images can give people the wrong impression
Why does the incarnation make it more acceptable to portray God in art?
- It is possible to portray God in his human form through Jesus
- We can capture the human qualities of God through Jesus
- Art can give people a focus for prayer and inspiration
What do artistic representations of Jesus show?
They demonstrate the human qualities of Jesus and can represent him as a member of any ethnicity because the salvation affects all people
What are the messages of the ‘Christ the Redeemer’ statue in Rio?
It reminds people of the continuing love of God that is completely inclusive and the outstretched arms act as a reminder of the cross on which Jesus accepted his death
What are some of the features of the Sacred Heart statue of Jesus?
- Holes in the hand
- One hand pointing to the heart on Jesus’ breast
- A crown of thorns surrounding the heart
- A piercing through the heart
- Flames coming from the heart
What is the significance of the Sacred Heart statue?
It is an expression of Jesus’ never-ending, total, self-giving love that he has for humanity; the final expression of this love was his death which is why there are several examples of imagery that serve as reminders of the crucifixion
What is the symbolism of the crucifix?
It is a reminder of the pain and suffering which Jesus endured and it reminds people that Jesus freed all people from pain and suffering
What is the symbolism of the crucifix?
It is a reminder of the pain and suffering which Jesus endured and it reminds people that Jesus freed all people from pain and suffering
Why are some Christians against portraying Jesus in art?
- They believe it goes against the second commandment
- It is not possible to know what Jesus looked like
- Jesus is still infinite and divine even if he has a human form
Why are statues of Jesus helpful?
They help people to concentrate on aspects of Jesus’ teachings and life
What part of the Bible to do the Ten Commandments come from?
Matthew 5: 1-12; they are part of the Sermon on the Mount which is Matthew 5-7
What did Jesus do to the old law?
He took the law and perfected it by teaching people how to change their attitudes and not just their actions .e.g. instead of not committing adultery, not letting any lustful thoughts develop
What effect does the perfection of the old law have on Christians?
It allows them to experience the quiet peace that comes from being in control of their own lives
What is the Bible reference for the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats?
Matthew 25: 31-46
What message does Jesus give us through the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats?
Jesus tells us to care for other people because he is in every one of those people
Why is tradition an important part of Christianity?
Tradition help Christians to understand more fully what God has revealed because following teachings that are thousands of years old and have always been endorsed reassures Christians that what they are following is true
What does St Irenaeus teach about Jesus?
- The Son was with the Father from the beginning
- The Son, as the Word, spoke through the prophets in the Old Testament
- Humans receive grace through the Word
- The Word shows people what God is like
- The qualities that humans value in Jesus are also found in God and they also appear in other people
- Jesus is the perfect human being
Why is it important to present God as both fully human and fully God?
- When the focus is too much on Jesus as God it can lead to the understanding that Jesus is simply God in disguise
- When the focus is too much on Jesus as Human it can lead to the understanding that Jesus is not God but rather a very good human being
What does Dei Verbum 4 shows about Jesus as fully God and fully human?
- God is revealed in Jesus and speaks through Jesus
- Jesus is sent to humanity to be among his people
What does Verbum Domini 12 shows about Jesus as fully God and fully human?
- As a human being Jesus was fully in tune with God’s will
- The incarnation meant that the Word of God deliberately limited himself so that humans could make sense of the will of God
- Jesus gave himself into God’s hands through the human act of dying
What is the significance of grace?
Grace is the life-force of the Trinity, the mutual love between the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit; this love unites the Trinity in their dynamic and makes things happen as well as pouring out into people’s hearts and allowing them to share in divine life
T/F: Humans are forced to accept the gift of grace from God
False: People can choose to accept or reject the gift of grace
Why is grace so important?
Even though humans are sinful God still pours grace into our hearts and encourage us to engage in a deeper relationship with God
What does grace do for humans?
- It strengthens us to do what God wants
- It enables people to become more aware of what God wants for each of them
- It allows them to enter into a deeper relationship with God
What is the Sacramental Nature of Reality?
This is the holiness caused by the unity of God and man through the incarnation
Describe the sacramental nature of reality
This is the idea that the whole of creation is holy and infused with the presence of God, not only because he created it but also because God has touched it and made it holy through Jesus
List the seven sacraments
Baptism, reconciliation, communion, confirmation, holy orders, marriage and the sacrament of the sick
Why are sacraments important?
It allows Catholic to deepen their relationship with God and it is a gift of grace to the believer
What is the symbolism/effect of the seven sacraments?
Baptism: the cleansing of original sin
Communion: receiving the fullness of Christ
Reconciliation: the passing on of God’s power of forgiveness
Confirmation: receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit
Marriage: accepting another person as a partner for life
Ordination: conferring the dignity of priesthood
Sacrament of the Sick: strengthening and forgiveness
Why are Catholics against abortion?
This is because they believe that all humans are made in the image of God and from the moment of conception they have the potential for human life