Topic 1 - Creation - Key Words Flashcards
Creation of Adam
A section of the painting in the Sistine Chapel painted by Michelangelo
The idea that God is outside and and beyond life on Earth and the universe - a quality of God
Almighty and having unlimited power - a quality of God
Free Will
The belief that God gives people the opportunity to make their own decisions
The Hebrew word for humanity which many people say is the name of the first man
The idea that believers have a duty to look after the environment on behalf of God
Being worthy of honour and respect
Sanctity of Life
The belief that all life is holy as it is created and loved by God therefore, human life should not be abused ir misused
‘One who is sent out’; the name given to those disciples who became leaders of the early church
The teaching authority of the Catholic Church which is exercised by the Bishops and Popes
Sacred Scripture
The holy writings of a religion that are believed to be inspired by God
Someone who believes that the Bible is a factual record that describes events exactly as they happened and with no inaccuracies because it is a divinely inspired piece of writing
Natural Law
Moral principles and values that are considered to be inherent to humans
Second Vatican Council
A series of important gatherings of all Catholic Bishops between the years 1962 and 1965 which updated many Catholic teachings
People who tell others how to live but do not follow those standards themselves
Relying or depending on each other, as a change to one thing affects others as well
Only using resources at the rate of which they can be renewed