Unit 2 Health Flashcards
Some types of food are considered to be good for our health. Others can cause long-term health problems if they are consumed in large quantities.
the drug is ingested either by eating or by injection
Preoccupied with sth
تنها priority همین است
My father is always preoccupied with money
Pharmaceutical companies preoccupied with profit
Fizzy drinks
نوشیدنی های گازدار
Food with ….,…. Content
Food with a high fat or high salt content
Wholemeal bread
نان کامل
Processed food
Include canned vegetables and fruits, instant noodles, breakfast cereals, deli meats, packaged snacks, frozen meals
Consuming too much processed food can negatively impact your health.
Word family
(noun) option
(adjective) optional
(verb) opt coopt
(adverb) optionally
Choose انتخاب کردن
Many young people are opting to go on to college.
It’s recommended to limit processed food in your diet and opt for fresh options instead.
Patient opts for medical assistance
Assistant vs assistance
- Assistant:
• Refers to a person or a tool that helps you.
• Think of an “assistant” as a helper, like someone who works for you or aids you in completing tasks.
• Example sentences:
• “She hired an assistant to help with her daily tasks.”
• “The digital assistant can set reminders and answer questions.”- Assistance:
• Refers to the help or support provided, not the person or tool giving it.
• Use “assistance” when talking about the act of helping or support itself, rather than a helper.
• Example sentences:
• “Please let me know if you need any assistance.”
• “He asked for assistance with his project.”
- Assistance:
Tip: If you’re talking about a person or a device that helps, use “assistant.” If you’re talking about the help itself, use “assistance.”
Some foods are considered to be super foods that may prevent diseases and improve mental as well as physical health
Aging process
Blueberries may improve short-term memory and slow the aging process.
Exercise and a balanced diet can help slow down the aging process.
Lower cholesterol
Apples are a good source of vitamin C. They can also lower cholesterol.
Boost the immune system
Getting enough sleep each night can significantly boost the immune system.
Reduce the risk
Vegetable juice, especially tomato can reduce the risk of heart disease
Seek therapy ˈθerəpi
Many people seek therapy to help manage anxiety and depression.
Undergo therapy
Receive therapy
Engage in therapy
Sharp rise
Or Sudden increase
Or rapid growth
There has been a sharp rise in the number of children who are obese
• It is helpful to classify patients with Type 2 diabetes into obese and non-obese.
• Obesity can lead to heart disorders and other health problems.
Child obesity is now a major problem
People often do not realize how stressful their jobs are
You can maintain a good level of fitness with a simple routine of daily exercise
Food , fruit
The noun of food and fruit can be both uncountable and countable. When we refer to food and fruit in general we use the uncountable form.
I like Italian food.
I eat a lot of fruit every day.
• “Foods” (Plural): Used when talking about various kinds of food or categories of food.
• Example: “The supermarket offers a wide range of international foods.”
• Example: “There are many healthy foods to choose from.”
• “Fruits” (Plural): Used when referring to different types or kinds of fruit.
• Example: “There are many fruits available in the market, like apples, bananas, and oranges.”
• Example: “Tropical fruits are my favorite.”
/ˈsɪ trəs/
Citrus fruits
Catch a cold
Catch the flu
Catch a chill
Catch pneumonia ذات الریه
Contract a disease
Contract malaria məˈlɛər i ə/
Contract typhoid حصبه
Develop Lung / breast cancer /brɛst/
Develop Diabetes
Develop AIDS
Develop arthritis /ɑrˈθraɪ tɪs/
Develop Alzheimer’s disease
Suffer from
Suffer from asthma /ˈæzmə/
Suffer from hay fever آلرژی
Suffer from backache
Have an attack of
Bronchitis /brɒŋˈkaɪ tɪs/ , asthma, hay fever, diarrhoea or diarrhea (American)
Diarrhea اسهال /ˌdaɪəˈrɪə/
Be diagnosed with
تشخیص داده شده
Lung/ breast cancer
Leukaemia ir leukemia سرطان خون
Suffer / sustain
(Major / minor / serious / head )
Sustain injuries — after accident
The driver sustained serious head injuries in the crash
Vigorous adjective
شدید قوی
Vigorous exercise
Do you take regular vigorous exercise?
Balancerd diet
A balanced diet is essential for weight management and long-term health
Doctors recommend a balanced diet to prevent chronic diseases and promote overall well-being.
Personal fitness programme
Programme British
Program American
Do you follow a personal fitness program?
Stick to your program
Do you always stick to your program?
She decided to stick to her program and complete the workout routine every day.
It’s hard, but if you want to succeed, you have to stick to your program and avoid distractions.
Keep fit
In general, have you kept fit over the last two years?
Yoga and swimming are great ways to keep fit without putting too much strain on the body.
A balanced diet and regular exercise are essential to keep fit
Terminally ill
Terminal illness
Die soon بیمار فانی
My poor friend Gina is terminally ill .
He was diagnosed as terminally ill.
He was diagnosed with a terminal illness
Excruciating/unbearable pain
- Extremely painful
طاقت فرسا
He was in excruciating pain after injuring his leg during the game.
incurable disease/illness/condition
Word family
(noun) cure
(adjective) cured curable ≠ incurable curative
(verb) cure
Curable علاج پذیر قابل درمان
Incurable لاعلاج
She has a rare, incurable disease.
run in somebody’s family
Unfortunately, heart disease runs in his family, so he’s extra cautious about his diet and exercise.
A passion for teaching runs in our family; my father and both my sisters are teachers.
Trivial/ minor ailments
Ailment: an illness that is not very serious
Children often get minor ailments in school, such as colds and scrapes.
تهدید کننده زندگی
Allergic reactions to certain foods can be life-threatening if not treated immediately
Acutely/ intensely painful
Acute / intense pain
به شدت دردناک
درد حاد
Severe but often manageable and may be short-term
Excruciating/ unbearable pain is Highest level, very difficult to endure. And is often impossible to tolerate
The recovery after surgery was intensely painful, especially in the first few days.
He experienced acute pain in his lower back after lifting the heavy box
Dull pain / dull ache
It’s not sharp, severe, or intense. Instead, it’s a low-level, persistent pain doesn’t stop
Persistent مداوم
She had a dull ache in her lower back after sitting for several hours.
The headache started as a dull ache, but it gradually became more intense as the day went on.
تجویز کردن نسخه نوشتن
Prescription نسخه
prescribe somebody something
If these don’t work I may have to prescribe you something stronger.
prescribe something for something
the drugs prescribed for his stomach pains
Relieve / alleviate the pain
تسکین دادن ، کم کردن
Relieve verb, relief noun
My doctor prescribed me some tablets, and they relieved the alleviated the pain
Splitting headache
A very bad headache
I woke up with a splitting headache
Heavy cold != slight cold
Word family (noun) injury the injured (adjective) injured ≠ uninjured injurious (verb) injure
فعل آسیب زدن زخمی کردن
in accidents wars, etc., things get damaged and people get injured. Their car was a slightly damaged, but luckily no one was injured.
Nutrition noun
Good nutrition is essential for maintaining energy levels.
Nutrient noun
Proteins, carbohydrates, and fats are important nutrients for the body.
Nutritious adjective
Fruits and vegetables are highly nutritious foods.
Nutritional adjective
The nutritional value of a meal depends on its ingredients.
Malnutrition / undernutrition noun
Nutritionally adverb
The dish was nutritionally balanced with proteins, carbs, and fats.
Prevention of disease
Preventative measures
Word family (noun) prevention (adjective) preventable preventive/preventative (verb) prevent (adverb) preventively/preventatively
پیشگیری از بیماری
اقدامات پیشگیرانه
Dietary adjective
Dietician noun
Dieter noun
Dietary : nutritional
To some extent
تا حدودی
I agree with your point to some extent, but I think there are other factors to consider as well.
To some extent, he was responsible for the project’s delay, but there were other contributing factors.
آلوده کردن سرایت دادن عفونی کردن
1 to kill an animal, especially for its meat
2 to kill a lot of people in a cruel or violent way
Syn butcher
Bacteria survive on carcasses following slaughter
Antibiotic resistance
مقاومت آنتی بیوتیک
How antibiotic resistance spreads
آلوده کردن مبتلا کردن عفونی کردن
آلوده مبتلا
• The wound became infected after being exposed to dirt.
• He was infected with the flu virus.
• The virus can infect humans and animals.
• Drinking contaminated water may infect you with bacteria.
the concept of total patient care
Word family
(noun) innovation
(adjective) innovative innovatory
(verb) innovate
Syn innovate: experiment
Syn innovative: groundbreaking