Unit 2: Chemistry Flashcards
What is thermal energy?
Energy associated with the random movement of atoms and molecules.
What is Heat?
Thermal energy transferring from a warmer body of matter to a cooler body of matter.
What is temperature?
The measure of the intensity of heat.
The change of a substance from liquid state to gas state.
Evaporation cooling
(ex. Sweating- body gets rid of hottest molecules to let the body to cool down )
When evaporation occurs, the liquid that remains is, on average, cooler than it was before.
What is a Solution?
A liquid consisting of a uniform mixture of two or more substances.
What is a Solvent?
The dissolving agent
What is a solute?
A substance that is dissolved
What is an Aqueous solutions?
A solution in which water is the solvent
Ph scale describes and stands for
How acidic or basic a solution is
Potention of hydrogen
Substance that donates the H+ to a solution
Substance that reduces the amount of H+ in a solution
Substance that minimizes change in pH.
Organic compounds
Carbon based molecules
Which element is the basis of almost all molecules that are important for life?
Double bond
2 covalent bonds at the same place.
What are the factors of a carbon skeleton?
-Length, double bonds, branching and rings can vary.
What is a Carbon Skeleton?
-The chain of carbon atoms that forms the backbone of an organic molecule.
What is an Isomer?
Compounds with the same chemical formula but different structures.
Why are isomers important in pharmacology?
The structure of an isomer determines its function.
What is a Hydrocarbon and are many components of ?
-Molecules that has only carbon and hydrogen.
-Many components of Petroleum.
Chemical group
Atoms that are attached to the carbon skeleton
Where is a carbonyl found and how is it identified?
It’s found in simple sugars.
Has a carbon double bonded to oxygen.
What is a Hydroxyl and how is it identified.
Has a single bonded hydroxide.
What is a methyl group?
-Affects the expression of genes.
-Identified by a carbon and 3 Hydrogens.
What is a phosphate group and how is it identified?
-Often ionized because O atoms are negative and can be ignored in energy transfers.
-Have 2 a phosphate and 4 oxygens.
What is an amino group and how is it identified?
-Group that picks up an H+ from solution to become ionized and called amines.
-Has aan NH2 attached.
What is a carboxyl and how is it identified?
Chemical group that donates an H+ to a solution making it acidic and it has a Carbon, 2 oxygens and a hydrogen.
What is Matter?
Anything that has mass or takes up space