What is bipolor 1 disorder?
At least one episode of “Persistent or elevated, expansive, or irritable mood” (Mania), accompanied by changes in activity or energy. A major depressive disorder episode is frequently included
- social and occupational functioning are impaired
- psychosis may accompany either
What is bipolor II disorder?
- Includes at least one period of hypomania alternating with one or more periods of depression.
- Full manic episode doesn’t occur
- Treatment is usually sought during depressive period
- Hypomanic episode requires less sleep, inflated self-esteem, increased energy or activity, is distracted, may overspend, sexual indiscretions and impusiity
- Risks and consequencses are less severe and less likely to cause impairment in functioning
- ** more depressive symptoms** and spend more time in depressive state
Bipolor specifers…
- Rapid cycling: 4 or more episodes in a 12 month period (mania/dep, mainia/dep, mania/dep, mania/dep)
- melanchoic- depressive episode with inability to feel pleasure
- atypical-depressive features that are not typical
- Peripartum onset
- Seasonal pattern
- Psychotic features- hullcinations, paranoia, delusions
- Catatonic features- extremes of physical activity
What should we know about delirious mania?
- Rapid onset of delirum and mania
- May include psychosis
- Hyperactive catatonia is often a promient feature
- can be life threatening
- Treated with high doses of benzodiazepine and or ECT
What should we know about unipolor depression?
- Affects women more than men
- Appears later in life
- Loss of appetitie; no interest in eating
- lesser risk of drug abuse and suicide than bipolar depression
What should we know about bipolor depression?
- Affects women & men equally
- Onsert younger age
- Alt binge eating (carbs esp.) anorexia
- Hypersomnia and difficulty in morning walking
- Greater risk of drug abuse and suicide than unipolor
What is cyclothymic disorder and what should we know about it
- Hypomanic eipisodes alternating with persistent depressive episodes for at least 2 year or 1 year in children
- Irritable hypomanic episodes
- mood extermes less severe then bipolor
- There may be periods of stable moods
Pediatric bipolor disorder is characterized by?
- eleated or irritability mood, cycling mood episodes, rage, grandiosity or inflated self esteem, hypersexual behavior, decreased need for sleep and poor insight
True or false: Higher levels of dopamine, norepinephrine and glutamate result in manic phases and lower levels of dopamine and norepinephrine lead to bipolor depression
What should we know about the theory of bipolor disorder and neurobiological factors
- Neurobiolgical factor
- Serotonin can be too low in depression phase or can cause agression and poor impulse control in mania phase
- GABA is blunted
- Melatonin is altered contributing to poor lseep
What should we know about neuroendocrine factors w/bipolor disorder?
- Abnormalities with stress related molecular pathways of the ypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis
- Disease is associated with higher levels of adrenocoticotropic hormone (ADH) and cortisol, but no corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH)
- Hormones play a role in the severity of the disease in women during premenstrual syndrome. Late onset biopolor disorder associated with menopause
- Inflammatory factors interact with the HPA axis. THe autonomic nervous system, an and neurotransmitters. studies in patients with bipolor disorder have confirmed the presense of a chronic inflammatory state
What should we know about the neuroanatomical factors thearpy with bipolor
- neurodevelopmental and neurodegeneratrive processes can contribute to bipolor disease
- MRIs demostrate subtle deficits in gray-matter volume especially in brain areas that regulate mood. There is alos white matter disorganization in tracts connecting brain regions
What should we know about environmental and psychological influences on bipolor disorder
- Social rhythm theory states that our disruptions of our circadian rhythm and sleep deprivation may provoke or exacerbate the symptoms
- Stress can trigger acute episodes of BPD
- Migranes are more common with BPD
- Higher incidence of childhood trauma
- Two genes increase susceptibility
- Cognitive abilities (memory, executive functioning and motor skills) were poorer in those with BPD
- Key features of speech patterns were found to be predictive of mood states
- Neurons were more excitable.
What is the “clinical picture” with mania?
- Mania may begin gradually, but is more typical with abrupt onset
- Prognosis of any single manic episode is good; however reoccurance is likely
- Manic episode may last for a few days to months and may follow with depressive episode
- During depressive episode, there may be remorse increasing risk for suicide
- Suicide can occur with either mania or depressive state but more common in depressive state
What is the general appearance of someone in a manic state?
- Unstable, unpredictable
- Constant activity
- COnstantly pushes limits
- Impulsive/exccessive: spending $$, phone calls, writing, giving away items
- Religious preoccupation
- Extreme makeup and clothing
- Sexual indiscretion
- Self care issues: lack of sleep/proper nutrition, may lead to physical exhaustion/death
What is paranoid delsusions?
- Fixed beliefs that appear rea with fear and loss of ability to tell what is real and unreal
What is grandiosity?
Inflated self regard
What is hallucinations?
- Sensory perceptions become altered