Unit 2-Area of Study 2-Global Economic Issues Flashcards
What are:
7 factors causing poverty in development nations?
- limited productive capacity
- low saving and investment
- population and labour force
- inefficient governments
- limited foreign trade
- inequitable income
- historical problems
Which 2 factors cause the following factor in developing nations:
Limited Productive Capacity?
- volume of land, labour and capital resources per person is low
- productivity/efficiency per person is low
What causes the following factor in developing nations:
Low saving and investment?
low efficiency → low wages → high portion of disposable income goes towards necessary goods → low levels of saving
Which 4 factors cause the following factor in developing nations:
Overpopulation and labour force?
- lack of education
- limited access to contraceptives
- high infant mortality
- economic insecurity
Which 3 factors cause the following factor in developing nations:
Inefficient governments?
- corruption
- dictatorships
- lack of power to the people
Which 4 factors causes the following factor in developing nations:
Limited foreign trade?
- limited agricultural exports because most is sustenance production
- limited manufacturing exports
- increases reliance on imports
- problems regarding overseas debt
Which 6 factors cause the following factor in developing nations:
Inequality of income?
- unequal ownership of land
- official corruption
- closed markets
- state and private monopolies
- caste system within society
- abuse of social and economic power
What are the problems caused by the following factor:
Limited productive capacity?
-restricts output of goods + services → incomes low → consumption low → living standards low
What are the problems caused by the following factor:
Low saving and investment?
-little to no income is left to invest after purchase of basic necessities → investment in capital resources which is necessary for efficient use of land and labour resources
What are the 5 problems caused by the following factor:
Overpopulation + labour force?
- overcrowded farms
- drift to city
- insufficient infrastructure
- environmental issues
- undereducated, unemployed and underemployed
What are the 2 problems caused by the following factor:
Inefficient governments?
- slows development
- corruption preventing economic and social change
What are the problems caused by the following factor:
Limited foreign trade?
-inability to export → increasing CAD → decreasing ability to pay off foreign debt → increased interest, ∴ growing debt
What are the problems caused by the following factor:
Inequality of income?
What are the problems caused by the following factor:
Historical problems?
- brain drain
- resource drain
Why is GDP per capita limited as an indicator in developing nations?
- unrecorded subsistence production
- problems of distribution
- negative externalities
- life quality considerations
What are:
8 Millennium Development Goals?
- end poverty + hunger
- universal education
- gender equality
- child health
- maternal health
- combat HIV/AIDs
- environmental sustainability
- global partnership
What are the 3 targets associated with the following millennium development goal:
End poverty + hunger?
- halve proportion of people whose income is less than $1 a day (PPP adjusted)
- full + productive employment and decent work for all, including woman + young people
- halve proportion of people who suffer from hunger
What is the 1 target associated with the following millennium development goal:
Universal education?
-ensure that children everywhere, boys + girls, will be able to complete a full course of primary education
What is the 1 target associated with the following millennium development goal:
Gender equality?
-eliminate gender disparity in all levels of education
What is the 1 target associated with the following millennium development goal:
Child health?
-reduce by two thirds the U5 child mortality rate
What are the 2 targets associated with the following millennium development goal:
Maternal health?
- reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality ratio
- achieve universal access to reproductive health care