Unit 2-Area of Study 2-Definitions Flashcards
Development Economics
Uses economic theory to come up with practical strategies and policies designed to increase development and improve the overall living standards of people in low-income nations
Is nowadays seen as the economic, social, political and institutional changes needed in low-income countries to improve material and non-material elements affecting the quality of daily life
Trickle Down Thoery
Believes that the benefits of economic growth and development will not just benefit the rich but, given time, will eventually improve the daily existence of the poor
The Human Development Index is a measure used to indicate changes in the level of nations’ living standards based on progress across a range of economic and social indicators. Countries are ranked from highest to lowest using a scale where 1.00 equals the highest HDI and 0.00 the lowest level of development
Third World
Refers to a group of nations that have very low subsistence levels of production and income and, hence, high levels of poverty
Is a key to development and involves the provision (often by governments) of services to allow businesses to operate (e.g. power, water, transport, communications) and services for the community to enjoy reasonable living standards (e.g. water supply, hospitals, schools)
Exists when those working are not employed to their capacity and, for example, could work more hours and produce more output per hour
Transparent political system that allows ordinary people to have a free choice, every few years, of who represents them in parliament
Comparative Cost Advantage
May exist when a country specialises or concentrates in areas of production where it is most efficient (i.e. its cost disadvantages are least) relative to other areas of production
Absolute Cost Advantage
Occurs if a country is the cheapest or most efficient producer of a good or service in the world
Composition of International Transactions
Refers to the make-up or types of goods, services and other transactions that take place between Australia and the rest of the world
Direction of International Transactions
Refers to the countries with whom Australia exchanges goods, services and money capital
Balance of Payments
Is an annual record of Australia’s financial transactions with the rest of the world. These transactions are divided into two main types of transactions — current transactions, and capital and financial accounts, each recording credit and debit transaction.
Net Goods
Is a sub-section of the BOP current account that records the value of credits for goods exported minus the value of debits for goods imported from overseas, measured over a period of time
Net Primary Incomes
Is a sub-section of the BOP current account that records the value of credits for primary income received from overseas minus the value of debits for primary income paid to overseas, measured over a period of time
Direct Investment
Or capital movements into and out of Australia, involving the establishment, purchase or expansion of companies and other assets
Portfolio Investment
Has to do with money transactions into and out of Australia involving shares, debt and securities
Goal of External Stability
Means that Australia should ‘live within its means’ and ‘pay its way’ in international financial transactions. Some say this could mean a small CAD of up to 3–4 per cent, when this is expressed as a ratio of GDP (i.e. the CAD:GDP ratio)
Trade Weighted Index
Represents the ‘average’ exchange rate for a basket of foreign currencies each weighted according to its relative importance for Australia’s trade
Foreign Debt
Represents liabilities or what Australians owe people overseas, from whom they have borrowed