Unit 1-Area of Study 2-Definitions Flashcards
GDP per capita
Often used as a measure of a country’s average material living standards. It represents the total value of goods and services produced each year, divided by the number of people in the country among whom the goods and services are shared. It assumes that production is divided evenly
Business cycle
Relates to rises and falls in the level of national production or economic activity over a period of time
Is when the level of national production is rising between one year and the next
Is when the level of national production is falling between one year and the next
Aggregate supply-side factors
Affect an economy’s productive potential and relate to the many conditions that influence the long-term willingness and ability or capacity of producers to make goods and services.
Aggregate demand-side factors
Affect the level of total spending on a nation’s goods and services, thereby affecting the short-term or cyclical level of economic activity
Labour productivity
Relates to the efficiency of workers as measured by the value of GDP per hour worked
Trade liberalisation
Involves a progressive reduction in the levels of protection of local industry from overseas competition, through the cutting of tariffs and signing free trade agreements with other countries. The aim is to increase efficiency by exposing our producers to stronger international competition from imports, and to grow the markets for our exports
Aggregate demand
Is the total annual value of spending on Australian-made goods and ser vices
Refers to a situation where most prices paid for a basket of consumer goods and services are rising over a period of time, causing a drop in the purchasing power of money. It may be the result of higher production costs or general shortages of goods and services due to too much spending
Cyclical unemployment
Occurs in recessions as a result of lower spending on locally made goods and services. When spending slows, firms cut production and their demand for resources including labour, causing the level of cyclical unemployment to rise
Refers to the level of output of goods and services produced from a particular quantity of inputs or resources. Greater output gained from inputs usually means there has been a rise in productivity or efficiency and a fall in production costs
Monetary policy
Involves the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) using changes in interest rates to help stabilise the level of total spending, economic activity and GDP
Budgetary policy
Involves the federal treasurer using changes in the level of taxes and government outlays to help regulate the level of total spending, economic activity and GDP
Sustainable economic development
A method of expanding the economy’s production levels to meet the needs for goods and services of the present population, without undermining the ability of future generations to meet their own needs