Unit 2 Flashcards
I get a book ALLOWANCE of €30 a month, which helps with university costs.
Een fortuin waard zijn
That gold watch must BE WORTH A FORTUNE
I spent all my pocket money yesterday so I’m completely BROKE now.
With the economic crisis, most families have to BUDGET carefully each month.
in goeden doen
We’re not rich, but we have enough to be COMFORTABLY OFF.
I try to save enough money for when I need to buy COSTLY items.
My grandmother is always complaining about how DEAR things are in the shops now.
My new jeans were DIRT CHEAP. They only cost £5!
Don’t buy a drink at the cinema, The prices they charge are EXTORTIONATE.
Pat isn’t responsible with his family’s FINANCES. He spends too much on himself.
It was very GENEROUS of my uncle to buy me a car for my birthday
I was really HARD UP when I started my first job. I didn’t have enough money for clothes.
iets achterhouden/een appeltje voor de dorst bewaren
She’s never short of money because she always KEEPS SOME BACK FOR A RAINY DAY
Een gat in je hand hebben
Do you like spending? Does money BURN A HOLE IN YOUR POCKET?
You can’t say how much this painting is worth. It’s PRICELESS .
The restaurant looked nice, but we didn’t go in because it was a bit PRICEY.
€10 for a bottle of lemonade? What a RIP-OFF!
Don’t buy it in the first place you see it.SHOP AROUND and see if it’s cheaper somewhere else.
My parents both have well-paid jobs, so we’ve always been pretty WELL OFF.
You should never have bought this picture. It’s a WORTHLESS copy.
Diep in de schulden
Many students are DEEP IN DEBT after borrowing to pay for their university courses.
Leven van iets
We were poor, but we GOT BY ON our homegrown vegetables.
Uitkering (van de overheid)
There’s no reason to be completely poor when you can get STATE BENEFITS from the government.
I live in a DETACHED house, so it’s only a problem for my family when I play the drums!
Iemand uitzetten
Many people are being EVICTED from their homes because they can’t pay the rent or mortgage.
I got EXASPERATED when Will kept making the same mistakes.
Kosten van levensonderhoud
I still live with my parents, so I don’t have many LIVING EXPENSES
A lot of these houses were bought by PROPERTY DEVELOPERS hoping to make money on them.
SQUATTING in other people’s houses is wrong, but so is leaving them empty for long periods.
We live in an AFFLUENT part of the city, near the central park, where houses are very expensive.
Arme buurt
Children growing up in DEPRIVED AREAS often don’t believe they can be successful.
I always DONATE clothes I don’t need to charity shops.
The arts project is FUNDED by private individuals, not with government money.
Goed doel
If I won the lottery, I’d give some of the money to GOOD CAUSES
hoe mensen uit de andere sociale
laag van de bevolking leven
Melanie is so rich she owns three houses - HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVE!
Although he regularly donated money to charity, he found it IMMENSELY rewarding to get involved directly.
He worked in a centre for teenagers who were excluded from MAINSTREAM education.
Sociaal zwakkeren
I volunteer for a charity that helps young people who are SOCIALLY DISADVANTAGED
My uncle is so STINGY! He sends me emails instead of birthday cards because it’s cheaper!
Her father is a successful businessman, so the family is very wealthy
Nikola Tesla invented wireless technology, but died PENNILESS in 1943.
They didn’t have an umbrella so they got SOAKING WET in the heavy rain.
I haven’t eaten since breakfast. I’m STARVING!
Sweaters met capuchon
I haven’t got much hair any more, so I like wearing HOODIES when it’s cold!
This kitchen is absolutely FILTHY! When was it last cleaned?
The news of the school closure came OUT OF THE BLUE, so it was a real shock.
WHAT’S MORE, my boss said I could have a pay rise, too!
My brother’s so MEAN. He wouldn’t let me use his bike when mine was broken.
I’m very CARELESS with money. I often have no idea what I’ve spent it all on.
Je rijbewijs halen
Hopefully, I’ll PASS MY DRIVING TEST before my eighteenth birthday.
The corner shop provides basic AMENITIES like bread and milk.
Geld erven
Lena has COME INTO SOME MONEY. She can afford to buy a new car.
Het was een rib uit mijn lijf
My new handbag was very expensive. IT COST AN ARM AND A LEG!
Je spaargeld aanwenden
I really want to go on holiday. I’m going to DIP INTO MY SAVINGS to pay for it.
I was FURIOUS when I realised someone had stolen my new bike.
We were lucky that the view from the hotel room was so GORGEOUS.
I really dislike my school uniform. It’s HIDEOUS!
That story Kate told was so HILARIOUS. I still keep laughing about it now!
Met weinig geld rondkomen
I’m unemployed and so I have to LIVE FROM HAND TO MOUTH
Fortuin maken
Grant MADE A KILLING when he sold his company.
de eindjes aan elkaar knopen
I don’t have much money, but I manage to MAKE ENDS MEET
The concert was very popular. The hall was PACKED with the singer’s fans.
Iemand afzetten
I think the person who sold you these DVDs has RIPPED YOU OFF.. They’re copies.
After three hours of cleaning, the kitchen was SPOTLESS
De buikriem aanhalen
My husband has lost his job, so we have to TIGHTEN OUR BELTS