Unit 2 Flashcards
Four genres for 19th century instrumental music
concert, concert etude, symphonic poem and concert overture
19th Century Instrumental styles
wide spectrum of social classes more amateur musicians more venues new music for new instruments virtuoso musicians: Liszt, Chopin, Paganini, Joachim, Remenyi
Felix Mendelssohn years
1809 - 1847
Mendelssohn Biography - youth
Born 1809 Hamburg Germany into musical Jewish family
1 or 4 children, older sister Fanny pianist
Family converted to Christianity surname Bartholdy
Started piano lessons at age 7, 10 studying theory
gifted painter and linguist
Travelled Europe, met Goethe at 12, met Liszt at 16
Composed in his teens Octet for Strings, Overture to A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Mendelssohn Biography - Young Adult
1827 - studies law and aesthetics UoBerlin GWF Hegel
1829 - organized revival Bach’s St Matthew Passion
compostions inspired by travelling landscapes Italy, Austria
1833 - director Dusseldorf
1835 - conductor Leipzig Gewandhaus orchestra - 1846
1837 - married Cecil Jeanrenaud 5 kids happy
Mendelssohn Biography - Final Years
1841 - Kapellmiester in Berlin as well as Leipzig
Invited as conductor to England and Europe - Queen Victoria
1843 - founded Leipzig Conservatory
1847 - Sudden death of Fanny, died of strokes few months later
Mendelssohn Style
Mozart of 19th century
close study of Bach-counterpoint, choral from Handel
Balance from Mozart
clear harmony structure and form moderate orchestra
Innovate - link movements
Romantic - programm, unexpected modulation, virtuosic
helped develop formal concerto structure
vivid orchestra, leggiero string passages, chordal texture in winds
light, scherzando - overMidSummer his style
Mendelssohn Titles
Symph: 3 Scottish, 4 Italian, 5 Reformation
Concerto: 3 violin, 2 piano, 2 dblpiano, 1 piano+vio
Over-MidSummer, Hebrides
Incidental - antigone, MidSumm
Chamber: duo, sQuartet, pianoTrio, Quartets, Octet
SoloPiano: Andante and rondo capriccioso, Variations Serieuses, sonatas, preludes, fugues Song without Words
Organ: prelues and fugues
Oratorio: St Paul, Elijah
Vocal: concert aria, Leider, folk, duets
Mendelssohn Violin concerto Summary
E Minor op 64 1844 violinist Ferdinand David dramatic passion poetic lyricism and virtuosity 3 movements orchestra and solo violin
Mendelssohn Violin concerto First Movement General
Allegro molto appassionato
Cut time
sonata form with dbl exposition
Mendelssohn Violin Concerto Mov 1: Exposition
Expo: Theme1: soloViolin intro, melody Emin triad
Bridge Theme: solo angular melody, electric passagework, dbl stops, chromatic thirds, arpgg figures
Modulates to G Major
Theme2: clarinet flute intro serene G major violin accompanies
based on repeated note, pp, tranquillo
ViolinTheme1 returns
Codetta recall Theme 1 but in GMajor - virtuosic cadential figures flow into Development
Mendelssohn Violin Concerto Mov 1: Development
tremolando dim7 figure dramatic tension
orchestra alternates with soloTheme1
solo recall bridge A min agitato
woodwinds fragmented Theme1 accomp by solo 8note passage
juxtaposition tonic major and minor modes
serene mood emerges briefly
tension virtuosic orchestra drops out ->cadenza, fully written out. extreme high, dbl stops, arpeggios
*strange place for a cadenza usually after Recap
Mendelssohn Violin Concerto Mov 1: Recap and Coda
cadenza seamless link
orchestra Theme1 E minor accomp by solo arpeggios from cadenza
Theme2 E Major
CODA: started by deceptive
solo dominates rapid ascending chromatic triplets
Theme1 and bridge echoes
increase tempo until final cadence
final tonic chords, after bassoon sustains B to link to Mov2.
Mendelssohn Violin Concerto in E min, Mov 2 and 3
Mov 2: C Major Andante 6/8 ternary
meditative movement solo plays both melody and accomp
Mov 3: E major,Allegro molto vivace, C, sonata
spritely character lively
Franz Liszt Years
Franz Liszt Biography Youth
1811 Raiding Hungary (close to Vienna)
Adam(father) in Haydn’s orchestra
Lessons with Father, composing at 8, concert at 9
1821 - moved to Vienna Carl Czerny teacher, Antonio Salieri
1823 - Paris performing and learning not accepted into Conservetoir
Paris sensation, toured England, Ireland, Switz, Frnech cities teenager
torn between performer and priest, father died 1827
Liszt Concert Pianist Years
performed and taught as a living all over
greatest pianist technical proweress
Based in Paris knew; Berlioz, Bellini, Geatano Donizetti, Frederic Chopin, Nicolo Paganini
Historical solo piano recital London 1840
rock star, affairs but long term Marie d’agoult left her husband . they had three children ended bitterly
Charities for floods Hungary 1838
Liszt Weimar Years
moved to Weimar to compose conduct, music director, productions of operas Berlioz, Verdi, Schumman, Wagner
Lived with Princess Carolyne Sayn-Wittgenstein; home for musicians
composed orchestra concerto
retired, teacher, master class format
Liszt Late Years, Rome, Weimar, Budapest
followed Princess to Rome, never married, ended in 64
deeply affected by death of son and daughter and mother
studied catholic theology, became minor order
traveled a lot, final tours 1886 Paris and London
Died in Bayreuth
Liszt Style
Career affected compositions, piano transcriptions
personal life duality in music virtuoso but inspired religious titles.
Changes piano performance - memory, recitals, side profile
developed modern piano technique; tremolos, extreme register, cascading passages, rapid
Master class
Romantic - concert etude, lyric piano
programm: invented symponic poem
freedom innovation, single move works Piano Sonata B Min, Piano Concerto Eb Major
Harmony: chromatic, progressive, mediant, augtriads, Nuages gris - impressionism
Hungarian Folk ‘rhapsodies, fantasy’
Liszt Titles
Piano; transcendental Etudes, 3 Petrarch sonnets, liebestraume, 19 hungarian rhap, annees de pelegrinage
transcriptions, Lieder schubert, symphony Beethoven
3 Piano concertos; Malediction, Totentanz, Hungarian F
Orch: symppoem Les preludes, program symp: Faust, Dante
Vocal: oratorio, masses, Leider
chamber, organ
Liszt La Campanella general
unprecedented virtuosity - homage to Paganini
Piano Etude
1838, rev1851
source: Violin Concerto No 2 Paganini
G# minor
french - study
solo instrumental technical development
focus on one or more special techniques
thematic transformation
basic theme repeated throughout in different forms
changed rhythm, melody, harmony
not variation, theme takes on new identity new context
Liszt La Campenella Intro
Section A: brief intro, main theme right hand
D# high - bell sustain
wide leaps RH technical difficulty
repeated with embellishment
Section B: B Major, sequential ascending pattern chromatic harmony
A1: rapid repeated notes broken RH octaves
B1: embellished, theme in LH, RH accomp widely spaced
ends with cadenza-like chromatic passages alternative hands
A2: melody high, 32nd trills, mimic violin string cros
B2: many leaps contrast volume, thundering octavs
A3: recap fore, dramatic octaves
chromatic contrary octaves prep for coda
CODA: animato, loud octaves tonic G# conclusion
Bedrich Smetana Life and Style
Virtuoso pianist, dedicated Six Chr pieces to Liszt
5 years Sweden; concerts, directed choral, vocal academy
Program music Liszt influence
Bohemian (Czech) patriot; Brandeburgers in Bohemia
quoted folk songQuoted folk songs, mostly original melodies resembling folk; Bartered Bride
cyclical unity Ma Vlast
broad, sweeing melodies
harmonic: chromatic, frequent modal harmony
Bedrich Smetana Titles
Operas 8, Bartered Bride, The Kiss, Dalibor, Libuse
Orchestr: 6 cycles symphon poem Ma Vlast, symphony, overtures, prelused, marches
chamber: 2 SQ, piano trio
Piano: dances polkas, character pieces sets
Vocal: art songs, choral works
Smetana Ma Vlast - Vltava background
symphonic poem
2nd in set of 6 SympPoems Ma Vlast
published program River passes through scenes, last Vysehrad castle, then vanishes Bohemia
program music
trend in 19th century
instrumental with poetic, visual associations
descriptive title shows connection
some include written text, program, or poem
Symphonic Poem
tone poem
one popular forms orchestral program music
single movement, free form, literal or pictorial assoc.
Invented by Franz Liszt
Smetana Vltava - general
Emin Allegro commodo non agitato 6/8 Themes: 5-6 Source of River Theme River, Hunting, Peasant Wedding, Nocturnal, St. John rapids river theme repeated to Ancient Castle Theme Disappearance of river - Coda
Smetana Vltava - themes 1-4
flutes intro undulating 16th note figure
lusingando, coazing, clarinets join pizzicato strings
River: strings broad arched theme
swirling 16th note accompaniment
triangle gentle shimmer
Hunting: C Major brass bold fanfare figure horns
triangle prominent
Peasant Wedding: G Major, folk 2/4 polka, narrow range repeated notes
unfolds four measure phrases, dance rhythm
Smetana Vlatava - themes 5,6,7
Nocturnal Scene - Ab Major, high string register gentle half note melody
dolcissimo, harps moonbeams waters surface
muted brass nobility
River returns abridged
St. John Rapids: frag and devlop River theme. dissonance clashing harmonies, heavy brass and piccolo figures
River theme in E major to ancient Castle:
Ancient Castle: broad hymn melody E Major full orchestra
borrowed from first poem in Ma Vlast
River dissappears: diminuendo onward journey
sequential dominant-tonic harmony strings
bold perfect cadence conclusion
Pyotr Il’yich Tchaikovsky Years
Pyotr Il’yich Tchaikovsky Life and Style
Balanced Russian and Western
Romantic - lyrical melody, emotional, rich orchestration, expressive, virtuosity-piano and violin concertos unplayable
program - Manfred Symphony op58 - writtings of Byron
Russian folk, dance, fables, vocal music and operas, The Queen of Spades - novel by Alexander Pushkin
taught theory at Moscow Conservatory
Pathos - Symphony no 6 Bmin op74 Pathetique
Famous during lifetime, traveled conducting, even to America 1891 Carnegie Hall NYC
Tchaikovsky Titles
10 operas Eugene Onegin, The Queen of Spades
Ballets; Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty, Nutcracker
Orch: 6 #’d symphonies (no3 Polish, no6 Pathetique. Manfred concert overtures (Romeo Juliet, Serenade for Strings, Capriccio Italien)
Concertos; 2 piano, 1 violin
chamber: SQ, sextets, piano trio
Piano: The Seasons
vocal: choral, art songs
Tchaikovsky Romeo and Juliet Overture - background
1870 premiere Concert Overture Sonata Form program: characters Friar Laurence, Romeo and Juliet. feud theme, love theme and tragic death. essential emotions captured from Shakespeare's drama *lyricism, vivid orchestra, pathos
Tchaikovsky Romeo and Juliet Overture - Intro and Expo
Intro: Andante non tanto quasi moderato
C, F#min
Frar Laurence Theme - low clarinets bassoon, high wood pizzicato, strings+WW play boldly
Tchaikovsky Romeo and Juliet Overture - Expo
Theme1:Feud Allegro giusto, C, Bmin, agitated syncopated melody Forte, cellos, answered piccolo
cymbals crash against driving strings
Bridge sudden pp, woodwinds, Dbl,horns gentle undulating fig set scene
Theme2-Love theme; DbMajor, C, stated broadly English horns, muted voilas. restated in high WW extended
Codetta - harp softly accompanies muted strings
Tchaikovsky Romeo and Juliet Overture - Develop, Recap and Coda
- FeudTheme softly strings WW
- Friar Theme extensive treatment, reiterated horns
agitation abrupt changes volume, tossing
interrupted by Feud thee violent crashing cymbals
Tchaikovsky Romeo and Juliet Overture - Recap
Recap: Feud Theme Bmin FF, full orches, cymbal, rapid descending string fig
LoveTheme2B Juliet played gentle oboe, string accomp
2A Love; Dmajor, broadly strings F, undulating horns
expanded, interupted by Feud and Friar
crashing cymbal punctu
bold timpanu roll into coda
Tchaikovsky Romeo and Juliet Overture - Coda
Love theme Juliet transformed into funeral song Bmajor
WW+harp follow solemn hymn-like passage
Love Theme Juliet repeated expansively in strings
solemn chords FF full orchestra ominous timpani figure