Unit 2 Flashcards
pure substances
ionic and moleculer
composed of two or more different atoms which have chemically combined
ionic and molecular
whole number ratios of atoms (represented by chemical formula)
ionic and molecular
when elements chemically combine electrons are lost by the metals to form cations and electrons are gained by the nonmetals to form anions
ionic compounds
when electrons chemically combine electrons are shared between atoms of nonmetals and/or metalloids
ions are not connected together to form a single unit. ions are held together by the attraction of opposite charges
atoms are connected together by the shared electrons to form a larger unit called a molecule
notice: no metals, ions or charges
when we write ions by themselves we must indicate the charge
amount of positive charge must balance the amount of negative charge in an ionic compound
ionic compound
7 diatomic elements
Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Chlorine Bromine Iodine
the second energy level contains how many sublevels
the first energy level contains how many sublevels
the fourth energy level contains how many sub levels
the fifth energy level contains how many sub levels
the third energy level contains how many sub levels
a P sublevel has how many orbitals
P sublevel has a maximum capacity of how many electrons
a S sublevel has how many orbitals
S sublevel has a maximum capacity of how many electrons
a F sublevel has how many orbitals
F sublevel has a maximum capacity of how many electrons
D sublevel has how many orbitals
D sublevel has a maximum capacity of how many electrons
4th energy level would contain how many electrons when completely filled
5th energy level would contain how many electrons when completely filled
3RD energy level would contain how many electrons when completely filled
2ND energy level would contain how many electrons when completely filled
1ST energy level would contain how many electrons when completely filled
how many orbitals are present in the 3rd energy level
how many orbitals are present in the 1st energy level
how many orbitals are present in the 2nd energy level
5th energy level contains how many orbitals
(# of energy level squared) 5^2= 25
4th energy level contains how many orbitals
(# of energy level squared) 4^2=16
the maximum number of electrons that can be found in the highest energy level of any atom is
maximum number of electrons that can be found in a single D orbital is
maximum number of electrons that can be found in a single S orbital is
maximum number of electrons that can be found in a single P orbital is
those elements whose atoms have a stable electron configuration are members of group
the volume in space where we are most likely to find an electron is an
approx mass of protons
1 amu
approx mass of neutrons
1 amu
approx mass of electrons
- 1/1830 amu
what is the formula formed by Bohr for the radius of an electron
how many electrons in the 4th energy level
32e- (2n^2)
how many electrons in the 2nd energy level
8e- (2n^2)
how many electrons in the 3rd energy level
18e- (2n^2)
how many electrons in the 1st energy level
2e- (2n^2)
viewed e- as slow moving particle moving around the nucleus
helped to explain emission spectra
e- moves very fast and behaves like light
quantum mechanical model
when it loses an electron it becomes
a cation
when it gains an electron it becomes
an anion
a region in space where we are most likely to find an electron
quantum mechanical model
e- in the outermost energy level
valence electrons
e- that are not in the outermost energy level
core electrons
known for their lack of reactivity
noble gases
T or F noble gases are stable. they have nothing to gain by reacting
all atoms want 8 valence electrons
octet rule
all atoms want 8 valence electrons except
Helium (2 valence e-)
n in quantum numbers represents
the energy level
L in quantum numbers represents
the sub level
equation for finding L
mL in quantum numbers represents
Ms in quantum numbers represents
electrons (arrows)
no two electrons in an atom can have the same set of quantum numbers
pauli exclusion principle
in orbital box diagrams each individual box represents WHAT and the entire ensemble represents WHAT
each orbital of a sublevel must contain an electron before pairing can begin
hund’s rule
how atoms interact to form molecules and compounds
chemical bonding
write the symbol for the atom and then put dots around it to represent the number of valence electrons
lewis dot symbols
transfer of one (or more) e- from a metal to a nonmetal to form cations and anions with noble gas electron configuration
ionic bonding
pair of e- shared between two atoms
covalent bonding
using a diffraction grating plus a source of white light, we see a
continuous spectrum
all energies of light are being emitted
continuous spectrum
using a diffraction grating and a sample of Hydrogen with high voltage electricity is passed, we see
line spectrum
only a few energies of light are emitted
line spectrum
Each element has it’s own unique
line spectrum
only way to separate a covalent bond is a
chemical change
who said that electrons in orbit
who said there were energy levels
maximum number of electrons= 2n^2
sublevels - s,p,d,f,g,h,i
quantum mechanical model
sublevels composed of orbitals
quantum mechanical model
energies of a sub level (or order of filling)
Aufbau principle
three methods of writing - spectroscopic notation, orbital box diagrams, quantum numbers
electron configuration
electron(s) are transferred from metal to nonmetal
Ionic Bonding
ions are not attached to one another
Ionic Bonding
full charges
Ionic Bonding
ionic bond – the force of attraction between oppositely charged ions
Ionic Bonding
sharing electrons – two nonmetals or metalloid & nonmetal
Covalent Bonding
atoms are connected by covalent bond – molecule
Covalent Bonding
Seven diatomic elements
Covalent Bonding
metal and nonmetal
ionic bond
two nonmetals
covalent bond
s orbitals are
p orbitals are
figure 8
d orbitals are
4 clover leaf, 5th looks like double sided pacifier