Unit 2 Flashcards
“one who is sent”; the 12 men Jesus chose and who the church believes were given authority by Christ
The teaching authority of the church (popes and bishops)
true, complete, and permanent unity with God and one another; end goal of all creation
a successor of the Church and the head of a diocese
the story of God’s saving actions in human history
salvation history
reign or rule of God; began with the coming of Jesus; will exist in its perfect form at the end of time
Kingdom of God
how is the church unchanging yet developing
- the Kingdom is right now but not yet
- teachings are the same, but is being modernized
why is the church a mystery
- can never be fully expressed from any single viewpoint
- its nature can ever be grasped by the power of reason alone
- holds opposites together
what is the responsibility of the magisterium (pope and bishop)
- they are called to protect the central truths of our faith from ideas and beliefs which are not compatible with the truth revealed by Jesus
- maintain continuity between faith of today and past
- teachers of faith-scripture and tradition
- hand on deposit of faith from generation to generation
why is the church called the Bride of Christ
- Christ surrenders Himself to the church- church expresses His will to the world
- Church surrenders itself to Christ-makes Jesus’ will its own
what does the permanent ethic and permanent constitution mean within the Church
- constitution: church=pope-bishops and cardials-priests-deacons-lay people (church citizens)
- ethic:
- -there are certain things that have always been and always will be opposed by God
- -certain behaviors always undermine our relationship with God
how is the church necessary for salvation
- salvation comes to the world only through Jesus
- church is necessary because Jesus is necessary
- Jesus remains present in the world through His body, the Church
what do you do if you disagree with a teaching of the church
- study, pray, reflect on teaching
- identify why you disagree
- consult with others knowledgeable about Church teaching
- strive to form conscience in conformity with the teaching of the Church