Ch 1 Flashcards
What does philosophy attempt to do
Philosophy tries to provide rational explanations of why things are the way they are as well as how we should act
What questions are conditioned to ask
We are meant to see and know the truth. we ask questions so reality makes sense. we ask why? what? And how?
Define pantheism and polytheism
Pantheism is the belief that all things are divine-that God and nature are one and the same
Polytheism is the belief that there are numerous deities
What is unique about the Christian belief about revelation
Regarding revelation, Christians believe that God (the divine author) is a loving father who sent his only son to be one with us, to teach us about the father, to show us the way to live, and to redeem us and so enable us to live forever with God
Define salvation history and divine revelation
Salvation history is the account of God’s saving words and acts on our behalf
Divine revelation is God’s gift of self communication that makes known the mystery of the divine plan
Briefly state God’s divine plan of salvation for human beings
Gods divine plan is to communicate his own divine life to the men he freely created in order to adopt them as his sons in his begotten son
Define the deposit of faith
The deposit of faith is the heritage of faith contained in the sacred Scripture and tradition, handed on in the church by the apostles, and preserved by the magisterium
What is the relationship between sacred Scripture and sacred tradition
Sacred Scripture is the written word of God, for example Old Testament and New Testament
Sacred tradition is the living transmission and interpretation of the gospel message
What special role does the magisterium play in the relationship to the deposit of faith
The role of the magisterium is to authoritatively interpret the word of God, to get the church free from error in its teachings, and to pass down Christ’s Gospel authentically to future generations
Why is it important to pay attention to literary forms when reading the Bible
It is important to pay attention to literary forms when reading the Bible because different forms will effect the way passage should be interpreted
Name and explain three examples of literary forms in the Old Testament
Three examples of literary forms found in the Old Testament are anthems, debates, and epigrams.
Anthems are joyful songs. Debates discuss problems in a back and forth way. At the grams are short poems that make a point at the end.
Define Pentateuch and Torah
Pentateuch means “five scrolls”
Tora means “law”
Both refer to the first five books of the Bible
Summarize the stages involved in composing Genesis and the other books of the Pentateuch
The first stage was that the core incident in the Pentateuch is the strong personality of Moses, the lawgiver, and the events of the Exodus, God’s deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt. The second stage was various laws, stages, stories about human origins and the patriarchs, reflections, liturgical celebrations, and so on were handed down orally from generation to generation. Stage III was authors and editors beginning to collect their sources into a continuous narrative. Stage four was the various traditions were being brought together into the five volume document we know as the Pentateuch.
Briefly identify the four sources behind the Pentateuch
The four sources behind the Pentatech are
- Yahwist, Which emphasizes the promise to the patriarchs and offers the Pentateuch its basic outline
- Elohist, Which emphasizes prophecy and the theme of covenant
- Deuteronomist, Which emphasizes morality and living out the law
- Priestly, Which emphasizes worship and priestly concerns of temples service
What is the purpose of the ancient literary form known as myth
The purpose of myth in the Bible is to express the spiritual truth and basic cultural beliefs in the form of stores