Unit 2: 2.3 Flashcards
What is the autocratic management style?
the manager makes all decisions and tells employees what to do through yelling or saying nicely.
Why is the autocratic management style used?
when something needs to be done quickly or when workforce is unskilled and lacks a basic level of education.
What is the paternalistic management style?
the manager is a parent figure that guides employees through a consolation process through coaching. Uses the theory Y which is when there is trust amongst workforce.
Traits of the paternalistic management style?
exceptional organizational skills and guide teams, working better in narrow/tall when in teams
What is the democratic management style?
the manager involves employees in decision making, although manager still has the final say.
When is the democratic management style used?
with skilled, self-motivated people
What is situational management style?
the manager’s style is influenced by factors like subordinate skill, age, education, etc. Uses the Fielder theory.
What is the Laissez-Faire management style?
hands off management.
What does motivated people bring?
- high morale
- improved corporate image
- better relationships
- lower absenteeism
- higher profits
What do unmotivated people bring?
- high turnover
- high tardiness
- waste
- customer complaints
- discipline problems
What is the Frederick Winslow Taylor motivation theory?
the idea that employees are primarily motivated by money and reward.
What does the Frederick Winslow Taylor motivation theory do?
measures how much an employee is doing.
Ideas of the Frederick Winslow Taylor motivation theory
- the more you produce, the more I will pay you concept
- objective form to reward workers
- based on specialized and specific way of doing work
Characteristics of the Frederick Winslow Taylor motivation theory
- division of labor
- differentiated piecework
- theory X (no trust)
- hard to manage EFFORT
- autocratic
What are problems with the Frederick Winslow Taylor motivation theory?
- repetitive work day after day lead to job dissatisfaction
- hard to measure output of certain professions
What is the Abraham Maslow motivation theory?
the idea that emotional and mental needs must be met in order to motivate employees.
What are the five levels of the Abraham Maslow pyramid? Bottom up
physiological, security, social, esteem, self actualization
What is the main goal of the Abraham Maslow pyramid?
employers want to bring their employees up the pyrimid so that do not rely on external things for their motivation.
What is the physiological needs level of Maslow pyramid? Examples
basic needs to survive must be met to create motivation.
- food, sleep, companionship
What is the security needs level of Maslow pyramid? Examples
daily structure and routine must be in place to create motivation.
- salary, schedule, health care, 401k
What is the social needs level of Maslow pyridmid? Examples
What is the esteem needs level of Maslow pyramid? Examples
people feel good about themselves and want to be recognized to create motivation.
- promotions, training, employee of the month
What is the self actualization level of Maslow pyramid? Examples
becoming the best you can be can create your own motivation without needing other things.
- entrepreneurs, self motivated
What are some ways the Winslow Taylor theory can be used?
- piece rate pay
- bonuses
- profit sharing
- stock ownership
- commission
What is piece rate pay?
employee is payed for the amount they produce or serve, more customer - more money
What is bonuses?
extra money is given to employees, non-committed (happens randomly)
What is profit-sharing?
the employee gets a percent of the profits earned by a company.
What is stock-ownership
the employee gets payed or discounted on a share of sock in the company. the increase of stock needs employees hard work.
What is an extrinsic motive?
employees are motivated by rewards, and possible punishment
What is an intrinsic motive?
employees are self driven and just DO