Unit 2 Flashcards
Chemical Compounds and Formulas, Minerals, Rocks (Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic), and The Rock Cycle.
Solid made up of molecules arranged in a regular, repeating pattern.
Element or compound formed by nature but not formed by living things that has a specific crystal structure and physical and chemical properties.
Material that comes from the remains of once-living things.
Matter that doesn’t come from living things.
Density of a substance compared to the density of water.
Specific Gravity
A system listing ten minerals that the hardness of other minerals can be compared with.
Mohs Hardness Scale
Ability of a mineral to resist being scratched.
Hardness (of a mineral)
The color of a mineral in powder form.
Streak (of a mineral)
Hard and compact mixture of minerals that formed naturally.
Cooled magma.
Igneous Rock
Rock formed when sediment is pressed and cemented together naturally, over millions of years.
Sedimentary Rock
Rock that has been changed overtime by high pressure and temperature inside Earth’s crust.
Metamorphic Rock
Igneous rock formed by magma cooling slowly beneath Earth’s surface.
Intrusive (Plutonic)
Igneous rock formed by lava colling quickly at or near Earth’s surface.
Extrusive (Volcanic)
Rock formed from rock particles that are cemented and pushed together.
Clastic (Clast)
The look and feel of a rock’s surface, determined by the size, shape, and pattern of a rock’s grains.
The particles of minerals or other rocks that give a rock its texture.
Grain (of a rock)
Terms used to describe metamorphic rocks that have grains arranged in parallel layers or bonds.
Metamorphic rocks composed mainly of minerals that form with blocky crystal shapes.
A spongy-looking rock; lava whose gas bubbles break down.
A material found in magma that is formed from the element oxygen and silicon.
A dark silicate mineral or rock containing high amounts of iron and magnesium.
Ex) basalt biotite, gabbro, obsidian, olivine.
A light colored igneous mineral or rock containing high amounts of feldspar and quartz.
Ex) Rhyolite, Orthoclase, Massecuite.
Small or no visible grains of feldspar, hornblende, augite, olivine, and mica. Extrusive Igneous.
Large mineral grains of quartz, feldspar, hornblende, and mica; usually light in color. Intrusive Igneous.
Sand-sized grains 1/16 to 2mm in size; varies in color; clastic sedimentary.
Major mineral is calcite; usually forms in oceans, lakes, rivers, and caves; effervesces in dilute HCL Organic sedimentary.
Well-developed banding because of alternating layers different minerals, usually of different colors. Foliated Meta.
Interlocking calcite or dolomite crystals. Nonfoliate Meta.
The process in which rocks over geological ages, can be changed into different kinds of rocks.
Rock Cycle