Unit 2 Flashcards
Describe mature erythrocyte
- a bioconcave disc with a central pallor that occupies the middle one third of the cell.
- has hemoglobin
- average lifespan of 120 days
- soft and pliable cell
What is the function of hemoglobin?
- oxygen-carbon dioxide transport
Describe as the RBCs age
- decrease in enzyme activity, especially glycolysis
Describe erythropoiesis
- the process of erythrocyte production
- encompasses differentiation form the HSC through the mature erythrocyte
Describe where erythropoiesis takes place?
- erythroblastic islands
- they consists of normoblasts (erytrhoblasts) clustered around an iron-laden macrophage. The macrophage provides the iron needed for hemoglobin maturation and also aids by providing cytokines for the developing normoblasts to mature into functional erythrocytes
What does heme pigment accomplish?
- transport of oxygen to the tissues and transport of carbon dioxide from the tissues
- heme pigment is synthesized as RBC matures
What are the basic substances needed for normal erythrocyte and hemoglobin production?
- amino acids (protein)
- iron
- vitamin B12
- vitamin B6
- folic acid
- trace mineral cobalt and nickel
- abnormal erythropoiesis can result from deficiencies. Of any of these necessary substances
What is erythropoietin produced by?
- 80-90% are produced by peritubular cells of the kidneys
- 10-20% is produced in the liver, which is primary site of EPO production in the developing fetus
What are blood levels of EPO inversely related to?
- to tissue oxygenation
- the greater the hypoxia, the higher the EPO levels
What is the main function of EPO?
- early-acting and lat-acting cytokine, acting on BFU-E and CFU- progenitors as well as the erythroblastic precursors
- it also interacts with IL-3, GM-CSF, IL-1 and TSF to promote maturation and differentiation of other cell types
Describe maturation and development of a erythrocyte
- once the stem cell differentiates into the erythroid cell line, a call matures through the nucleated cell stages in 4 or 5 days
- Bone marrow reticulocyte psi have an average maturation period of 2.5 days
-once young reticulocyte enters the circulating blood, they remain in the reticulocyte stage for an average of 1 day - reticulocyte represent approximately 0.5% to 1.5% of the circulating erythrocytes
What is the order for erythrocyte development?
- Rubriblast
- Prorubricyte
- Rubricyte
- Metarubricyte
- Reticulocyte
- Mature erythrocyte
1. Pronormoblast
2. Basophilic normoblast
3. Polychromatic normoblast
4. Orthochromic normoblast
5. polychromatic erytrhocyte
Decribe rubriblast
- 12-19 um in diameter
- N:C ratio is 4:1
- nucleus —> larger, round nucleus, fine pattern chromatin
- 0-2 nucleoli
- cytoplasm - distinctive basophilic color without granules
Describe prorubricyte
- 12-17 um in diameter
- Nucleus - chromatin is more clumped
- nucleoli usually not apparent
- cytoplasm has distinctive basophilic color
Describe rubricyte
- 11-15 um is diameter
- N:C ratio 1:1
- nucleus - increased clumping of chromatin
- cytoplasm - color: variable, with pink staining mixed with basophilia
Desribre metarubricyte
- 8-12 um in diameter
- nucleus - chromatin pattern is tightly condensed
- cytoplasm color: reddish pink (acidophilic)
Describe the stain used for reticulocyte
- methylene blue precipitates the ribosomal RNA in these cells to form a deep-blue, mesh-like network
What is the reticulocyte procedure used for?
As an indicator of the rate of erythrocyte production
Describe the reticulocyte count procedure
- usually, the count is expressed as a % of total erythrocytes.
- the normal range is:
—> 0.5-1.5% in adults
—> 2.5-6.5% in newborns, falls after the second week of life
What is the equation for corrected reticulocyte count?
CRC (%) = (Retic count (%) X patients PCV)/normal PCV
*normal PCV is based on age and sex
Describe Reticulocyte production index (RPI)
- a simple percentage calculation of reticulocyte does not account for an existing anemia, which prematurely releases reticulocytes. These require an additional 0.5-1.5 days longer to mature
- measures erythropoietic activity when stress reticulocytes are present. The rational for this is that life span of the circulating stress reticulocytes is 2 days instead of the normal 1 day
What is the RPI equation?
RPI = corrected reticulocyte count %/ maturation time in days
What are the maturation time correction factors?
Hct 45% —> 1.0 days
Hct 35% —> 1.5 days
Hct 25% —> 2.0 days
Hct 15% —> 2.5 days
Describe the mature erythrocytes
- is anucleated
- functions to transport oxygen to the tissues via hemoglobin
- survives in circulation for 120 days
- has average diameter of 6-8 um
- lacks ability to make hemoglobin, lacks nucleus and functional organelles
How do mature erythrocytes metabolize glucose?
Anaerobic glycolysis `
What is polycythemia?
- increased concentration of erythrocytes in the circulating blood that is above normal for gender and age
Describe secondary polycythemia
- disorder of erythropoietin
- also called absolute polycythemia
- reflect an increase in erythropoietin production and should not be confused with polycythemia Vera
What are mechanisms that can produce secondary polycythemia?
- presence of high oxygen affinity hemoglobin
- chronic lung disease
- smoking
- dwelling in high altitudes
Describe Red cell increase
- can result from conditions that are not related to increased erythropoietin production. These conditions include the relative polycythemia
Describe relative polycythemia
- rarely has to do with the cells, but rather the proportion of cells to plasma volume
- when plasma volume is lowered, for example, it will appear as through the Hct is higher than expected, but it is not
What is erythron?
Refers to all of the stages of erythrocyte development
What stimulates erythropoiesis?
- Glycoprotein hormone (can cross placenta)
- androgen hormone
- thyroid hormone
What is hypoxia?
- a decrease in the oxygen content within the tissues
- produces dramatic increase in EPO production
How does EPO control red cell production?
- The number of hemoglobin-containing erythrocytes increases
- The oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood increases
- Th normal level of oxygen in the tissues can be restored
What does EPO have predominant effects on?
- the committed erythroid cell, CFU-E, promoting their proliferation and differentiation into erythroblasts
- also stimulates the differentiation of a more primitive erythroid differentiation of a more primitive erythroid progenitor, BFU-E, with bursting-promoting activity
What does EPO prevent?
Cell apoptosis
What are nutritional and regulatory factors can cause abnormalties in erythrocytes?
- erythropoietin
- iron
- vitamins
- hormones
What are conditions that cause inappropriate EPO production?
- neoplasms
- renal disorders that produce local hypoxia within the kidney
- second polycythemia
Describe megaloblastic maturation
- seen in certain anemias, such as vitamin B12 or folate deficiencies
- most noticeable characteristics of this type of defect is the nuclear maturation lags behind cytoplasmic maturation
- Because of an impaired ability of the cells to synthesize DNA, both the interphase and the phases of mitotic divisions are prolonged
How is the asynchronous patterns of megaloblastic maturation confusing?
Because the nuclear development of the cells is much younger looking than the actual development age, which is expressed by the cytoplasmic development
Describe the metabolic activities of erythrocytes
- has limited ability to metabolized fatty acids and amino acids and lacks mitochondria for oxidative metabolism
Describe energy sources for RBCs
- exclusively produced by anaerobic glycolysis, through the Embden-Meyerhof-Parma’s pathway, mainly, but also get assistance through:
—> hexose monophosphate shunt
—> methemoglobin reductase pathway
—> luebering-Rapoport pathway
Describe overall pathway of erythrocyte glycolysis
- may be subdivided into the following:
—> major anaerobic embden-Meyerhof glycolytic pathway that generates ATP and maintains the function of the hemoglobin
—>three supplementary pathways
1. The methemoglobin reductase pathway
2. The Rapoport-Luebering pathway
3. The phosphogluconate pathway
Describe the reticulocyte membrane
- in maturing reticulocyte, membrane vesiculation leads to loss of surface area
- posses a significant amount of tubulin and actin in the membrane that mature RBC and therefore gets lost
What are the 3 major changes occur as a reticulocyte matures into an erythrocyte?
- increase in shear resistance
- loss of surface area because of membrane lipid loss
- acquisition of a bioconcave shape
What are some characteristics of mature RBC membrane?
- shape of erythrocyte constantly changes as it moves through the circulation
- composed of a protein lattice-lipid bilayer to which the membrane skeleton is attached by trans bilayer (peripheral proteins)
- deformable and tolerant against mechanical stress and various pH and salt concentrations in vivo and in vitro
- cell shape changes reversibly depending on ATP level in the cell and intracellular calcium ion concentration
Describe the cytoskeleton of RBCs
- composed for peripheral proteins that control cell shape, attachment to other cells and maintain organization of specialized membrane domains
- major components are alpha- and beta- spectrin, ankyrin, band 3, band 4.2, and the glycophorins
- together they form a complex meshwork tethered to the RBC membrane
What is the function of aquaporin 1?
Water transporter
What are the functions for Band 3 Anion exchanger 1?
- anion transporter
- support system for surface antigens of ABH blood groups antigens
What is the function of Duffy blood group antigens?
Calcium transporter
What are the functions of GLUT1?
- glucose transport
- supports ABH blood group antigens
What are the functions of Glycophorin A?
- transport negatively charged sialic acid
- supports MN blood group antigens
What are the functions of Glycophorin B?
- transport negatively charged sialic acid
- supports Ss blood groups antigens
What are functions of Glycophorin C?
- transport negatively charged sialic acid
- supports Gerbich blood group system antigens
What is the function ICAM4?
- integrin adhesion
What are the functions of kell blood group antigens?
- Zn binding endopeptidase
- supports Kell blood group antigens
What is the function of Kidd blood group antigens?
- urea transporter
What is the function Rh blood group antigens?
Supports D and CcEe blood group antigens
What are the functions of Rh antigen expression protein?
- Supports DCcEe antigen expression
- gas’ transporter (probably CO2)
What is the function of Embden-Meyerhof pathway?
- maintains cellular energy by generating ATP
What is the function of oxidative pathway (herxose monophosphatase shunt)?
- prevents denaturation of globin of the hemoglobin molecule by oxidation
What is the function of the methemoglobin reductase pathway?
- keeps hemoglobin in the reduced state, which prevents oxidation of hemoglobin (heme iron)
What is the function of Luebering-Rapoport pathway?
Regulates oxygen affinity of hemoglobin
What are the transmembrane proteins function as transporter or pumps?
- Water transporter, aquaporin 1
- glucose transporters (GLOTI1 and GLUT3), sodium/hydrogen exchanger 1
- Na-K-ATPase
What is the progression of erythropoiesis from prenatal life to adulthood?
- Yolk sac
- Liver and spleen
- Red bone marrow
What is erythropoietin secreted by?
Liver and spleen
What does tissue hypoxia stimulate?
With a normal diet, an erythrocyte remains in the reticulocyte stage in the circulating blood for how many days?
What is a reticulocyte that has a blue appearance?
- polychromatophilia
When does relative polycythemia exist?
When the plasma volume is decreased
What occurs when increased there are increased amounts of 2,3-DPG?
- decreases the oxygen affinity of the hemoglobin molecule
What occurs after a molecule of hemoglobin gains the first two oxygen molecules?
The molecule expels 2,3 DPG
Why does the RBC have limited metabolic ability?
- no mitochondria for oxidative metabolism
What are the contents of the RBC cytoplasm?
- high in potassium ions
- glucose and enzymes necessary for glycolysis
The Embden-Meyerhof pathway net gain of ATP provides high energy phosphates to do what?
- maintain membrane lipids
- power the cation pump needed for sodium-potassium concentration pump and calcium flux
- preserve the shape and flexibility of the cellular membrane
What is the end product of Embden-Meyerhof pathway of glucose metabolism in the erythrocytes?
- lactate
- 2 ATPS
What is the most common erythrocytic enzyme deficiency involving the embden- Meyerhof glycolytic pathway?
Pyruvate kinase
What will result from a defective oxidative pathway (hexose monophosphate shunt)?
- insufficient amounts of reduced glutathione
- denaturation of globin
- precipitation of Heinz bodies
To maintain reduced levels of methemoglobin in the RBC, what chemical is necessary to maintain heme iron in a functional (2+) state?
What would a patient have Heinz bodies in their RBCs?
Reduced amounts of glutathione
What occurs in erythrocytic glycolysis in the condition of acidosis?
Glycolysis is reduced
What occurs as RBCs age?
- enzyme activity, particularly glycolysis, decreases
Where does extravascular RBC destruction occur?
Macrophages of the spleen
What are characteristics of the aging cell membrane?
- age-related changes can be monitored using plasma membrane calcium (PMCA) and glycated hemoglobin (Hgb A1C)
—> PMCA strength declines as the RBC ages
—> Hgb A1C increases as the RBC ages - these cause densification of the RBC membrane that contributes to the membrane instability seen in senescent RBCs
What are characteristics of the RBC cytoplasm?
- in addition to hemoglobin, the enzymes synthesized during early cell development have to be sufficient to provide the energy needed for these processes
—> main thing hemoglobin iron in an active ferrous (Fe2+) state
—> driving the cation pump needed to maintain intracellular sodium ion (Na+) and potassium ion (K+) concentrations despite the presence of a concentration gradient
—> maintaining the sulfrahydryl groups of globins, enzymes, and membranes in an active reduced state
—> preserving the integrity of the membrane
Describe blocked or inadequate metabolic pathways?
- the life span of the erythrocyte is reduced and hemolysis results. Defects in metabolism can include the following
—> failure to provide sufficient reduced glutathione,which protects other elements in the cell from oxidation
—> insufficient energy-providing co-enzymes such as NADH, NADPH, and ATP
Describe the two most common erythrocytic enzyme deficiencies
- involves the Embden-Meyerhof Parnas glycolytic pathway, are deficiencies of:
—> G6PD
—> pyruvate Kinase (PK)
What is G6PD responsible for?
- responsible for converting glucose-6 phosphate (G6P) to 6-phosphogluconate (6PG)
What is pyruvate kinase responsible for?
- converting pyruvate (pyruvic acid) to lactic acid
Describe the Embden-Meyerhof pathway
- generates 2 ATP from anaerobic glycolysis
Describe hexose monophosphate shunt
- couples oxidative catabolism of glucose with NADP reduction, which is required for glutathione reduction
- failure to reduce glutathione causes denaturation of globin and the formation of Heinz bodies
Describe the Luebering-Rapoport Pathway
- allows for optimal oxygen transport in hypoxic conditions and acid-base disturbances though the accumulation of 2,3-DPG
Describe genetic inheritance of hemoglobin
- normal adult hemoglobin A is inherited in simple Mendelian fashion
- four polypeptide chains (574 amino acids)
—> two alpha and two beta chains
—> each has an attached heme group - genotype for normal hemoglobin is A/A
- there are approximately 350 variants types
Describe role of 2,3-DPG
- the oxygen affinity of the hemoglobin molecule is associated with the spatial rearrangement of the molecule and is regulated by the concentration of phosphates, particularly 2,3-DPG in the erythrocyte
- 2,3-DPG combines with the beta chains of deoxyhemoglobin and diminishes the molecules affinity for oxygen
Describe oxygen dissociation and alterations
- 2,3-DPG combines with beta chains of deoxyhemoglobin and diminishes the molecules affinity for oxygen
- heme groups unload oxygen in tissues and beta chains are pulled apart and 2,3-DPG form salt bridges
- results in lower affinity of oxygen
- oxygen uptake in lungs causes salt bridges to be broken and 2,3-DPG to be expelled
- in cases of tissue hypoxia, oxygen moves from hemoglobin to tissues and amount of deoxyhemoglobin increases in RBC
- produces binding of 2,3-DPG which lowers hemoglobin affinity of oxygen
What occurs if hypoxia persists?
- depletion of free 2,3-DPG leads t increased production of more 2,3-DPG and a persistently lowered affinity of the hemoglobin molecule for oxygen
What are changes in oxygen affinity of the molecules responsible for?
- the ease with which hemoglobin can be loaded with oxygen in the lungs and unloaded in tissue
What does the shape and position of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve graphically describe?
The relationship between oxygen content (% saturation) and partial pressure of oxygen (PO2)
Define P50 value
- the partial pressure of oxygen required to produce half saturation of hemoglobin when the deoxyhemoglobin concentration equals the oxyhemoglobin concentration at a constant pH and temperature
What is the pH and temperature of humans?
- 7.4
- 37.5 C
What can a decrease in DPG cause?
- an increase in oxygen affinity is demonstrated by a shift to the left
What can an increase of DPG cause?
A decrease in oxygen affinity is represented by a shift to the right, by a decrease in pH (Bohr effect), increase in temperature or hypoxia conditions
What are the 3 ways carbon dioxide can be carried to the lungs?
- indirectly by erythrocytes
- directly by erythrocyte
- in plasma
Describe indirect erythrocyte mechanism of carbon dioxide transport
- predominant mechanism
- approximately 3/4 of the activity for removing carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide diffuses into the erythrocytes, is catalyzed by the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, and is transformed into carbonic acid
H2O + CO2 —> H2CO3
- the hydrogen ion of carbonic acid is accepted by the alkaline deoxyhemoglobin, and the bicarbonate ion diffuses back into the plasma
H2CO3 —> H+ + HCO3-
Describe chloride shift
- free bicarbonate diffuses out of RBC into plasma
- plasma chloride diffuses into cell
- in the lungs, bicarbonate is converted back into carbon dioxide and water and eliminate from lungs through respiration
What happens to a 1/4 of carbon dioxide?
- directly bound with deoxyhemoglobin forming carbamino hemoglobin
What happens to 5% of carbon dioxide?
- carried in solution in the plasma to the lungs
What cause defects of hemoglobin?
- amino acid substitution (hemoglobinopathies)
- diminished production of the polypeptide chains (thalassemias)
Describe formation of heme from porphyrin
- hemoglobin is synthesized during most of the erythrocytic maturation process
- 65% of cytoplasmic hemoglobin is synthesized before the nucleus is extruded
- 35% is synthesized in the early reticulocyte
What is the erythrocyte precursor?
Where is heme produced?
- mainly in the red bone marrow and liver
- heme produced in the erythroid precursors is chemically identical to that in the cytochromes and myoglobin
Describe iron of hemoglobin
- iron is delivered by transferrin to the membrane of immature cell
- iron in the ferric form (Fe3+) affixes to cell membrane and transferrin is released
- iron enters cell and proceeds to mitochondrion
- excess iron accumulates as ferritin aggregates in the cytoplasm of immature erythrocyte
What does the amount of non-heme iron deposited depend on?
- the ratio between the plasma iron level and the iron required by the cell
What is globin structure and production governed by?
What is the rate of globin chain synthesis?
- is a function of the rate at which the DNA code is transcribed
What is Alpha Globin Locus?
Chromosome 16 governs alpha chain production in adults and zeta chain production in the fetus
- each cell has two chromosome 16 ( a total of 4 alpha chains in each cell)
- mechanism of this coordination is unknown
What is Beta Globin Locus?
Chromosome 11 governs the beta globin chains, which in order of sequence is epsilon, gamma, delta, and beta
- two copies of gamma gene on each chromosome 11
Describe production of functional hemoglobin
Pairs two alpha globin chains and two beta globin chains together
What does hemoglobin alpha and beta chains in an adult consist of?
- 141 amino acids in each alpha chain
- 146 amino acids in each beta chain
What is the P50 value for whole blood in humans under the accepted standard conditions (pH and temp)?
26.52 Hg
Describe the oxyhemoglobin 3D structure
Salt bridges are broken, and the hemoglobin molecule is describe as being relaxed (R) structure or state
Describe the deoxyhemoglobin 3D structure
- tetramer is stabilized by intersubunit salt bridges and is described as the tense (T) structure or state
Compare T configuration with R configuration
T configuration is a low-oxygen affinity shape compared to the R configuration that is a high-oxygen conformation
Describe oxygenation of hemoglobin molecules
- oxygenation of one site on a hemoglobin molecule enhances affinity for oxygen at a different but chemically identical site
Describe when the oxygen dissociation curve shifts to the left
- in response to raised pH, decreased CO2, decreased temperatures or decreased 2,3-DPG
- also seen in hemoglobin F and hemoglobin variants
- increased oxygen affinity
Describe when the oxygen dissociation curve shifts to the right
- in response to lowered pH, increased CO2, increased temperature, or increased 2,3-DPG
- decrease in oxygen affinity
What are types of hemoglobin can be found during normal human growth and development?
- A
—> A1 and A2 - F
- embryonic forms
- each has a distinctive composition of polypeptide chains
- Many other types of variant (abnormal) hemoglobin’s
What is the best known hemoglobinopathy?
Sickle cell anemia
What factors can effect on the concentration of hemoglobin?
- age
- gender
- pregnancy
- altitude
- smoking
- associated disease
- altered hemoglobin derivatives
What are the steps of heme synthesis?
- Begins in the mitochondrion with the condensation of succinyl-CoA and glycine to form 5-aminolevulinic acid
- Series of steps in cytoplasm produce corproporphyrinogen III, which re-enters the mitochondrion
- Iron is inserted into the ring structure of protoporphyrin IX to produce heme
Where does most iron entering the blood plasma come from?
- recycling; an appropriate amount of iron is absorbed from the diet to compensate for losses and to main nontoxic amount in storage
Describe the rate of polypeptide synthesis
- is a function of the rate at which the DNA code is transcribed into messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA)
What are the steps of assembly of a hemoglobin molecule?
- Alpha and Beta-globin polypeptides are translated from appropriate mRNAs
- Once heme contain iron binds to each of the four polypeptide chains, the protein folds into a native 3D structure
- The alpha and Beta units bind to each other by electrostatic bonding
- An unstable intermediate encounter complex can rearrange the units to form a stable alphaBeta dimer
- Two dimmers combine to form the functional hemoglobin molecule, an a2B2 tetramer
What are the polypeptide chains of Gower-1?
2 zeta
2 epsilon
What are polypeptide chains of Gower-2?
2 alpha
2 epsilon
What are the polypeptide chains of Portland-1
2 zeta
2 gamma
What are the polypeptide chains of hemoglobin F?
2 alpha
2 gamma
What are the polypeptide chains for Hemoglobin A?
2 alpha
2 beta
What are the polypeptide chains of Hemoglobin A2?
2 alpha
2 delta
What are some disorders associated with inherited defects of heme?
- rare autosomal recessive conditions
- congenital erythropoietic porphyria
What are some disorders associated with acquired defects of heme?
- lead poisoning
Define porphyria
- a disease of heme metabolism in which a primary abnormality in porphyrin biosynthesis leads to excessive accumulation and excretion of porphyrin or their precursors by the biliary and/or renal route
Porphyria can be classified based on what characteristics?
- clinical presentation
- source of enzyme deficiency
- site of enzyme deficiency in the heme biosynthetic pathway
What are symptoms of porphyria?
- neurological complications
- skin problems
- some have no symptoms
What are the two sub groups of porphyria’s?
- acute neurological
- nonacute cutaneous
What color is porphyric urine?
Red wine color
How is porphyria tested for in urine?
Adding Ehrlich’s aldehyde reagent
What occurs when porphyria synthesis is impaired?
- mitochondria becomes encrusted with iron and some granules exist around the nucleus
- can be seen with Prussian blue stain
What are the 3 compartments that iron is distributed in?
- Storage: primarily ferritin in bone marrow macrophages and liver cells
- Transport: with serum transferrin
- Functional: as hemoglobin, myoglobin, and cytochromes
Describe iron deficiency anemia
- normal iron status continues as iron intake lags behind iron loss, but eventually the loss will be too great from the intake to keep up —> depletion of iron stores —> iron deficiency anemia
What are causes of sideroblastic anemia?
- congenital defect: hereditary sex linked, autosomal (most males)
- acquired defect: primary ; may evolve into acute myelogenous leukemia
- association with malignant disorders: acute myelogenous leukemia, polycythemia vera, myeloma, myelodysplastic syndromes
- secondary to drugs: isoniazid (INH), chloramphenicol; after chemotherapy
- toxins, including alcohol, and chronic lead poisoning
Describe hereditary hemochromatosis types
- HFE gene related (type 1)
- different mutations of the HJV gene responsible for juvenile hemochromatosis (or type 2 hemochromatosis)
- Type 3 hemochromatosis is a different form of the disease that usually appears in midlife
- Type 4 is related to the SLC40A1 gene that encodes for ferroportin
Describe disorders of globin synthesis
- when globin synthesis is impaired, protoporphyrin synthesis is correspondingly reduced
- similarly, when porphyrin synthesis is impaired, excess globin is not produced
- there is no fine regulation of iron uptake with impairment of either protoporphyrin or globin synthesis.
- when globin production is deficient, iron accumulates in the cytoplasm of cells as ferritin aggregates
Defect of globin synthesis are manifested in the __________
Describe embryonic hemoglobins
- embryonic hemoglobins are primitive hemoglobins by immature erythrocytes in the yolk sac
- include Gower 1, Gower 2 and Portland types
- they are found in human embryo and persists until approximately 12 weeks of gestation
Describe fetal hemoglobin
- Hemoglobin F is the predominant hemoglobin variety in the fetus and newborn
- has two alpha and two gamma chains
- appears by the 5th week of gestation and persists for several months after birth
—> diminish to low levels, but constant levels throughout adulthood
Describe hemoglobin A
- found in 95-97%
- made up for two alpha and two beta chains
- produced in uteri in small concentrations and converts to high concentrations 3-6 months after birth
- subfraction of A is A1
Describe hemoglobin A2
- makes up 2-3%
- made of two alpha chains and two delta chains
- production begins shortly before birth and continues at a slow rate throughout the person’s life
Describe hemoglobin A1
- this subfraction can be termed glycolsylated hemoglobin and includes the separate hemoglobin fractions A1a, A1b, and A1C
- formed during RBC maturation
- 3-6% in normal person.
- stable hemoglobin and is structurally the same as hemoglobin A except for the addition of a carbohydrate group as the terminal valine of the beta chain
- the concentration of glycolsylated hemoglobin accurately reflects the patients blood glucose level
What are some variant forms of normal hemoglobin?
- carboxyhemoglobin
- sulfhemoglobin
- methemoglobin
Describe carboxyhemoglobin
- hemoglobin has higher affinity for carbon monoxide (200x) than oxygen does.
- this results in oxygen deprivation and tissue necrosis if left untreated
- normal levels: 1-3%
Describe sulfhemoglobin
- the binding of hemoglobin to hydrogen sulfide produces an irreversible change in the polypeptide chains (produces green color)
- this causes denaturation and precipitation of Heinz bodies
- can combine with carbon monoxide and produce carboxysulfhemoglobin
- can be formed by action of certain oxidizing drugs
- normal: <1%
- elevated = cyanosis
Describe methemoglobin
- hemoglobin with iron in the ferric state, instead of the ferrous state
- results in poor delivery of oxygen. Cyanosis occurs with methemoglobin levels at greater than 10% and hypoxia at greater than 60%
- normal: 2% produced per day
Describe variant forms of normal hemoglobin
- typified by differing from normal hemoglobin only by the molecule that replaces oxygen
- unable to transport oxygen
- most cases are acquired
What are symptoms when carboxyhemoglobin levels are 20-30%?
- dizziness
- nausea
- headache
- muscular weakness
What are symptoms when carboxyhemoglobin levels are at 40%?
- sudden loss of consciousness
- rapid death
What is the treatment for carbon monoxide poisoning?
Supplement oxygen
Describe abnormal hemoglobin
- usually results from mutant, codominant genes
- mutant genes may be homozygous (such as SS in sickle cell disease) or heterozygous(such as SA in sickle cell trait)
—> sickle cell gene may occur with C, E, or D giving rise to SC, SE, or SD disease
Describe defective hemoglobin S
- amino acid valine at 6th position of the beta globin chain instead of glutamic acid
What are ways to analyze hemoglobin?
- hemoglobincyanide (cyanmethoemoglobin) (defunct)
- alkaline electrophoresis
- citrate agar electrophoresis
- denaturation procedures
- chromatography
- molecular testing
Describe alkaline electrophoresis
What is the principle of alkaline electrophoresis?
- hemoglobin molecules in an alkaline solution have a net negative charge and move toward the anode
Describe alkaline electrophoresis
- screening procedure that separates Hgbs A, F, S, and C
- fast hemoglobins are those that move furthest from the point of application
—> include Hgb A, F, Barts, H and I - slow hemoglobins are those that move close to the application point
—> include Hgb C, E, O and A2
What is the principe of Citrate agar electrophoresis?
- citrate agar separates hemoglobin fractions that migrate together on cellulose acetate— hgbs S, D, G, C, E and O
- takes place at an acid pH
Describe citrate agar electrophoresis
- in this method, Hgbs are separated on the basis of a complex interaction between hemoglobin, agar, and citrate buffer ions
- due to similar migration patterns on cellulose acetate, all Hgb specimens that show an abnormal electrophoresis pattern in alkaline media should undergo electrophoresis pattern in alkaline media should undergo electrophoresis on acid citrate agar
What test is commonly used to determine the amount of fetal blood that has mixed with maternal blood following delivery?
Describe Kleihauer-Betke test
- denaturation test because we expose the specimen that denatures adult hemoglobin
—> fetal hemoglobin (F) is resistant to acid lysis and therefore stays intact and stains pink with safranin
—> adult Hgb (A) is susceptible to acid lysis and therefor will be faintly colored
—> the number of fetal cells to adult cell is counted and a percentage is determined, which is compared to a reference range
What is the clinical significance of Kleihauer-Betke test?
- sensitization for HDN occurs when there is too much intermingling of fetal and maternal blood
Describe chromatography of hemoglobin analysis
- quantitation of hemoglobin A1 can be accomplished by cation exchange minicolumn chromatography
- the results can be affected by several types of Hgb in addition to Hgb A1
- cellulose acetate and citrate agar electrophoresis should be used in conjunction with cation exchange chromatography to eliminate the possibility of interference by Hgb variants
- other assay methods for glycolylated Hgb include high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and colorimetric methods
Describe molecular testing of hemoglobin analysis
- gene deletions and mutations causing thalassemias and hemoglobinopathies can be identified using molecular testing
- since Hgb (particularly the globin component) is maintained under genetic control, determining the genetic influence of hemoglobinopathies and thalassemias is beneficial
What processes occur as erythrocytes age?
- the membrane becomes less flexible
- the concentration of cellular Hgb increases
- enzyme activity, particularly glycolysis, diminishes
What is the standard method for the determination of Hgb?