Unit 2 Flashcards
Symptom of a stroke, causes pt to be unable to recognize familiar objects or persons
a symptom of a stroke characterized by loss of ability to execute or carry out skilled movements or gestures
a symptom of a stroke that is characterized by difficulty reading
a symptom of a stroke characterized by a client being seemingly unaware of the existence of their paralyzed side.
neglect syndrome
a symptom of a stroke that is characterized by difficulty writing
paralysis on one side of the body
a symptom of a stroke that is characterized by one-sided weakness
A symptom of a stroke that is charaterized by loss of visual field in one or both eyes
A symptom of a stroke that is charaterized by loss of visual field in one or both eyes
a symptom of a stroke that is characterized by weakness
paralysis on one side of the body
a symptom of a stroke that is characterized by difficulty writing
Unilateral neglect syndrome
a symptom of a stroke characterized by a client being seemingly unaware of the existence of their paralyzed side.
a symptom of a stroke that is characterized by difficulty reading
Symptom of a stroke, causes pt to be unable to recognize familiar objects or persons
a symptom of a stroke characterized by loss of ability to execute or carry out skilled movements or gestures
Loss of half of the field of view on the same side in both eyes
homonymous hemianopsia
homonymous hemianopsia
Loss of half of the field of view on the same side in both eyes
Anticoag therapy
oral contraceptives
cocaine use
all of the following are risks of what?
risk factors of a stroke
Anticoag therapy
oral contraceptives
cocaine use
Diagnostic tests for a stroke
Radiology tests
CT Scan
Carotid Duplex Ultrasound
Lumbar puncture
Cerebral Angiography
Laboratory testing
Medications used to treat a stroke
Should anticoags be used in the case of a hemmoragic stroke?
Time frame for thrombolytics in the case of a stroke
4.5 hrs of initial symptoms
are all examples of what type of medication?
are all examples of what kind of medication
S/S of right sided brain damage or stroke on the right side of the brain
Think reckless
-impaired judement
-imparied time concepts
-impulsive, safety problems
-left sided neglect
-paralyzed left side
-rapid preformance, short attention span
-spatial-perceptual deficits
-tends to deny or minimize problems
-impaired judement
-imparied time concepts
-impulsive, safety problems
-left sided neglect
-paralyzed left side
-rapid preformance, short attention span
-spatial-perceptual deficits
-tends to denyor minimize problems
are all S/S of what?
Right sided brain damage or stroke on the right sign of the brain
S/S of left sided brain damage or a stroke on the left side of the brain
think language
-aware of deficits, depression, anxiety
-impaired comprehension related to language, math
-impaired right/left discrimination
-impaired speech/language aphasias
-paralyzed right side
-slow preformance, cautious
-aware of deficits, depression, anxiety
-impaired comprehension related to language, math
-impaired right/left discrimination
-impaired speech/language aphasias
-paralyzed right side
-slow preformance, cautious
are all S/S of what?
left sided brain damage or stroke on the left side of the brain
Two types of stroke
Hemorrhagic and ischemic
Visual disturbances
slurred speech
a weak extremity
are all S/S of what?
S/S of a TIA
Visual disturbances
slurred speech
a weak extremity
Two types of ischemic strokes
Embolic and thrombotic
This type of stroke can be embolc or thrombotic. Can be reversed with fibrinolytic therapy using alteplase AKA tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)
Time frame to treat an ischemic stroke
3-4.5 hrs
describe an ischemic stroke
This type of stroke can be embolic or thrombotic. Can be reversed with fibrinolytic therapy using alteplase AKA tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)
A type of stroke caused by a ruptured artery or aneurysm.
Has a sudden onset of symptoms
Symptoms progress within minutes to hours due to ongoing bleeding
A type of ischemic stroke that can be caused by an embolus traveling from another part of the body.
Symptoms are sudden and severe
Warning signs are less common
client remains conscious and may have a headache
This is a type of an ischemic stroke that occurs after the development of a blood clot on an atherosclerotic plaque in a cerebral artery that gradually shuts off the artery causes ischemia distal to the occlusion.
symptoms get progressivly worse as the infarction and edema increases
for the first 24 hours after a stroke the patient is at risk for what?
Special instructions for stroke patients
Elevate HOB 30 degrees
compression stockings
Do not feed if no gag reflex-start with liquids then progress diet as tolerated
crush meds
ask simple questions
remove dentures
seizure precautions 24 hrs
IV NS to maintain or increase BP
Symptom of a stroke that causes the client to be able to understand what is being said but is unable to communicate verbally. Damage occurs in the Broca’s Area of the frontal lobe
expressive aphasia
describe expressive aphasia
Symptom of a stroke that causes the client to be able to understand what is being said but is unable to communicate verbally. Damage occurs in the Broca’s Area of the frontal lobe
This is a symptom of a stroke in which the client unable to understand the spoken and often time written word. Damage occurs in the Wernicke’s Area in the Temporoparietal Lobes
receptive aphasia
describe receptive aphasia
client unable to understand the spoken and often time written word. Damage occurs in the Wernicke’s Area in the Temporoparietal Lobes
a symptom of a stroke in which dysfunction occurs in expression and reception.
Global Aphasia
Describe Homonymous Hemianopsia
Because there is a loss of the SAME (homo-) field of vision in both eyes the patient must turn their head from side-to-side to compensate for the loss of vision. This points to damage of the optic tract or occipital lobe from the stroke.
field of vision in both eyes the patient must turn their head from side-to-side to compensate for the loss of vision. This points to damage of the optic tract or occipital lobe from the stroke.
Homonymous Hemianopsia
Thrombus is a
blood clot
an Embolus is a
traveling blood clot
Neck stiffness, inability to move the neck muscles
Nuchal ridgity
describe nucal ridgity
Neck stiffness, inability to move the neck muscles
The body’s ability to sense its location, movements, and actions
describe propriception
The body’s ability to sense its location, movements, and actions
B.E. F.A.S.T
Balance issues
Eyesight Changes
Facial drooping
Arm weakness
Speech difficulties
Time to call 911
Door-to-CT Time:
withing 25 mins from arrival to ED time
Door-to-CT results
within 45 mins from arrival to ED time
Test used to detect intracranial hemorrhage, space occupying masses, cerebral edema, infarctions, hydrocephalus, cerebral atrophy, and shifts in brain structures
CT Scans
Priority vital signs for a hemorrhagic stroke patient
Blood pressure
If a patient who has a hemorrhagic stroke begins to experience hypotension this could be an indicator of what?
The stroke is getting worse and there is a decrease in cerebral perfusion
Ineffective cerebral tissue perfusion r/t bleeding or embolism
Risk for aspiration r/t inability to protect the airway
Risk for impaired gas exchange r/t aspiration
Impaired physical mobility r/t hemiparesis or hemiplegia
Impaired verbal communication r/t decreased perfusion to speech centers
Disturbed sensory perception r/t damage to sensory input areas
Self-care deficit
Unilateral neglect
Risk for injury
all of the following are possible nursing dx for what?
A stroke
Possible nursing dx for a stroke
Ineffective cerebral tissue perfusion r/t bleeding or embolism
Risk for aspiration r/t inability to protect the airway
Risk for impaired gas exchange r/t aspiration
Impaired physical mobility r/t hemiparesis or hemiplegia
Impaired verbal communication r/t decreased perfusion to speech centers
Disturbed sensory perception r/t damage to sensory input areas
Self-care deficit
Unilateral neglect
Risk for injury
As a stroke patient deteriorates what becomes the main priority?
Airway patency
Lab tests for a stroke
blood tests
- plt
- Electrolytes
- Cholesterol levels
Surgical options for a stroke
Carotid artery Angioplasty with stenting (CAS)
Carotid Endarterectomy
Extracranial-intracranial bypass
The dislocation of the shoulder from the weight of the affected arm if not supported
Shoulder subluxation
describe shoulder subluxation
The dislocation of the shoulder from the weight of the affected arm if not supported
Radiology test that can help pick up smaller strokes located in the brain stem
How would an MRI be helpful for dx testing in stroke patients
can help pick up smaller strokes located in the brain stem
Radiology test used to evaluate current cardiac status and to see if clot could have originated in the heart.
how would an echocardiogram be a helpful dx test in stroke patients
to evaluate current cardiac status and to see if clot could have originated in the heart.
Thrombolytics are what?
Clot busters
Recombinant Tissue Plaminogen activator usually ends in what?
alTEPLASE is what?
alTEPLASE (tPA) and reTEPLASE are examples of what?
Time frame for thrombolyitics to be given?
4.5 hrs within initial onset of symptoms
Thromobolytics are a high alert medication and you should always do what before administering?
another practitioner to independently check original order, dosage calculations, and infusion pump setting
antidote for thrombolytics
Amniocaproic Acid or amicar
amniocaproic acid’s other name
amicar’s other name
amniocaproic acid
What should tPA be reconstituted with?
Sterile water
What guage IV is needed to administer tPA
18 g
Contraindications for Thrombolytics in stroke patients
Uncontrolled HTN
Hemorrhagic stroke
A stroke patient has been evaluated and has been diagnosed with a hemorrhagic stroke and the doc has ordered tPA what should you do?
Hold med and call doc
A stroke patient has come in and you have not been able to get their BP under control. HCP orderes tPA what should you do?
Hold med and call doc
Labs to monitor in stroke patients taking thrombolytics
uncontrolled HTN
A Hemorrhagic stroke
are contraindications for what?
Patients taking thrombolytics are exibiting s/s of a PE or MI what does this mean?
the clot has dislodged and traveled
If a patient taking thrombolytics what could be an indication of a clot dislodging and traveling
S/S of a PE or MI
When patients are taking thrombolytics what should you do after any arterial or venous sticks?
Apply prolonged pressure
Client teaching with patients taking thrombolytics
Explain purpose of medication and the need for close monitoring
Instruct client/family to report any unusual bruising or bleeding, rash, or SHOB
Avoid all unnecessary procedures such as shaving or vigorous tooth brushing.
Notify provider if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant, or if your breastfeeding
Route Thrombolytics are given
IV push bolus followed by weight based infusion over 1-hr
Patients recieving tPA or any thrombolytics should have 2 what?
Side effects of thrombolytics
GI Bleeding*
GU Bleeding*
Intracranial bleeding*
Allergic Rxn*
Nose/Gum bleeds
GI Bleeding*
GU Bleeding*
Intracranial bleeding*
Allergic Rxn*
Nose/Gum bleeds
are all side effects of what?
Thrombolytics or tPA
Severe adverse rxn to thrombolytics
GI Bleeding
GU Bleeding
Intracranial bleed
Allergic reaction
pt’s recieving Thrombolytics should be assessed how often for bleeding q what?
15 mins
pt’s recieving thrombolytics should have ______ done so they can have __________ ready
type and cross
If a patient is on thrombolytic therapy they should be on what?
Bed rest
Pt’s on thrombolytic therapy should avoid what?
IM and SQ injections
You should monitor what in patients recieving thrombolytic therapy
Anticoagulants end in what?
Heparin, enoxaparin, and warfarin are all examples of what?