Unit 2 Flashcards
internal migration
moving within a country’s borders (ex: California to Texas)
demographic transition
a model used to show the patterns of a society’s fertility and mortality rates in 4-5 stages
agricultural density
total number of farmers divided by arable land, used to determine how rich or poor a country is (more farmers = less technology)
life expectancy / longevity rate
the number of years a certain person can expect to live, the average years a member of a population dies at
zero population growth
no population growth, when the NIR is close to or equals 0
voluntary migration
migration based on own choices
money that is sent back to a migrant’s family in their home country
international / transnational migration
migration to another country (ex: England to Canada)
child mortality rate
the amount of deaths from the ages 1-5 per one thousand children
study and description of people
doubling time
the years it would take for a certain population to double
epidemiological transition
a model focusing on the health threats for each stage of demographic transition
total fertility rate (TFR)
the average amount of children born to a woman within her child-bearing years (15-49)
physiological density
-population divided by arable land
- measures ability + pressures to produce food to sustain population
carrying capacity
the amount of people an area can support/sustain
dependency ratio
the percentage of people that are dependent on the working population.
the number of people younger than 15 and older than 64 divided by the number of people from 15-64, then multiplied by 100 to reach a percentage. can also be specific for an age group: youth dependency ratio (younger than 15), and old-age dependency ratio (older than 64)
an improved version of Thomas Malthus’ theory, it explains that the Earth’s resources can only support a certain population (carrying capacity)
age distribution
the proportion of individuals of different ages within a population.
arithmetic density
- total population divided by land
- doesn’t consider other factors that play into population, like the environment
infant mortality rate (IMR)
the number of deaths under 1 years old per 1,000 births
crude birth rate (CBR)
the number of births in a year divided by the total population within an area