Unit 2 Flashcards
Skinner on. Functional Analysis
- The external variables of which Bx is a function provide for what maybe called a casual/ functional analysis
- The relation btw bx & the Env provide “a comprehensive pic of the organism as a Behaving system”
Functional Analysis
- Process of identifying Environmental events that are Functionally related to Bx by systematically manipulating environmental variables
- AKA experimental assessment
Functional Analysis (con…t)
- Assessment in which:
- Antecedents &/or consequences are experimentally manipulated
- Bx is measured under these different conditions
- Functional relations are identified through this systematic manipulation
- Can take many different forms
Functional Analysis Purpose
- Identify Functional relations btw Bx & the Env
- Identify maintaining variables for Bx
Functional Analysis Assumptions
- Problem Bx is:
- Learned
- A function of environmental contingencies
Learned Functions of Bx
- Positive reinforcement
- Socially mediated
- Automatic
- Negative reinforcement
- Socially mediated
- Automatic
Functional Analysis Characteristics
- Direct observation
- Manipulation of antecedent & consequent conditions
- Measurement of Bx under test & control conditions
Functional Analysis E.g.
*Is Bx (screaming) maintained by socially mediated positive Rx in the form attention (reprimands) ?
-Condition A (test):
Scream - attention (reprimand)
-Condition B (Control):
-Scream - No attention
*Higher levels of Bx in test when compared to control suggests attention may be a reinforcer for this bx
Functional Analysis as a Process
- Functional analysis, also known as experimental assessment is NOT a prescribed set of procedures!
- It is a process of identifying independent variables that are Functionally related to Bx
———–reinforcement results from the addition of a(n)———– stimulus after the behavior.
- Positive
2. Appetitive (Aversive)
Lovass et al. (1965)
- Investigated social positive Rx (attention) on self-injurious Bx (SIB)
- Results: Rates of SIB increased when contingent attention was provided for Behavior
- Function of SIB: Socially mediated positive reinforcement
Carr et al. (1976, 1980)
- Functional analysis of antecedents
- IV: Antecedent demand Vs. no demand
- No programmed consequences following Behavior
Carr et al. (1976, 1980): Results
- SIB & aggression higher in demand condition
- Suggests prob Bx maintained by social negative Rx (escape from demand)
- Not confirmed cuz consequences not manipulated
Berkson and Mason (1963, 1964)
- DV: Stereotypy
- IV: Enriched (Activities present) Vs. impoverished (no activities present) env
- Results: Stereotypy higher in impoverished env
Early Studies: Common Ground
- Evaluated function through systematic manipulations
- Demonstrated control by a single contingency
- Took a Functional approach to the evaluation of problem Bx
A-B Functional Analysis
*Functional analysis in which one the antecedents to Bx are manipulated
A-B Functional Analysis Goal
-Identify antecedent conditions to Bx
A-B Fun tonal Analysis Model Development
Carr & Durand (1985)
- Manipulate antecedents only
- No programmed consequences for problem bx
A-B Functional Analysis Conditions
- Test condition= Condition in which the specific EO for an individual Reinforcer is present
- Control condition = Condition in which the specific Eos for tested reinforcers are absent
- Responding in test conditions is compared to responding in control
- Functional analysis is a process, NOT 1 specific set of procedures
- However, the term “Functional analysis” is often associated with a procedure first described by Iwata et al.
Analog Functional Analysis (FA)
- Assessment in which antecedents & consequences consistent with the 4 main functions of Bx are manipulated systematically in different conditions & the effect on Bx is measured
- AKA “Standard” functional analysis
Analog Functional Analysis (Con..t)
*Iwata et al. (1982/ 94) Created the general model for concurrently assessing sensitivity to different contingencies
Analog Functional Analysis Purpose
*To identify functional relations btw Bx & the Environment
Functional Analysis: When to Use
- When descriptive assessment does not yield enough info to form reasonable hypotheses
- When intervention based on descriptive assessment is not producing the desired change
- When much time & many resources will go into training staff on the intervention procedures
Analog FA in the Literature: Iwata et al. (1982/ 1994)
- 9 participants, all diagnosed with developmental disabilities, who engaged in varying topographies of Self-injurious behavior (SIB)
- DVs: SIB recording using partial interval recording
- IVs : Structured env conditions
Analog FA in the Literature: Iwata et al. (1982/ 1994)
- Each test condition contains EO & Sd for Reinforcement
- Specific consequence follows prob Bx in test conditions
- Often conducted in analog setting
- Responding in test conditions compared to control condition
Analog Functional Analysis Experimental Design
- Typically multielement design
- Multiple test conditions repeatedly administered
- Session are typically 10 min in length
- Prob bx response rates measured in each condition
Multielement Design
- Experimental design in which there is rapid alternation of 2 or more independent variables or IV values
- Each session is a different condition
- Visually depicted on a line graph with each data path representing a different condition
Analog Functional Analysis Conditions
- Play (serves as control)
- Attention
- Escape (sometimes called “task demand or demand)
- Alone (sometimes called “ignore”)
- Tangible (not always included)
Learned Functions of Behavior
- Positive Reinforcement
- Socially mediated
- Automatic
- Negative reinforcement
- Socially mediated
- Automatic
Purpose of Conditions in a Standard Functional Analysis
- Play - Control
- Attention - Test for social positive reinforcement (attention)
- Escape - Test for Social negative Rx
- Alone - Test for automatic Rx
- Tangible - Test for Social positive Rx (specific item)
Interesting Facts About Functional Analysis of Problem Behavior
- We want the prob bc to occur
- We set-up the env so that it is likely to occur
- We deliver Rx contingent on the target bx
- We ignore all other bx (even appropriate bx)
Play Condition
- AKA: Control
- Not one of the “test” conditions
- Serves as the control
- Condition to which rates of bx from other FA conditions are compared
Play Condition (Con..t)
- Contingency tested: No contingency tested; serves as control to which test conditions are compared
- Antecedent: No Eos for Sr+ or Sr-
- No demands (AO for Sr-)
- Noncontingent attention (AO for Sr+)
- Enriched Env (AO for Sr+)
- Consequence: No programmed consequences for target Bx
Running a Play Condition: Antecedents
- Attention freely available
- Reduces EO for attention
- Tangibles/ Activities freely available
- Reduces EO for “things” & activities
- No demands
- Reduced EO for Escape
Play Condition Steps
- Start timer
- Present preferred items and initiate play (E.g. “Here are some fun things”)
- Remain within a few feet of the client and respond to hands or intraverbals related to attention
- Provide vocal/ physical attention on a fixed-time schedule
Play Condition Steps (Con…t)
- Ignore instances of target problem Bx
* Insert short delay (e.g. 5s) for attention delivery of target Bx occurs at the end of the FT interval
Identify the characteristics of the play condition in a standard functional analysis:
(check all that apply)
- No task demands are presented
- Attention is given on a time-based schedule
- Preferred items are available
- Serves as a control
Attention Condition
-Contingency tested: Social positive Rx in the form of attention
-Antecedent: Therapist present but not provided attention
-Consequence: Attention provided contingent on target Bx
E.g. Statement of concern, reprimand
Running an Attention Condition:
- Want EO for attention to be high
- Therapist engages in another activity
- Therapist ignores all bx, except the target Bx
Running an Attention Condition: Consequences
- Consequence for all problem bx is attention
- Attention is provided, if & only if problem bx occurs
- No attention provided for any other bx
Attention Condition Steps
- Client & therapist in room with moderately preferred items
- Start timer for session
- Therapist says, “I have some work to do” & moves away from client
Attention Condition Steps (Con..t)
E.g. of attention: Reprimands, Reactions or facial expressions, comfort or motivational statements, physical touch, eye contact
- Contingent on target bx, therapist provides 3-5 sec of attention
- After attention delivery, therapist returns to their work material
- Note: All non target bx is ignored
During the attention condition of a functional analysis, the therapist should:
(check all that apply)
- Provide attention contingent on the target bx
- Ignore all other behaviors
- Start by providing no attention
Escape Condition
- AKA: Demand or task demand
- Contingency tested: Social negative Rx (removal of demand)
- Attention: Demand presented e.g. task “do this”
- Consequence: Removal of demand contingent on bx (Escape)
Running as Escape Condition:
-EO for escape should be high
Therapist presents demands over & over
-Noncompliance followed by 3-step guided compliance
-Therapist ignores everything the client says/ does, unless prob bx occurs
Escape Condition Antecedent
- Should mimic real life:
- Academic tasks
- Vocational tasks
- Daily living skills
Running an Escape Condition:
- Consequence for problem bx is a brief escape from the demand
- All materials removed, stop delivering demands
Escape Condition Steps
- Start timer for session
- Repeatedly present moderately challenging tasks
- Praise for correct response (e.g. “yes”)
- Guided compliance
Escape Condition Steps (cont..d)
- Contingent on target bx, remove materials & turn away for a fixed time after the end of the prob bx
- Note: All non target bx is ignored
Identify the characteristics of the escape condition in a standard functional analysis:
(check all that apply)
a. Starts with the therapist presenting a demand
b. Demand is removed contingent on the target bx
c. Demands continue for all other bxs