UNIT 2 - 0.5 Government responses Essay four Flashcards
The UK is a complex tapestry of economic social and cultural challenges with recent studies showing the gap between the less affluent and more widening - governmental responses have garnered increasing security - list of factors - UC, COLS, Free prescriptions.
Point one
some people may argue that UC has been a successful governmental response to inequality in the UK - DWP argues that UC claimants are much more likely to be in employment in the first 6 months compared to JSA
Point one rebuttal
However, some people may argue that UC has not been succesful in tacking inequality in the UK - JRF clames the UC pushed 1.7 million people into working poverty reducting their income by as much as £2500
point two
Another example of a successful governmental response is COLS - 8 million UC claments were entitled to £900 of COLS payments.
Point two rebuttal
However, some people may argue that COLS was not an example of successful government intervention - not all Clements were eligible for the COL payment - ignored the hidden poor - no way to appeal the payments or lack thereof - ignores the cause factors of poverty.
Point three rebuttal
However, some people may argue that free prescriptions are not a successful example of governmental intervention - Scotland effect - England has a higher life expectancy (2 years) despite England having no system such as free prescriptions.
Point three
A final example of successful government intervention to tackle poverty - free prescriptions - both the Herald and BBC report that free prescriptions save the NHS money by avoiding hospital admissions.