Unit 17: Classroom discipline Flashcards
What does to sum up mean?
To sum up means to provide a brief summary of something.
What’s the bottom line?
The bottom line is the ultimate, most important result of something.
What’s a handover?
A handover is when someone transfers responsibility of something to another person, typically by providing relevant information for a smooth transition.
What does it mean to contradict?
To contradict means to say or assert the opposite of what has been stated.
What does to assert mean?
To assert means to confidently declare something as true.
What’s charismatic authority?
Charismatic authority is a leadership style where individuals gain influence through their personal charm, magnetism and compelling personality rather than through traditional structures.
What does it mean to compel?
To compel means to make someone feel strongly inclined to do something, often through persuasive or forceful means.
What does to incline mean?
To incline means to have a preference towards a particular action or choice.
What does a means refer to?
A means refers to a way of achieving a particular goal.
What’s goodwill?
Goodwill is the positive reputation that a person earns over time due to ethical practices, positive relationships and favourable image in the eyes of others.
What does it mean to structure something firmly?
To structure something firmly means to organise it in a strong and stable manner.
What does it mean to be mobile?
To be mobile means to have the ability to move easily and freely from one place to another.
What does it mean to patronise?
To patronise someone means to talk down to them or treat them as if they’re less knowledgeable.
What does it mean to use humour constructively?
To use humour constructively means incorporating jokes or funny elements in a positive way that enhances the learning experience for students.
How’s as such used?
As such is used to refer to something previously mentioned. For example, “He forgot his umbrella and, as such, got soaked in the rain.”
What does it mean to feel unsettled?
To feel unsettled means to experience a sense of discomfort or unease due to uncertain circumstances.
What does it mean to be disastrous?
To be disastrous means to result in a complete failure or catastrophe.
What does deviant activity refer to?
Deviant activity refers to behaviours that significantly deviate from societal norms or established standards of conduct.
What does conduct refer to?
Conduct refers to how a person behaves, especially in terms of their actions or manners in different situations.
What does promptly mean?
Promptly means to do something quickly or without delay.
What does it mean to keep something low-profile?
To keep something low-profile means to avoid drawing attention to it.
What’s a reprimand?
A reprimand is a warning given to someone. For example, “After being repeatedly late to work, Tom received a reprimand from his supervisor, advising him to be punctual in the future.”
Who’s a supervisor?
A supervisor is a person who oversees and manages the work of others, providing guidance to ensure tasks are completed effectively.
What does it mean to over-assert?
To over-assert means to emphasise something too strongly, often to the point of being forceful or excessive in communication.
What’s in its track?
In its tracks is an idiomatic expression that means to stop something abruptly. For example, “The loud sound of the alarm made him stop in his tracks, frozen with surprise.”
What does to give in mean?
To give in means to surrender.
What does to defuse mean?
To defuse means to calm down or alleviate a potentially explosive situation, often by reducing hostility.
What does it mean to alleviate?
To alleviate means to make a difficult situation less severe.
What does hostility refer to?
Hostility refers to unfriendly or aggressive behaviour or feelings towards others.
What’s dishonourable surrender?
Dishonourable surrender is giving up in a way that goes against accepted principles, often resulting in a loss of respect or reputation.
What does to postpone mean?
To postpone means to delay an event or plan to a later time or date.
How’s I’ll tell you what used?
I’ll tell you what is used to introduce a suggestion, opinion or decision in a conversation.
What’s arbitration?
Arbitration is the process of settling a disagreement through the intervention of a neutral person or authority.
What does it mean to await?
To await means to patiently expect or wait for something to happen.
What’s a murmur?
A murmur is a soft sound, like a quiet and continuous humming or whispering.
What does it mean to startle?
To startle means to surprise or frighten someone suddenly.
What does over-lengthy mean?
Over-lengthy means excessively extended beyond a reasonable duration.
What does it mean to be cheeky?
To be cheeky means to be playfully impudent or boldly disrespectful in a light-hearted manner.
What does it mean to be impudent?
To be impudent means to be disrespectful by not showing proper manners or being overly bold.
What’s an uproar?
An uproar is a loud and chaotic situation or commotion, usually caused by a lot of people expressing strong emotions.
What’s a commotion?
A commotion is a noisy disturbance, often involving a lot of people moving and making loud sounds.
What does it mean to be mistaken?
To be mistaken means to be incorrect about something.
How’s in all used?
In all is used to emphasise the entirety of something. For example, “She gave her best effort in all her tasks.”