Unit 15: Teaching content Flashcards
What’s content and language integrated learning (CLIL)?
Content and language integrated learning is an educational approach where students learn a subject in a foreign language, promoting both content knowledge and language acquisition simultaneously.
What does it mean to be bland?
To be bland means to lack strong or interesting flavours or characteristics.
What’s etymology?
Etymology is the study of the origins and historical development of words.
What’s an inquiry?
An inquiry is a request for information to learn more about a specific topic or solve a problem. An example could be asking a librarian for information about a particular book or topic.
What’s an ELT publisher?
An ELT publisher is a company that creates and produces educational materials, such as textbooks and resources, for English Language Teaching.
What’s intercultural competence?
Intercultural competence is the ability to communicate effectively and understand people from different cultures.
What does ethnocentric mean?
Ethnocentric means to judge other cultures based on the standards and values of one’s own culture.
What’s a worldwide mosaic?
A worldwide mosaic is an interconnected picture created by the unique cultures and people from all around the globe coming together.
What’s content-based instruction (CBI)?
Content-based instruction (CBI) is a teaching approach where language learning is integrated with the study of subject matter, allowing students to acquire language skills while engaging with meaningful content.
What’s the style of a flower?
The style of a flower is a slender tube connecting the ovary to the stigma, playing a role in the reproductive process by facilitating the transfer of pollen.
What’s the stigma of a flower like?
The stigma of a flower is like a sticky platform at the top of the style, where pollen lands and begins the process of fertilisation.
What’s the stamen of a flower?
The stamen of a flower is its pollen-producing engine, consisting of a filament that holds up the anther where pollen is made.
What’s a filament?
A filament is a thin thread-like structure in biology, such as in plants or the human body.
What does the vast majority mean?
The vast majority means most of something.
What’s the European Commission?
The European Commission is the executive branch of the European Union, responsible for proposing and implementing EU policies, enforcing laws and managing the day-to-day affairs of the EU.
What’s an executive branch?
An executive branch is the part of a government responsible for carrying out and enforcing laws, headed by the head of state or government.
Who’s the head of state?
The head of state is the top leader in a country, often serving as a symbolic figurehead.
Who’s a figurehead?
A figurehead is a symbolic leader who holds a ceremonial position of authority, often without significant governing powers.
What does it mean to govern?
To govern means to rule a country, region or organisation by making decisions and overseeing the implementation of laws.
What does to function in mean?
To function in means to operate within a particular environment, carrying out tasks and activities as part of its normal operation.
What’s diversification of learning?
Diversification of learning is the approach of exploring a variety of subjects or skills to broaden one’s knowledge.
What does plurilingual refer to?
Plurilingual refers to the ability to speak and understand multiple languages.
What does chiefly mean?
Chiefly means primarily, indicating that something is the most important or significant aspect of a situation.
What’s a research finding?
A research finding is a conclusion obtained through systematic investigation and analysis of data, providing valuable insights on a specific topic.
What’s a tentative conclusion?
A tentative conclusion is a temporary idea or guess based on available evidence, subject to additional information that might change it.
What does being subject to mean?
Being subject to means to depend on something, like having outdoor plans subject to weather conditions, meaning the plans may change based on the weather.
What can a person do at the B1 level in English?
At the B1 level in English, a person can communicate and understand simple everyday conversations and topics with some effort.
What can a person do at the B2 level in English?
At the B2 level in English, a person can comfortably engage in discussions, express opinions and understand more complex language in various situations.
How’s for one thing used?
For one thing is used to introduce a specific point in support of an argument.
How’s for another used?
For another is used to introduce an additional point, often to provide further support in an argument.
What’s momentum?
Momentum is how much movement something has.
What’s orientation?
Orientation is knowing which way you’re facing or understanding the basic details about a new situation or place.
What’s a language point?
A language point is a specific aspect in a language, such as verb tenses or vocabulary, that’s taught or discussed to improve language skills.
How’s as to whether used?
As to whether is used to express uncertainty about a particular matter, often indicating a discussion of whether something’s true or applicable.
What does it mean to be applicable?
To be applicable means that something’s relevant for a particular purpose.
What does it mean to be alien?
To be alien means to be unfamiliar or foreign.
What does it mean to milk?
To milk means to gather information from a source, much like obtaining milk from a cow.
What does to dilute mean?
To dilute means to make a substance less concentrated by adding another substance, typically a liquid like water.
What’s a subtext?
A subtext is a hidden or underlying message in a conversation or text that isn’t explicitly stated.
What’s a hidden bias?
A hidden bias is a subtle preference or prejudice that someone may not be aware of, influencing their thoughts or actions.
What’s a stance?
A stance is a person’s position or attitude towards a particular topic.
What does to ingrain mean?
To ingrain means to firmly establish or deeply implant something, such as a habit, idea or skill.
What does it mean to implant?
To implant means to insert or place something, like a device or an idea, into a specific location or context.
What does to counteract mean?
To counteract means to take actions that oppose or neutralise the effects of something undesirable or harmful.