Unit 1: English teaching today: what do I need to know? Flashcards
What’s an acquisition?
An acquisition is the process of gaining something.
What’s a methodology?
A methodology is the “how” of doing something.
What’s a fluctuation?
A fluctuation is the irregular variation in something.
What does lexical relate to?
Lexical relates to words and their meanings.
What does phonological relate to?
Phonological relates to the sounds of speech.
What’s a discourse a fancy word for?
A discourse is a fancy word for a conversation.
What’s e.g.?
E.g. is an abbreviation for the Latin phrase “exempli gratia”, which means “for example”.
What does unsimplified mean?
Unsimplified means something has remained in its original form.
What does incidental mean?
Incidental means something that happens by chance.
What’s an abbreviation?
An abbreviation is a shorter form of a word or phrase, often consisting of a few letters, used to represent the complete word or phrase.
What does legible mean?
Legible means that something’s clear and easy to read.
What does foreseeable mean?
Foreseeable means something that can be anticipated because it’s likely to happen.
What’s orthographical?
Orthographical is the conventional system of spelling and writing a language.
What does a fortnight refer to?
A fortnight refers to a time period of two weeks.
What’s a cosmopolitan thing characterised by?
A cosmopolitan thing is characterised by a broad and global influence.
What’s pp.?
Pp. is an abbreviation for “pages” in the context of referencing or citing specific page numbers in a text. For example, “pp. 20-25” means “pages 20 through 25”.
What does to cite mean?
To cite means to mention a source to support the information you’re presenting.
What does with hindsight mean?
With hindsight means to look back on something and realise what you should’ve done differently or understanding it better now that it’s in the past.
What’s arithmetic?
Arithmetic is the basic branch of mathematics that deals with numbers and how their operations relate to each other.
How’s on the contrary used?
On the contrary is used to introduce an opposing idea, indicating that the following statement goes against the previous one.
What does intuitive mean?
Intuitive means understandning something without the need for conscious reasoning; like a gut feeling.
What’s explicit?
Explicit is something that’s clearly stated, leaving no room for confusion.
What’s implicit?
Implicit is something that’s understood without being directly stated.
What’s audio-lingualism?
Audio-lingualism is a language teaching method that emphasises repetitive listening and speaking exercises.
What does PPP stand for and what is it?
PPP stands for presentation, practice and production. It’s a teaching method where the teacher first presents new language concepts, then guides students through practice exercises and finally encourages them to independently produce and use the language.
Describe the Berlitz language schools.
The Berlitz language schools were named after their founder, Maximilian Berlitz, who developed institutions that offer language education which emphasises conversation-based learning.
What does it mean to learn by heart?
To learn by heart means to memorise something thoroughly, often using repetition. The phrase reflects the idea of internalising information in a way that it becomes a part of your thoughts, as if stored in your heart or core.
What does the conveying of meanings involve?
The conveying of meanings involves expressing and sharing ideas in a way that others can interpret as intended.
What’s an acronym?
An acronym is a word formed from the initial letters or parts of a longer phrase.
What’s a Language Management System (LMS)?
A Language Management System (LMS) is a software that helps organise and control various aspects of language, such as translation and terminology.
What does integrative mean?
Integrative means combining different ideas into a unified whole to enhance understanding.
What does extrinsic refer to?
Extrinsic refers to external factors that come from outside of a situation.
What does intrinsic mean?
Intrinsic means something that’s
inherently part of a situation.
What does inherently mean?
Inherently means something’s an essential or natural characteristic of a person, thing or situation.
What’s a vernacular a synonym for?
A vernacular is a synonym for a language.
What’s prevalent a synonym for?
Prevalent is a synonym for dominant.
Who’re adolescents?
Adolescents are individuals in the age range of approximately 10 to 19 years old. This period is often associated with puberty and the transitional phase between childhood and adulthood.
What does extensive mean?
Extensive means covering a large area, often involving a wide variety of something.
What does leisure-time refer to?
Leisure-time refers to the free time that individuals have outside of their obligations, which they can use for relaxation, hobbies or recreation.
What does recreation refer to?
Recreation refers to activities people engage in for enjoyment, such as sports, arts and crafts or gaming.
What does tactfully mean?
Tactfully means handling a situation with sensitivity and consideration for others’ feelings and opinions.