unit 13 Flashcards
What has Aromatic plants, incense, oils, and perfumes been used throughout history for?
masking unpleasant odours, embalming, or for religious ceremonies.
What is the licensing of aromatherapy in canada?
there is no legal requirement for a practitioner of aromatherapy to be licensed by an agency of the government but there is a professional organization for aromatherapists: the Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists
How is aromatherapy in canada different from european aromatherapy?
In Canada aromatherapy is firmly in the camp of CAM therapies. However, in parts of Europe aromatherapists often work in a conventional medical setting
Describe essential oils
The volatile, fragrant components found in some plants are their essential oils.
Oils from unrelated plant species may have some ingredients in common.
How are essential oils extracted?
extracted by distillation, by cold-pressing (expression), or by organic solvents.
How much of the plant do essential oils make?
What causes it to vary?
Essential oils amount to approximately one to two per cent of the weight of plant material.
However, the amount varies depending on geographic location, weather conditions, soil type and production, and manufacturing techniques.
describe the chemical structure of essential oils
Oils from unrelated plant species may have some ingredients in common.
These oils can be contaminated with synthetic oils, pesticides, or herbicides, and may degrade over time by exposure to oxygen, heat, moisture, or light.
Thus, essential oils should be stored in a cool place in coloured glass bottles and should be used within one year of opening the bottle.
What are aromatherapy oils?
Aromatherapy oils are mixtures of an essential oil and a carrier oil. The proportion of an essential oil in such products could be as little as four per cent.
How does the effect of essential oil depend on the route of administration?
The effect of essential oils also depends on the route of administration; this influences the proportion of the substance which reaches the systemic circulation.
What are some methods of aromatherapy?
Methods of aromatherapy involve scent inhalation alone or in combination with massage. With massage, essential oils are applied directly to the body and massaged into the skin. Otherwise, essential oils are inhaled briefly as one might use smelling salts or in a more diffuse manner as with incense or perfume. Oils may be dabbed on pulse points, dispersed by fragrance diffusers, simmered in potpourri vessels, added to boiling water to be diffused by steam, or added to baths.
Describe skin absorption of aromatherapy
The rate of absorption through the skin differs with individuals, although it is influenced by evaporation and may increase with skin damage or disease. The amount of essential oil absorbed depends on the dilution of the oil, the amount of oil applied, and the total surface area of the skin to which the oil is applied. Higher skin temperature increases both absorption and evaporation, and hydration of the skin during a bath or shower increases the absorption of oils. There is evidence that massage enhances the absorption of some essential oil constituents through pressure and warming of the skin.
Describe inhalation absorption of aromatherapy
Odorous molecules in the air diffuse into the mucus layer of the nasal cavity and bind with receptors on the dendrites (nerve endings). There are over 1000 types of receptor proteins embedded in the dendrites that can stimulate the olfactory neurons to send a message to the brain. Since some chemicals may bind to more than one receptor type, the brain may perceive more than 1000 different odours from combinations of various olfactory neutrons.
Inhaled substances also enter the lungs where the small molecules of essential oils can pass into the blood. The amount of odoriferous molecules being inhaled and reaching the blood depends on the rate of breathing.
Describe oral administration of essential oils
Taken orally, the dosage ranges between 0.5 and 2.5 ml per day; however, dosage and dilution are not standardized nor measured with any precision.
The amount of essential oil that is absorbed orally is significantly greater than inhalation or topical application.
All essential oils are fat soluble and tend to act like fat-soluble drugs in terms of distribution and metabolism. As essential oil molecules pass through the liver, they are metabolized by enzymes into molecules that are more water soluble.
What is the route of administration for all cases where severe poisoning with essential oils have taken place?
oral administration
How is the recommended amount of essential oil prescribed?
based on the philosophy of the practitioner prescribing the oil