Unit 1.2b - preparation and training methods Flashcards
Continuous training is one way of developing aerobic capacity.
Describe one typical continuous training session. (2)
- (intensity) 50-80% HRmax/ 40-65% VO2max
- (duration) 20+ minutes
- (type) running/swimming/cycling/rowing
Identify three muscular adaptations from aerobic training. (3)
- (Cardiac) cardiac hypertrophy
- (Respiratory) Increased strength of the respiratory muscles (or named example)
- (SO) Hypertrophy/ increase in size of slow oxidative/ SO/ type 1 muscle fibres
- (FOG) Increased aerobic energy production of fast oxidative glycolytic /FOG/ type IIa fibres
- (mitochondria) increase size/ number/ density of mitochondria or increased sites for oxygen
utilisation or increases aerobic energy production - (myoglobin) increased (oxy)myoglobin stores
- (fuels) increased stores of glycogen/ triglycerides
(don’t accept muscular hypertrophy or increased energy production)
State one type of strength that is important for a cross-country skier. State a different type of
strength that is important for a ski jumper. Justify your answers. (4)
cross country skier:
- Strength/muscular endurance
- Skier needs muscles to contract repeatedly over time/ need muscles to resist fatigue
- Dynamic strength
- Skier needs to contract muscles to cause movement over prolonged periods/ combination of speed and strength/ maintain power on hills
ski jumper:
- Explosive/elastic or dynamic strength
- Skier needs to perform a powerful/ high force/ high speed/ explosive at take-off/ jump (from the ramp)
- Static strength
- Skier needs to maintain body shape on ramp/ in flight/ on landing (so isometric contractions are important)
An elite marathon runner is using a multi-gym to develop their strength endurance.
Use your knowledge of strength training guidelines to complete the table with appropriate values: (3)
Resistance, Repetitions, Sets
- Resistance: 50 – 75% of 1rep max/1RM
- Repetitions: 15-30
- Sets: 3 - 6
Explain how the physiological adaptations from strength training may benefit the marathon runner. (4)
- Muscular hypertrophy/muscle mass
or increase in size of muscle fibres - Hyperplasia/increased number/splitting of muscle fibres
- Increased actin/myosin filaments/crossbridges
–> Eg: enables increased force of contraction/power during run/sprint finish - Increased recruitment of muscle fibres/coordination of motor units
–> Eg: Increased efficiency of muscular contraction for running action - Delayed stretch reflex
or delayed/decreased reciprocal inhibition or delayed threshold of Golgi tendon organs/GTOs
–> Eg: More force can be applied in the agonist for running action/stride length
–> Eg: greater stretch of the antagonist/hamstrings allows higher knee lift in run/sprint finish - Increased ATP/PC/glycogen stores in
muscle - Increased buffering capacity/tolerance to lactic acid
- Increased mitochondrial density/myoglobin content/capillary density
–> Eg: Runner can work at
higher intensity for longer/ increased speed/anaerobic work/delay fatigue/OBLA/lactate threshold - Increased enzyme/ATP-ase/creatine
kinase/PFK activity/ activation
–> Eg: Increased intensity of all energy systems during the marathon - Increased strength of ligaments/tendons
- Increased bone density/mass
–> Eg: Reduce risk of runner’s injury
Explain why good shoulder flexibility is a key fitness component for a swimmer. (1)
increased range of motion:
- Swimmer can apply force over an increased distance/time
(during the arm pull/propulsive phase)
- swimmer moves a greater distance through the water (with
each arm pull/propulsive phase)
- swimmer is more efficient/requires less strokes to travel the
same distance/achieves faster times/swims quicker
- decreased risk of injury
Evaluate isometric stretching as a method to improve flexibility. (4)
- Effective at increasing resting length of muscle/developmental stretching/increasing range of motion
- The isometric contraction overcomes/overrides the stretch reflex (so allowing a greater stretch)
- Fast method of increasing (static passive) flexibility
- Less risk of injury compared to ballistic
- Unsuitable for use in a warm up/limit to 1 session per 36hrs
- (contractility) (due to) reduction in contractility/speed of muscle contraction
- Risk of tendon/connective tissue damage Or Not advised for under 16’s
- Static flexibility gains less appropriate/specific (than dynamic flexibility gains) in some sports
- Gains are quickly lost if stretching is not done regularly
Describe a suitable method of evaluating the aerobic capacity of an unfit, overweight 50 year old. (2)
Cooper :
- run/jog/walk as far as possible in 12 minutes
- measure distance covered and compare to table/normative data
Step tests:
- step up and down on box/bench for period of time and monitor HR
- calculation/HR recovery rate compared to table
Explain how cardiovascular
adaptations as a result of an aerobic training programme can enhance aerobic capacity (10)
- (adaptations – heart)
- myocardial hypertrophy
- stronger contractions
- increased stroke volume
- increased maximal cardiac output. - (adaptations – vascular)
Increased capilliarisation:
- at both muscles/tissues and lungs
- greater surface area/greater gaseous exchange/more oxygenated blood
to muscles / quicker removal of waste products/CO2
- increased buffering capacity
- improved vascular shunt mechanism
- increased elasticity of arterial walls. - (adaptations – blood)
- increased blood (plasma) volume
- decreased viscosity of blood
- increased haemocrit/red blood cells/haemoglobin. - (explanation)
- almost all of the adaptations will increase oxygen to muscles
- speed up lactate breakdown/removal
- improve blood flow
- (improved elasticity of arterial walls means) lower blood pressure/increased ability to cope with higher blood pressures.