UNIT 12: The Digestive System Flashcards
What are the two main functions of the digestive system?
digestion and absorption
Which organs make up the digestive tract?
mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine (and layers of smooth muscle to contract)
What are these organs lined with
How many layers are in the GI tract?
What are the 4 layers?
mucosa, submucosa, muscolaris, and serosa
What is mucosa?
absorptive and secretory layer
What is the submucosa?
highly vascular layer of connective tissue
What is the muscolaris?
responsible for contractions and perstaltic movement
What is the serosa?
connective tissue continuous with the mesentery and visceral peritoneum
What are the three accessory digestive organs?
salivary glands, liver, and the pancreas
What do these accessory organs do?
they produce digestive juices that reach the digestive system through small ducts
What does the gallbladder do?
Stores the liver’s digestive juices until they are needed in the intestine.
What is digestion?
the breaking down of food substances so the body can take them up and use them to build/repair tissues, nourish cells and to provide energy
What is it called when food moves from one organ to the next?
peristalsis (looks like a wave in when travelling through the muscle)
What is the first major muscle movement in the digestive system?
swallowing (involuntary)
What is the ring-like muscle called at the junction of the stomach and esophagus?
lower esophageal sphincter (closes passage between two organs)
What happens when the sphincter relaxes?
food passes through to the stomach
How many functions does the stomach have?
What is one function?
storage of swallowed foods and liquids (muscles in upper part of the stomach relax in order to accept larger volumes of swallowed material)