Unit 11 : Digital Ethics Flashcards
What is ethics? ( 3 )
- A set of beliefs about right and wrong behavior within a society
- Moral beliefs about right and wrong
- Standards or codes of behavior expected of an individualby a group to which the individual belongs
What is computer ethics?
- Moral guidelines that govern the use of computer and information systems
What define an individual’s moral values? ( 2 )
- Virtue
- Habit that inclines people to do what is acceptable
- Vice
- Habit of unacceptable behavior
What is moral? ( 2 )
- Personal beliefs about right and wrong
- Moral acts conform to what an individual believes to be the right thing to do
What is law? ( 2 )
- System of rules, enforced by a set of institutions, that tells us what we can and cannot do
- Legal acts are acts that conform to the law
What are the concerns about the ethical use of IT ? List out some examples ( 6 )
- E-mail and Internet access monitoring at work
- Software piracy, downloading in violation of copyright laws
- Unsolicited e-mail, spoofing, spamming, phishing
- Hacker and cracker theft
- Plagiarism by students
- Malware, cookies and spyware to illegally track a user
What will happen when someone break the code of ethics?
- Termination
What does organizations have for its employees?
- Code of Ethics
What does the code of ethics documents? ( 3 )
- Mission and values of the organization
- How professionals are supposed to approach problems
- The ethical principles based on the organization’s core value
What are the ethical principles that are setted by Association for Computing Machinery? ( 6 )
- Avoid harm to others
- Be fair and take action not to discriminate
- Honor property rights
- Give proper credit for intellectual property
- Respect the privacy of others
- Honor confidentiality
What does profession requires?
- Requires specialized knowledge and intensive academic preparation
What is the characteristics of professionals? ( 3 )
- Possess advanced training and experience
- Exercise discretion and judgement in their work
- Keep abreast of developments in their field
What does a person do when they have integrity?
- Acting in accordance with personal code of principles
- Extending respect, consideration, moral values to all
List out the examples for unethical behavior ( 2 )
- Complex work environments make it difficult to apply principles and codes of ethics consistently
- Pressure to maintain revenue and profits
What are the effects for a company when they are having some unethical behavior? ( 2 )
- Risk of financial loss
- Criminal or Civil lawsuits
What does organizations must take to prevent unethical behavior?
- Solution through Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR )
- Takes responsibility for the impact of its actions on the environment, community and employee welfare
What does ethics training does?
- Educate employees how to apply code of ethics in real life to encourage ethical behavior
What are the goals for ethics training ? ( 3 )
- Encourage employees to report any misconducts
- Show employees effective ways to reporting incidents
- Reassure employees that such feedback will be acted on and that they will not be subjected to retaliation
How to deal with computer crime? ( 3 )
- Pursue prosecution of criminals at all costs
- Maintain low profile to avoid negative publicity
- Inform affected customers
What are the decisions should be taken when preventing computer crime? ( 2 )
- How much resources needed to safeguard against computer crime
- What actions should be taken when
- A software is found susceptible to hacking
- Recommended computer security safeguards increase operating costs
Which organizations aims to stop the unauthorized copying of software?
- Business Software Alliance ( BSA )
What is trade secret?
- Information that is of economic value and has effort or cost to develop with some degree of uniqueness or novelty
What is whistle-blowing?
- Effort by an employee to attract attention to a negligent, illegal, unethical, or abusive act by a company that threatens the public interest
What is conflict of interest?
- Conflict between employee’s self-interest and the interests of the client
What is fraud?
- Obtaining goods, servies, or property through deception or trickery
What is misrepresentation?
- Misstatement or incomplete statement of a material fact
What is breach of contract?
- When one party fails to meet the terms of a contact
What is bribes?
- Are made in secret, as they are neither legally nor morally acceptable
- Are often made indirectly through a third party
- Encourage an obligation for the receipient to act favorably toward the donor
What is gifts? ( 3 )
- Are made openlu and publicly, as a gesture of friendship or goodwill
- Are made directly from donor to receiptant
- Come with no expection of a future favor for the donor