Unit 10 : Digital Security Flashcards
What is digital security risk?
- An event that could cause loss of or damage to a computer or mobile device hardware, software, data, informtion or processing capability
What is computer crime?
- Any illegal act involving the use of a computer or related devices
What is cybercrime?
- Online or Internet-based illegal act
What has a higher degree of security risk than information kept in organizations
- Information transmitted over networks
What malware doesn’t replicate itself on other computers?
- Trojan Horse
What is a malware that hides within / looks like legitimate program?
- Trojan Horse
What malware copies itself repeadatedly, using up resources and possibly shutting doen computer or network?
- Worm
What malware is a potentially damaging computer program which can spread and damage files?
- Virus
What malware is delivered when we open file, run infected program or boot computer with infected disk in disk drive?
- Payload
List out the type of malware ( 7 )
- Adware
- Ransomware
- Rookit
- Spyware
- Trojan Horse
- Virus
- Worm
What is a program that displays an online advertisement in a banner, pop-up window, or pop-under window on webpages, email messages, or other internet services
- Adware
What is a malware that blocks or limits access to a computer, phone, or file until the user pays a specified amount of money
- Ransomware
What is a malware that hides in a computer or mobile device and allows someone from a remote location to take full control of the computer or device?
- Rootkit
What is a malware placed on a computer / mabile device without user’s knowledge that secretly collects information about the user and then communicates the information it collects to some outside source while the user is online?
- Spyware
List out the internet and network attacks ( 5 )
- Botnet
- Zombie PC
- Denial of Service Attack ( DOS )
- Distributed DOS Attack
- Back Door
What network attack is a group of compromised computers or mobile devices connected to a network
- Botnet
What network attack is a compromised computer or device?
- Zombie PC
What network attack is disrupts computer access to an Internet Service ?
- Denial of Service Attack ( DOS )
What network attack is a larger scale or a DOS?
- Denial DOS Attack ( DDOS Attack )
What network attack is a program or set of instructions in a program that allow users to bypass security controls?
- Back Door
What association assists with DDOS attacks?
- Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center ( CERT/CC )
What does hacker uses to send an influx of confusing date messages to execute attack on other systems?
- Unsuspection computer, called zombies
How does virus spread? ( 3 )
- Unscrumpulous programmers create a virus program. They hide the virus in a Word document and attach the Word document to an e-mail message
- They use the Internet to send the e-mail message to thousands of users around the world
- User open the attachment and their computers become infected with the virus
What is a macro virus?
- Malicious code writen in word programs
How to prevent macro virus? ( 2 )
- Set macro security level in applications that allow you to write macros
- At medium security level warning displays that a document contains a macro
What is macros?
- Instructions saved in an application, such as word processing or spreadsheet program
What is antivirus software originally developed to ?
- Detect and remove computer viruses
What does antivirus also protects against?
- Worms
- Trojan Horses
What is virus signature?
- Specific pattern of virus code
- The binary pattern of the machine code of a particlar virus
What does Virus Signature also called as
- Virus Definition
What is the usage of virus signature?
- Antivirus programs look for virus signatures to identfy the presence of a virus
How does Antivirus finds and remove malware ? ( 5 )
- Uses information to detect if virus has tampered any files
- Records information about the files such as file size and creation
- Attempts to remove any detected virus
- Quarantines infected files that it cannot remove
- Keeps files in separate area of hard disk
List out the preventive measures for preventing malware ( 8 )
- Never start a computer with a removable media ( USB , Flash Drive )
- Set the macro security in programs so you can enable or disable macros
- Install an antivirus program on all of your computers
- Never open e-mail attachment unless it is from a trusted source
- If the antivirus program flags an e-mail attachment as infected, delete the attachment immediately
- Check all downloaded programs for viruses, worms, or Trojan horses
- Installing a personal firewall
- Scan all removable media
What leads to system failure? ( 6 )
- Prolonged malfunction of computer
- Noise - Unwanted electrical signal
- Undervoltage - drop in electrical supply
- Overvoltage / Power Surge
- Loss of hardware, software or data
What causes system failure? ( 3 )
- Aging hardware
- Natural disasters
- Electrical Power Disturbances
What serves a protector that provides power during power loss?
- Uninterruptible Power Supply ( UPS )
- Protects computer and Equipment from electrical power disturbances
What is digital signature?
- Encrypted code that a software attaches to an electronic message to verify the identity of the message sender
What is a secure site?
- Website that uses encryption to secure data
What is a digital certificate?
- A notice that guarantees a user or websites that is legitimate
What authorized company issues and verifies digital certificates?
- Certificate Authority ( CA )
- Verisign
- User apply for digital certificate from CA
What does digital certificate stores?
- User’s Name
- Issuing CA’s Name / Signature
- Serial Number of Certificate
- It was encrypted
What does Secure Socket Layer ( SSL ) does?
- Is a security protocol that encrypt all data that passes between client
What is the web address indicate secure connections such as SSL?
- Https
What does Secure Socket Layer ( SSL ) requires?
- Digital Cert
- Prevents illegal tampering of data
What does backup do?
- Process for duplicate file, program or disk
What is the difference between Full Backup and Selective Backup?
1.Full Backup
- Backup all files in the computer
2. Selective Backup
- Select which files to back up
What can backup prevents?
- In case of system failures or corrupted files, restore files by copying ro original location
List out the all the disaster recovery plan
- Disaster Recovery Plan
- Emergency Plan
- Backup Plan
- Recovery Plan
- Test Plan
What plan is a written plan for restoring computer operations in the event of a disaster?
- Disaster Recovery Plan
What is the steps to be taken immediately after disaster
- Emergency Plan
What determine that how backup files and equipment would be used to resume information processing?
- Backup Plan
What is the actions to be taken to restore fill information processing operations?
- Revovery Plan
What simulates various levels of disasters and records the ability to recover?
- Test Plan